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the first time in history I can say that new Call of Duty looks really good and actually looks original.


Graphically, the game looks good, will I play it? No.

The Xbox One is the next water cooler? It better serve the finest water I will ever drink.

Posted (edited)

Well, I called the whole BC thing. I also called the XBLA games not working on the new console.

Wish i wasn't right in these cases though :/

For those who would like a technical explanation: BC is generally done by including previous generation's CPU and/or GPU.


Genesis uses the SMS's CPU as a sound processor.

PS2 used PS1's CPU as an I/O processor

GBA uses the GB's CPU as a sound processor

DS uses the GBA's CPU as a sound processor (Plus its CPU in the same family, with built in BC)

DSi uses basically an overclocked DS's processor

Wii uses uses basically an overclocked GCN processor

3DS uses a processor in the same family as the DS with backwards compatibility built in

Wii U uses a really enhanced version of the same processor in the GCN/Wii, just faster and multi core but with the same compatibility

All of these consoles/handhelds GPU have also been designed with backwards compatibility.

PS3: Complete architecture change (EE to Cell CPU). Sony initially just included both the EE (CPU) and the GS (GPU) solely for BC but this was very costly for Sony to do. They eventually removed the EE in some models (using some emu but hitting compatibility) but they still included the GS (GPU). Even including the GS was seen as a burden to cost so all new models have both chips completely removed and cant run PS2 games.

360: Complete architecture change (x86 to PPC CPU). They didn't want to spend money including hardware for BC (an Intel and nVidia chip would of been really expensive), so MS instead had to write emulators to run Xbox games on the 360. This was a very slow process, with only a small list at first. It grew but never was 100%, and there are many issues with some of the ones that made it.

PS4: Complete architecture change (Cell to x86 CPU): They would have to include the Cell and/or the RSX. Emu: Probably not even possible. BC: Not happening

XBO: Complete architecture change (PPC to x86 CPU): They would have to include the Xeon and/or the Xenos. Emu: Probably not even possible. BC: Not happening

Both Sony/MS have probably realized at this point instead of spending time/money on making the system backwards compatible, they can just port games and then recharge you for the same games in "HD" .. or not any different! Horray!

That being said, I expect the next next generation to be using x86 CPUs, therefor BC will return eventually and probably stick around forever

As far as this conference: Okay the PS4 had some stuff that was "not for me", and I understand that, but there was still some interesting things shown of and importantly: Some games.

Xbox One Conference: Literally most of the conference was them watching TV on the Xbox One. I may be an odd man out, but I do not even have a TV service in my house, so all those features would be useless to me. However, I guess if I didn't just want to play videogames, it would be pretty cool? Seems an odd angle to sell a game console. But maybe that is the issue? It isn't a game console its more of a set top box. I guess market safety in case they destroy the console market in the process? Dunno, I'd love to give every console a positive spin, but its really hard to find any positives for gaming here, especially when the only games they showed off were racing and CoD (again not for me). Maybe E3 they will show off something?

Edited by Crowbar Man
The Xbox One is the next water cooler? It better serve the finest water I will ever drink.

The water cooler at my work is covered in dust, smudged and scratched from years of abuse and only gets cleaned/refilled when it's been sitting empty long enough.

I guess MS has really awesome water coolers that are clean and constantly filled with fresh water.

I wish I had a water cooler like that. :cry:

Posted (edited)
Kotaku: If I’m playing a single player game, do I have to be online at least once per hour or something like that? Or can I go weeks and weeks?

Harrison: I believe it’s 24 hours.

Kotaku: I’d have to connect online once every day.

Harrison: Correct.

Wow. Obviously not a problem for everyone but this is exactly why Adam Orth was fired after that twitter exchange recently. Those who live in areas without a stable connection may not get on well with this setup.

Edited by ocre

I've been a console gamer since I opened my Sega Genesis that one christmas morning when I was in elementary school but I don't think i've ever cared less for a next gen console announcement.

A piece of me just died saying that I think, but the only reason I see to get a console nowadays is just to keep playing fighting games. Fighting games that I gotta buy a new stick now to play. That's another 150-200 bucks on top of the system and game cost. Doesn't quite seem worth it to spend that much just to get called a scrub on my weekends whenever I win a match. Which I do. :) alot.


I'll keep an eye on it but unless something makes the xbox one and the PS4 better than a PC i doubt i'll end up getting one.

Screw it, i'll probably get one just to get one. Console gaming for eva!!!!

The PS4 is being hit hard because they are failing to do this as well, at least in meaning of owning a physical copy of a PS3 game. Instead, you have to go and by all the games online now for the PS4. Inconvenient.

Yeah, I fucking hate the fact that I could just download whatever game I wanted from my bedroom without having to go outside, start my car, drive down to the store, hope the game isn't sold out, buy a copy, drive back home, install it on my ps4, and then play it. Fucking inconvenient indeed

Yeah, I fucking hate the fact that I could just download whatever game I wanted from my bedroom without having to go outside, start my car, drive down to the store, hope the game isn't sold out, buy a copy, drive back home, install it on my ps4, and then play it. Fucking inconvenient indeed

As the only person to apparently buy and love a PSPGo, I agree.

Yeah, I fucking hate the fact that I could just download whatever game I wanted from my bedroom without having to go outside, start my car, drive down to the store, hope the game isn't sold out, buy a copy, drive back home, install it on my ps4, and then play it. Fucking inconvenient indeed

I know this might seem like a completely alien idea but I believe the issue is that some people - stay with me here, brace yourself - don't have consistent internet connections


I... don't see why you would need a consistent internet connection for this. You can resume downloads, etc.

Regardless, I agree that for these types of reasons, physical copies are nice, but the big issue I was trying to point out was that G-Mixer said that downloading a game is inconvenient compared to the much more actual inconvenient labor of going out to buy a game

Posted (edited)

From the info I've gathered so far:

How Games on Xbox One Work: (And probably PS4)

You buy an Xbox One game. It comes with a one time activation code. You use this code in your XBL account, giving you permission to install this game. You then can use the disc to install the game (and maybe redownload it online if your disc breaks?). The disc is then basically never used again.

Playing a game at a friends house:

You CAN bring the disc over to a friends house to play, however you must sign into XBL in order for it to install/play, and once you sign out the game cannot be played. I assume you can probably only sign into one XBO at a time. If your friend wants the game, he can buy a license for it off XBL.

Selling the game:

MS is claiming they will have a system for you to trade/sell this license. More details coming soon, but it is interesting they are giving this option as it makes the bite a little less severe

Internet Connection Requirement:

You do not need "always online" connection, just at least once every 24 hours. It still sucks it requires it all though. Losing internet connectivity does not stop activities on the unit until 24 hours pass. Then you will be required to sign back into Live.

Edited by Crowbar Man
People like having a device that can do multiple things. The concept of a box that does nothing but play games is increasingly outdated.

I am an anachronistic unperson.

I know this might seem like a completely alien idea but I believe the issue is that some people - stay with me here, brace yourself - don't have consistent internet connections

Your sassy comments are batting about .200 this year.

You don't need a super reliable connection to simply download games. You're thinking of cloud gaming or online gaming or streaming porn, or something.

Posted (edited)

Well, depends is it stable enough to connect once in 24 hours? If not, then yeah, this unit won't work (also yikes! Sorry to hear that)

I don't like the concept of an internet requirement at ALL. But at least a 24 hour time span (if true) isn't too too bad.

Edited by Crowbar Man

Ohh so you mean like unreliable drunk stepfather unreliable and I'm more like, that friend who always backed out of plans at the last second unreliable.

Connections can pretty be bad, but I can only really agree on one ground: games without the limitations of a physical format can be as big as they want. So a AAA game could 50GB and that would blow.

But I live in the country and eight years ago our connection was 20 kb/s download (actual download not advertised downstream) and now we have 3 MB/s so obviously good connections are becoming more available.

I am an anachronistic unperson.

Keep in mind we're a very unusual subset of the overall populace here :-) How many people on OCR are huge sports games fans? Probably not many, but if you looked at the whole population the percentage would be very different.

Re: the internet connection thing, I honestly think it is not very onerous to connect once per 24 hours for some kinda validation or whatever. I doubt they are going to make you download massive files every 24 hours but just authenticate or something. Steam does the same thing. The vast majority of American households have broadband, something like 94%. And even those 6% who don't have it probably do have access to an internet connection at least good enough to authenticate once per 24 hours.

Frankly I'm more concerned that they will continue the stupid BS with Xbox Gold, for example not allowing Netflix streaming without paying an Xbox monthly fee. If they do that, I have 0 interest in the One, and will probably just get a PS4.


I actually really really like football games but I haven't played a really awesome one since the NES.. I think I played a Madden on the 360 but I rented it... I wouldn't be against getting one. I probably won't though, because I probably won't get a Xbox One or a PS4, and the sports games are not coming to the Wii U.

Posted (edited)
Frankly I'm more concerned that they will continue the stupid BS with Xbox Gold, for example not allowing Netflix streaming without paying an Xbox monthly fee. If they do that, I have 0 interest in the One, and will probably just get a PS4.

Yeah that IS a good question. Charge for online gaming, whatever, but charging to use services you are already paying for is ridiculous.

Though, I wouldn't assume the PS4 services are without charge just yet, Sony has been tight lipped. It would be dumb of them as that was one of the main selling points of PS3, but Sony doesn't always do smart things.

Edited by Crowbar Man
Frankly I'm more concerned that they will continue the stupid BS with Xbox Gold, for example not allowing Netflix streaming without paying an Xbox monthly fee.

rumor has it that the system itself has a monthly fee, not just for an online subscription

just a rumor, but still, ueguhgh

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