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SZRC - The Sonic Zone Remix Competition 2014 [TheGuitahHeroe wins - complete ZIP available!]

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Posted (edited)

OK! So the SZRC 2014 has come to an end! It was a close battle, but TheGuitahHeroe edged out ladyWildfire in the finale, making him the SZRC 2014 Champion! Congratulations! My thanks to everyone who participated in the competition and helped make it a thrilling success!

Similar to the SZRC 2012, there were a handful of people who have made some 'bonus' competition tracks for us to check out! I'll have these tracks available as part of the final competition zip file later this afternoon/evening. To pique your interest though, I'm happy to share we'll have 3 additional tracks to check out:

  • A Mystic Cave remix from DjjD and ectogemia. You may recall Mystic Cave was DjjD's original chosen source before he had to prematurely drop out of the competition
  • A multi-source remix from Rexy mixing together Jungle Joyride (Sonic Unleashed) and the final 4 competition sources (Aqua Plant, Death Egg, Marble Garden, Aquatic Ruin)
  • In similar SZRC 2012 fashion, an epic 2014 SZRC compo track megamix from Sir Jordanius!

Last, but not least, I wanted to share my thoughts and gather interest in pursuing an OCRI album release for our SZRC 2014 compo tracks. As many of you may be aware, the OCR Cid album was recently released under the new OCRI catalog series, which is generally intended for smaller releases, EPs, or previously released material. This catalog series also doesn't get custom trailers, webpages, or extended OCR coverage like the typical OCRA albums get. With this in mind, I was thinking OCRI might be a perfect way to highlight some of our awesome compo tracks and allow them to get some additional exposure, all with little additional work. I was thinking it would be something like "The Best of the SZRC 2014" - where I would handpick the tracks that are of the best quality and might work best within the compilation. Additionally, artists that wanted to make some minor tweaks and/or clean-up some things in their tracks would be able to and I would include these revised compo tracks in the album release. I'm thinking I'd give people about a month to make edits if they want. What I DON'T want to happen is for this to become a long and drawn out process. We have roughly 60 tracks from the compo, so (arbitrarily) I'm thinking around 30 would be an appropriate number for the "Best Of" release. In most cases, I'd try to include at least one track from most participants (assuming they are close to OCR quality standards); with the farther you got in the compo getting proportionally more tracks included. Thoughts? Anyone interested in this? If so, respond here or PM me!

Edited by SuperiorX

That'd be cool with me. I was planning on fixing up at least my jazz fusion-y one to submit myself (have a thread in workshop currently) so that'd be cool to put it on the album. Maybe having a few people help out with choosing which tracks would work would be good, but I dunno I'm not entirely sure how to organize it all. Seems like a good idea in general though!


Cool! I'm glad people are thinking it's a good idea. I think for first steps, I'll probably go through the entire competition track list and pick out which songs I think will work best in a "Best Of the SZRC" style compilation: based on 1). current song quality, and 2). diversity of artist and source (e.g., not 10 Death Egg remixes). I'll then reach out to those artists to see if they are interested in being included on the compilation and want to make any edits. Alternatively people can still express their interest here too! The good thing is we already have a large amount of high quality tracks from the compo - so I'm really hoping there will be minimal work required for this. Considering the compo had nearly 60 tracks, trimming that down to around 25 - 30 seems very reasonable, also considering we had some people that made it far into the compo with 3 - 5 high quality tracks each.

I'm going to find out a little more info and wait for others to weigh in here too, but this seems like a good place to start. I'll probably spin this off into a Projects forum thread too if we move forward :-)

I wanted to do an OCRI release for FFCC but then I got too worried about submitting too many albums to OCR

Yeah, I think I'm going to be one-and-done after Temporal Duality. Albums just take waaaaaaaay too much time to organize properly. I think I can sneak this in though :wink:


To say something about the whole contest....I always enjoy these competitions just because they really get me thinking about how to mix up styles making so any remixes with the same source. I said the same thing about the RMRB back in 2011 and the WCRG in 2012. They've helped me become a better and more flexible remixer and musician :)

Big thanks to SuperiorX for running such a great competition, and all the competitors for making the contest what it is and being such awesome people :D

Posted (edited)

OK! So the BONUS TRACKS are now available! We actually have FOUR new tracks to check out!! The aforementioned mixes from DjjD and Rexy, and the epic SZRC 2014 megamix from Sir Jordanius. Sir J also included a revised version of his SZRC 2012 compo megamix, featuring mash-ups of the original 2012 compo tracks! Make sure you check them all out, they are each amazing! Drop some comments here in the thread and let us know what you think! :)

I've also released the COMPLETE competition in one zip file (all compo tracks plus the four bonus tracks). I've updated the tags a little and fixed some filename inconsistencies from the original release. Both links are over in the first post now as well. Get on it!

Edited by SuperiorX
Posted (edited)

Grabbing 'em now! :)

This week's SEGA Mixer Drive will be the last charge for the SZRC 2014 - the Bonus Tracks will air on the show, plus I can confirm now that the Community Spotlight will be entirely dedicated to TGH.

Way to go with the win as well, sir - you knew how to make a great impression every single week :D


Edited by Rexy
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to let you all know about the upcoming RadioSEGA special show on June 23rd (Sonic's birthday). Some of you were probably listening to Rexy's SEGA Mixer Drive a few weeks back when the idea of having a special show dedicated to the SZRC was suggested.

Well, it's happening! On June 23rd, a Monday, we'll be dedicating an episode of RadioSEGA's Top 40 Countdown to the 40 best SZRC tracks, as voted by the public. This means we'll put up a couple of polls in the coming weeks and have people vote for their favourite tracks from each edition of the SZRC. We'll end up with 20 remixes from each edition and will then have a final poll/survey to know in what order they'll be played on the show (from #40 all the way to #1).

Since you guys are who made this show possible, I'll be posting a link to each poll here one day sooner than anywhere else, so you'll have early access to vote for your favourites. :) The first poll will be up this Sunday for you guys and on Monday for the general public. For more info, check out the show blog post.

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