Kenogu Labz Posted December 23, 2014 Posted December 23, 2014 [...] a franchise that has had 2 failed MMO's and only one solid game since its 9th endeavor. Wait wait, what? XI and XIV: A Realm Reborn have both been wild successes, if I'm not mistaken. Only XIV flopped, and for good reason, and even that was fully redeemed by an absolutely superb team and localization. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted December 23, 2014 Author Posted December 23, 2014 So many strong opinions, so little patience and time to argue with them... I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain how wrong some of those statements were! If you ever played Kingdom Hearts, you know a game can have a substantial story and playtime despite being an action game! Quote
Garrett Williamson Posted December 23, 2014 Posted December 23, 2014 oh look another game that I genuinely try caring about but I just don't. something turns me off when every game in the series is just another Roman numeral. it's like I can't keep up or something. I get lost in all of these letters, man. maybe I haven't played FF enough, I donno. I should go do that. Quote
AngelCityOutlaw Posted December 23, 2014 Posted December 23, 2014 They should just call this "Anime Cliches: The Road Trip" Still looks pretty cool. I'm all for the idea of action-rpg as long as it's not like XIII where you just give your team mates a vague idea of what to do while mashing the x button repeatedly. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted December 23, 2014 Posted December 23, 2014 holy shit, the pretentiousness of this statement is making me laugh so hard. No lie, seriously. A better name for "Hyperion" would be "Hyperbole" in this case... Tone down the rhetoric, dude. We're talking about video games here, not who's going to be the next POTUS. Sheesh. That being said, even though it's thankfully not the case, it would be disappointing if FFXV(or any current/future non-first party game ever for that matter) would be stuck on one platform. Unless console manufacturers are dealing out serious money hats/development resources, I don't really see how devs/publishers can recoup costs/make a profit without spreading the game on as many platforms as possible in the current climate, though. Yes, that was my subtle way of saying I want that "FFXV on the PC" announcement yesterday. Also on a side note, saying that FFXI and XIV are "failed MMOs" is even more laughable than what Prophetik quoted. FFXI pretty much gave the company a very sizable and stable income during some of their rough patches, and while FFXIV had a TERRIBLE start(spoken as a FF fanbot here), it's shown a massive level of quality ever since its redux and is going strong with over 2 million active subs. I should really update the thread with 2.5 and 3.0 info at some point... And back to my own private media blackout! I will resist the urge to click on FFXV links! Quote
RiverSound Posted December 23, 2014 Posted December 23, 2014 And thus, with all notions of turn-based combat seemingly being discarded, pretty much everything that I originally loved about the series has finally been removed And why, o why with the anime hairdos? The main cast looks like a Japanese boyband. Quote
HoboKa Posted December 23, 2014 Posted December 23, 2014 And thus, with all notions of turn-based combat seemingly being discarded, pretty much everything that I originally loved about the series has finally been removed And why, o why with the anime hairdos? The main cast looks like a Japanese boyband. Pretty much how I felt Quote
Mirby Posted December 23, 2014 Posted December 23, 2014 you know it's not like they'll never go back to turn-based. ff12 featured seamless transitions from exploration to battle amex back but 13 brought back random encounters. hell they had the atb system from ff4 to ff9 but ff10's ctb system was basically the same as the first 3 with a few enhancements. the series is always evolving. just because this is more action-oriented doesn't mean we won't have another game with an atb-like system next. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted December 23, 2014 Posted December 23, 2014 I actually would like to play as a Japanese boyband, but im not sure i will have a system this runs on. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted December 24, 2014 Author Posted December 24, 2014 I would like to play as BABYMETAL. Maybe in the next game. . . Quote
Garrett Williamson Posted December 24, 2014 Posted December 24, 2014 I would like to play as BABYMETAL. Maybe in the next game. . . atatata taata taatatata zukkyun watatata taata taatatata dokkyun Quote
Brandon Strader Posted December 24, 2014 Author Posted December 24, 2014 atatata taata taatatata zukkyunwatatata taata taatatata dokkyun GIVE ME. CHOCOBO On a related note, here's an info dump for FF15, about to read it -- thought I'd post it here before I forgote: Quote
The Legendary Zoltan Posted December 24, 2014 Posted December 24, 2014 I read it. It all sounds great to me. Especially staying at hotels and shopping. Hopefully the fishing will be good. My hopes are soaring so high for the quality of this game. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted February 6, 2015 Author Posted February 6, 2015 Seeing as how FF15: Episode Ducky is out in 1 month it's not a surprise that there's a new Trailer! I also did a FFXV REMIX! Quote
zykO Posted February 6, 2015 Posted February 6, 2015 Seeing as how FF15: Episode Ducky is out in 1 month it's not a surprise that there's a new Trailer! I also did a FFXV REMIX! strader, you're nuts. your prolificness is ridiculousness. anyway, nice track Quote
Brandon Strader Posted February 6, 2015 Author Posted February 6, 2015 strader, you're nuts. your prolificness is ridiculousness. anyway, nice track Thanks zyko I made it for DoD like right after I wrecked my car and it hurt like a bitch to get it done, haha. I guess I really am nuts. My back was so sore and stiff I couldn't stand up straight or sit down comfortably. But that's the sacrifice we make for our art, right? I hope you guys like it anyways And I'm super excited for the demo, but I'm bummed type-0 isn't up for digital pre-order on PSN. I cancelled my physical pre-order in the middle of last year. Quote
The Legendary Zoltan Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Did you cancel because of money? I went ahead and found someone on Amazon that would actually ship to Japan. I paid $70 total. It's like one of 3 times in my life that I have ever pre-ordered a game. I mostly did it because I want to be able to play Duscae. Your track is sweet yo. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted February 7, 2015 Author Posted February 7, 2015 (edited) I canceled because swapping discs is a pain in the ass and I haven't taken Destiny out for over 6 months... Wish I had got it digital. Love that game. Makes me load slower with disc. EDIT: But the demo only comes with the day 1 edition so if they don't put it up digital I'm gonna have to order it again and pay extra to get it from Amazon... GRRRRRRRR Edited February 9, 2015 by Brandon Strader Quote
Brandon Strader Posted February 21, 2015 Author Posted February 21, 2015 It's a double post but I contacted support about when the game will be available digitally on PSN and was told March 20th, and we know it comes out on the 17th, so it's unlikely that the digital version will be the Day 1 edition with the FF15 demo in it.. so looks like I'll have to order the physical copy again... Just a heads up to people thinkin the same thing.... Quote
Thin Crust Posted February 27, 2015 Posted February 27, 2015 They posted some of the mobs in the latest video. This shows me that this game will be taking me 3 times longer than it normally would because I will be stopping so often to take in the sights. I think I should buy a bigger TV before I get this game. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted March 19, 2015 Author Posted March 19, 2015 Has anyone played the demo yet? Here's me killing the Behemoth with the Ramuh summon: I dunno how it 1-shotted me 2 minutes in, maybe it was scripted that way to make me summon Ramuh, since that's how you are supposed to kill the Behemoth, but whatever.. I had full health too... warp striked from a safe area and just got 1-shotted.. Quote
Calpis Posted March 19, 2015 Posted March 19, 2015 I've been playing it. This game is really awesome. I just hope they get the performance issues cleaned up. The only other thing that bothers me is the slightly glitchy battle initiation. Sometimes in the middle of fighting one enemy will go outside the battle boundaries or something and it ends the battle prematurely even though there are still like 5 other enemies around me. I love how huge the world is. Even though this is supposedly a pared-down version of this area, I still find myself exploring and getting lost in the scenery. Brandon: I don't think that's a scripted event, but I do think they tweaked the Behemoth's stats to almost force you to use Ramuh to kill it. I'm actually grinding right now to see if it's possible to kill it without the summon. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted March 19, 2015 Author Posted March 19, 2015 Dude, that's a good idea. I wanted to try to kill it without the summon but meh. I'll grind a bit, I wanna hit level 100 or whatever the cap is with all my dudes. I have a feeling it's gonna be super easy to hit the cap in this game if it's that low especially with the dudes already being at level 25 now. Too bad you can't learn new techniques in the demo. :/ Quote
The Legendary Zoltan Posted March 21, 2015 Posted March 21, 2015 Here are my thoughts on the demo. I love exploring the world and finding monsters to fight, signs that become quests, and the occasional item. What I feel is a missed opportunity that I hope they take advantage of in the full game is that you can't open doors and enter buildings. I was not disappointed when entering the mini mart, though. That looked great. I want challenge and this game delivers it in a very unusual way. The enemies take a lot of hits to bring down and are roaming in pretty large groups. Especially the gremlin looking dudes in the cave. This makes the battles take some time and makes them feel epic. However, you can use a potion even after you've reached 0 HP and instantly be back at full health, so it's really hard to die. So, it is challenging to get through battles efficiently perhaps, but not challenging to live through them. Which means that you can get into battles that are beyond your level and if you slog through it for ten minutes, you'll eventually win. But the rewards for doing that are far less than if you would have fought two battles that take a minute each. I fought an insane amount of gremlins in that cave and got overwhelmed. Two people eventually died permanently, but with the wealth of potions and the one Phoenix Down that I had, I somehow managed to get through it and my reward was 1,000 or so experience. On a much easier fight outside, I killed two animals in twenty seconds and received the same amount of experience because of the experience bonus from being quick and not taking damage. I would prefer that they go ahead and bar my progress with a game over by just letting people die at 0 HP instead of letting me take 10 minutes to get the same reward I could have gotten in twenty seconds. I like the five swords. I like the seemingly endless combo. I wish I could warp onto anything at any time instead of just certain points, but I like the warping otherwise. The enemies flashing before big attacks seems pointless since the flashing attacks are so slow that you have plenty of time to react to them. I like the camping but I wish I could stand up and walk around the campfire and talk to my bros. It would be nice to be able to choose the dish Prompto makes. (Was it Prompto that does the cooking?) I don't think you can use the ability to take cover to actually surprise your enemies or do any stealth moves, and attacking seems like a much better way of regaining MP than hiding behind a rock. Taking cover seems completely pointless in this demo. The scripted stealth segments were pretty fun and looked really cool, although perhaps too easy. I never once felt like I was in danger of getting caught. Overall, I really like the game. The characters, graphics, music, and battles all appeal to me. It's hardly a Final Fantasy game and doesn't really even feel like a JRPG. I think it will be a great game for most, an amazing game for people who started Final Fantasy from FFXIII, and utter nonsense to most long time fans. But that's just what I think. We still don't know how good the story is going to be, after all. Quote
Thin Crust Posted March 21, 2015 Posted March 21, 2015 One thing that I am worried about is the combat. Is holding down 1 button and switching different stances any different from the paradigm shift in FF13? Oh, and Gametrailers said that the playable demo area was larger than any game made.........or maybe I heard that wrong. If you could compare it to the world map size in another game? Preferably FF14 because I know that world way too intimately. Quote
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