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Posted (edited)
*fart noise*

There's a joke in here somewhere. I'm not gonna look for it. Hopefully it's not on me.


Why can't people talk about how awful my track was with the out of sync wobble thingy :(


~A depressed masochist

Don't worry, being out of sync was only part of what was wrong with those wobbles.

There, feel better?

But seriously thanks for stepping up and taking that week when esperado and i couldn't. Mixing two weeks in a row should be worth bonus point consideration.

Edited by Garpocalypse
I really hope you is bringing the vox this round WF. I will be excite. XD

Not this round, I won't have time. I don't even have the entire song structure written yet. And I won't have much time Saturday since I'll be floating down a river drinking beers for most of the day.

Next time though, I'm definitely doing a vocal mix!

Posted (edited)

not to beat a dead, not-clipping horse, but this might blow your minds: my track didn't have any bitcrushing in it

so yeah, now the mystery and intrigue of that one split second of my mix is back to an all-time high

finally getting around to downloading the mixes this round and I can't wait to hear them!! again, best of luck to everyone

edit: oh, oh, we cannot talk about clipping without bring up THIS FUCKIN GUY

Edited by Benjamin Briggs
Posted (edited)
Seriously though, I'm honestly bewildered by your choice to have that wobble. What was the reasoning there?

Lol don't try to understand me.

A) I'm a noob and make dumb decisions.

2) I experiment and am fascinated with interesting sounds. It sounds like gelatin wobbling around or like mario swimming underwater with the automation.

D) I just felt like putting the letter to the left of this sentence.

Actually, there was a real bass but I replaced it later due to everyone's dismay. *sad face*. No worries though I had fun writing and will probably keep working on it. Anything else stand out as well or should I just start over again?

Edit: Pssssst Ben..... clicky? ->

Edited by shadow24
Posted (edited)
not to beat a dead, not-clipping horse, but this might blow your minds: my track didn't have any bitcrushing in it

Yes, there is. You might not have used a plugin called Bitcrusher Magnum 4000X S.E. Diamond-Deluxe edition, but there's still very clearly bitcrushing in your track. Remember that bitcrushing is just waveform value reduction. If you used lo-fi drums/sounds you've used bitcrushing as an element in your track regardless whether or not you did the processing yourself.

Thanks Jason, this is actually what I was getting at. My words are never chosen well. ;)

I figured that's probably what were you were really saying, but couldn't be sure 'til you responded. I'm glad we were on the same page after all.

Next time though, I'm definitely doing a vocal mix!

Yes please.

Edited by Jason Covenant
I'm a noob and make dumb decisions.

I can totally relate to this. Someone may ask' date=' "what's up with [i']this?" and I wouldn't have a clear cut answer, other than the one above. I think with practice and experience you'll start to have more and more distinct purposes for the sounds you put in your mix.

But the title of your track was "Eye of the Storm," no? I only listened a little whilst I was at work, but, the wobble kind of sounds like, an impending whirlwind coming to tear through a town, much like that of a storm. Just watch out for dem falling sharks.

not to beat a dead, not-clipping horse, but this might blow your minds: my track didn't have any bitcrushing in it

so yeah, now the mystery and intrigue of that one split second of my mix is back to an all-time high

it's quite simple really

your track just is suffering from The Briggs Effect.

Tell me, is that a plugin for this:

Yes, the good people at We Only Make a Bitcrushing Plugin Inc. have informed me that it is compatible with all major DAW's, including market-share leader Killer Studio Chops. They would also like me to mention that ever since Bitcrusher Magnum 4000X S.E. Diamond-Deluxe edition came out, it has received scores of accolades. Here are a few:

"I used to waste time writing soundtracks, now I just put some 808 drumloops and clips from Beethoven tracks into Bitcrusher Magnum 4000X S.E. Diamond-Deluxe edition and collect my checks."

--- Hans Zimmer

"After using the Bitcrusher Magnum 4000X S.E. Diamond-Deluxe edition I realized just how futile mixing, and life in general, is without it."

--- BT

"I use it on all my newest work, whether that be an opera, a symphony, whatever."

--- Mozart

When asked about the Mozart blurb, the CEO of We Only Make a Bitcrushing Plugin Inc. simply responded, "Oh yeah!? Well if he were dead do you think he could've written that blurb for us?"

I can totally relate to this. Someone may ask, "what's up with this?" and I wouldn't have a clear cut answer, other than the one above. I think with practice and experience you'll start to have more and more distinct purposes for the sounds you put in your mix.

But the title of your track was "Eye of the Storm," no? I only listened a little whilst I was at work, but, the wobble kind of sounds like, an impending whirlwind coming to tear through a town, much like that of a storm. Just watch out for dem falling sharks.

Thanks :) I was in a rocky mood too since eye of the tiger was mixed in

Music for Round 5, however, is still due on Sunday at 6PM EDT.

Man it's too bad you won't be announcing it before 7am on Sunday (the next round themes I mean). Since I have to go next. And I'll be at the river terminal all day until 11pm. Would have liked to at least, familiarize myself with the new themes. If you wouldn't mind secretly sending a mate the themes for next round, I'd appreciate it, and I wouldn't tell anyone you did it and it could be our little secret, and you can deny that you would ever do such a thing publicly (or say :whatevaa:) to throw people off the trail. I probably won't be able to start on it on Sunday anyway but being able to listen to the bonus sources would be good.

Posted (edited)

Since a couple people asked for a source breakdown, I've made a list of when each source appears in the mix, and a link to a youtube video with the part of the source used. I don't cover everything here, just first appearances. The rest should be easy to figure out.

Mars: The Mars theme seemed to be Michael Jackson inspired, so I thought I'd take the next step by using the bass/strings and making them even more like Billie Jean.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryFo6TtpVEM

In the mix: 0:00

Mercury: I used this and the next two sources to make that mechanical ep melody.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4mCnIHYKyk&feature=player_detailpage&t=7

In the mix: 0:15


Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=gMxXnXFsshE&t=12

In the mix: 0:18


Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-Mf3o7oVQ4&feature=player_detailpage&t=15

In the mix: 0:29

Pluto: Seems I wasn't the only one that liked this melody. =)

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_d7VAxbE6Kw&feature=player_detailpage&t=6

In the mix: 0:45


Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=3MfgyQzt7Es&t=3

In the mix: 1:00

Dust Man: My theme, yay. Shame I didn't finish the transition for this. Was going to have a build instead of a fade going into it, then everything turning into chiptune. WillRock's guitar would also start as a chiptune instrument and gradually turn back into his guitar. The first things I tried didn't pan out. By the time I figured out how to make it work, it was Sunday afternoon and I hadn't even done the mixdown yet, lol.


In the mix: 2:32

Jupiter: My least favorite source. Still, seemed to sit next to Dust Man's theme just fine.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9-Kh54TUN4&feature=player_detailpage&t=34

In the mix: 2:45


Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=VlB6BA_tqYs&t=6

In the mix: 3:00


Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=EXRPaCraK0A&t=6

In the mix: 3:30

Terra: Ok, this is the last one.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rEOiQ5FFo0

In the mix: 3:37

Edited by Jason Covenant
Posted (edited)
I just figured something out today... You don't need bitcrushing to make a dubstep "YAH" bass. :o

https://app.box.com/s/53n5b94z8prn4i85gm12 - The expected way

https://app.box.com/s/y0ubu6aw4jq3c4w9sklk - The apparently more common way (and the reason why these sound so resonant so often)

I'm not sure that rendered correctly; the second "bass" came out as a high-pitched squeal for me.

It's funny you should mention this--I just learned the same thing a couple days ago, but I originally thought the wobble was caused by modulation in amplitude, not frequency, so I was even more clueless. I also don't understand what bitcrushing has to do with it at all--is it just to increase the "grittiness" of the sound?

If you hadn't guessed, I'm a total noob when it comes to synths--I'm trying now to learn enough about them to implement them effectively later in this compo. On a related note: I've found lots of tutorials for raw beginners (e.g. "This is the difference between a sine and a saw wave, this is what ASDR is") and lots for advanced users that twiddle all the dials on the synth, like pulse width and routing, and assuming we know what they all do, but nothing that covers that middle ground. Anyone have any good resources?

Edited by MindWanderer
Posted (edited)
I'm not sure that rendered correctly; the second "bass" came out as a high-pitched squeal for me.

Oddly enough, it came out pretty much exactly how I intended, minus the apparent octave (I couldn't figure out why playing lower notes didn't do anything new); it was supposed to sound like a "YAH" bass, which it did; it's probably just a bit exaggerated from what you had heard in other contexts, but the vowel-like characteristic is there. Just for perspective, here's the same "YAH" 'bass' with the resonance automated. It shifts from a very thin pulse wave to the "YAH", then back to a thin pulse wave. It's a very weird transformation that I really didn't expect. As before, I cut down the treble with a shelving EQ so your ears are protected.

It's funny you should mention this--I just learned the same thing a couple days ago, but I originally thought the wobble was caused by modulation in amplitude, not frequency, so I was even more clueless. I also don't understand what bitcrushing has to do with it at all--is it just to increase the "grittiness" of the sound?

The generic wobble is caused by modulation in cutoff, actually, but in this special case, with FM synthesis, the frequency can be modulated to create a different vowel-like sound. The bitcrushing combined with FM synthesis creates that first sound. The FM depth modulation basically visually compresses the sound. i.e. it modifies the frequency, hence "Frequency Modulation". That creates the vowel modulation aspect. The waveshaping adds a bit of distortion to the sound, and gets it a bit closer to an oscillator sync timbre, in a sense, if you play it in the right octave. Then the bitcrushing (decimation in particular) visually makes the waveform sharper (and grittier tone-wise), and makes that "YAH" sound more apparent. In fact, without the bitcrushing, it sounds like this, which is much more plain.

If you hadn't guessed, I'm a total noob when it comes to synths--I'm trying now to learn enough about them to implement them effectively later in this compo. On a related note: I've found lots of tutorials for raw beginners (e.g. "This is the difference between a sine and a saw wave, this is what ASDR is") and lots for advanced users that twiddle all the dials on the synth, like pulse width and routing, and assuming we know what they all do, but nothing that covers that middle ground. Anyone have any good resources?

Lots of synth work is mainly experimentation, from what I've tried and seen. I haven't found any videos covering "middle ground", but I've found
to be a great resource to take in and re-apply to your own synth. If I understand correctly, Howard Scarr is the one who is doing these tutorials (not Urs Heckmann)---and he does label where he's at and what he's intending to do, so that might help some more. Edited by timaeus222

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