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Hometown Heroes: Town Themes Arranged - History


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I'm still here, and still interested, but life had been crazy for me over the last year, and I never had time to even start on my track.

Life is still hectic for me right now in a sense, but significantly less so; it's only bad when I'm at work, and I'm almost always able to get all my work done AT work and not have to give up hours at home.  So basically, I do have time to focus on this now.

That said, I'm still a low-skill musician here, at least in a production sense, so if we're aiming for OCRA now, I'm absolutely going to need help, whether that's an outright collab or just a lot of people giving me advice.

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2 hours ago, Mirby said:

Funny you say that, Chernabogue, the original post had a link to some town music from Digimon World Dawn/Dusk that would probably be fodder for a good remix. It's already structured in such a way that if you want to go a lyrical route again it wouldn't be too hard to adjust.

Never played those, I was thinking about Digimon World 1-3 ^^

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That's cool, we could do with a little smallening -- it'd be awesome to have a tight single disc experience. Around 13 tracks is probably solid for a single disc, I'd like to throw my hat into the ring at some point too. I'm pretty satisfied even moving forward with the current group of people (not all of which have reported in). Have you talked to anyone else apart from ecto? Feel free to send me a PM so we don't end up coordinating in this thread!!

It'd be awesome to get a few more town theme remixers involved here.. I figure a few more folks may drop out. Though everyone who expresses interest in staying on, even if they need help to pass the panel, we can give it our best work. 

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  • DarkeSword changed the title to [New Director Found] Hometown Heroes - An RPG Town Themes album
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This project intrigues me.  Thieves Bazaar from Lunar:SSS (which plays in the town of Reza) is one of my all-time favorite tracks and I'd love to try doing my own rendition.  I was eventually going to do it anyway, it was just a matter of finding the time to do it.

However, I've got a LOT of stuff on my plate as it is right now (probably more than I should have committed to), a move to a new post this summer, and my wife's pregnant.  If I can reliably find the time to put together a full-length WIP that shows some promise and you'd like to bring me on board, I obviously wouldn't object.



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  • 1 month later...

If I may pop in out of nowhere here, I quite like this idea. I've always really enjoyed town themes in games. That's why I was delighted to have the track Frontier Village Dali for the FFIX album.

Anyway, from the tracks currently listed, it looks like most are RPGs. Is that generally what we're going for here? I also had the idea of Professor Layton, but I'd have to think of an idea that works...

I'll keep digging to see if there's something calling out to me. :)

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This isn't dead or cancelled, it's just not going really fast, and that's OK. Albums are 100% dependent on the input of the artists, but in this case I'm not even 100% sure of what we're going to have or what direction it's going to go.

It would be great if the involved remixers continue to finish up their stuff, and I can get a better picture of where we are and what we'll have, and begin filling in blanks with new artists and my own mixes as well. For a single disc this shouldn't be too hard. 

We're not trying to hit some anniversary date as far as I know, so a little extra love and time laid aside won't hurt!

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Yeah I just want this finished as soon as possible. This method seems to result in a lack of posts which makes some remixers think the album is dead and therefore not work on their tracks.

In reality, this means WORK ON YOUR TRACKS PLEASE. I think a deadline would be helpful in this case. Ever since this was revived it's kinda been in check-in mode but I think it's time for an actual deadline to be set lol

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A large portion of the claims are lost, in terms of not getting contact with people or them being gone, or their quality not being up to OCRA. That's why it's still in the check in and recruiting phase, more importantly recruiting. There's a lot of people I've never heard of on the roster, and the handful of people I'd say are dependable to pass the panel, are people who are really busy and committed to other projects and/or real life stuff... Gonna have to wiggle, wiggle like the early worm, and hope some birds fly by. :)

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