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Personalized controls? Awesome! I really hope they can fix the save-your-settings-to-your-wiimote-thing. That could mean you could bring the settings to tournaments and friends. Awesome update!


Wow, this latest update is damn tasty... So not only will we have 4 types of control... but we'll also be able to personalize the button layouts on each as well??

... damn. Sakurai is really pulling out the stops. You would think another control update would come later, too. It is cool how he blurred the character select screen, though. The fact that they have it could say that they have already finalized the character list...


--Jack Kieser

This time' date=' enter it like you would on your cell phone![/b']

Lamest caption ever.

Not particularly impressed with the update all together. But you can't have winners every day of the week I guess.

Hopefully they do provide the option of saving settings to your wii-mote though. That would be nice.


yeah names are cool. i like them for stats all that.

but look deeper... that's a part of the select character screen. so that lets us know they are using pictures again when you select your character like melee, unlike N64 which i liked better. oh well.

i like this update cause it shows how they are concentrating on the small details. which will produce a very polished game.


ya, I was real intrigued by the ability to use all of the Wii compatable controlers. Sounds good to know that you can have your settings saved to your name, so you dont have to set it up each time you play.


I don't get it. Save your controls, woohoo.

I don't know. I'm not satisfied with this update, cool that you can modify your buttons, but... still that's a feature we had in games back in the SNES days... although I think it's nicer to see how the interface looks... And it looks like we're still stuck with names that are only four letters long still...

Seriously... they showed us how you input letters.... this update is a stretch.... hehe. ^_~ Meh, interface is good to see though.

I guess its okay, we got a couple sweet updates in a row, so I guess this was to be expected. No worries.

Hopefully they do provide the option of saving settings to your wii-mote though. That would be nice.

i would assume that would be useless since everyones gonna use a gamecube controller anyway

so that lets us know they are using pictures again when you select your character like melee, unlike N64 which i liked better. oh well.

Hmm? I'm not following. It hasn't been THAT long since I played the N64 version. I thought you also selected pictures...

i would assume that would be useless since everyones gonna use a gamecube controller anyway

Well, people that didnt owe a Gamecube, wont have a GameCube Controller unless, they buy one, but why would you if you're new to the game?

Hmm? I'm not following. It hasn't been THAT long since I played the N64 version. I thought you also selected pictures...

In the N64 version the Character used to move and would look like an "in-game" version of the char. That being once you selected the char.

i would assume that would be useless since everyones gonna use a gamecube controller anyway

I'm thinking I might use the wii-mote/nunchuck.

Even though I'll be a complete noob again, my friends won't be able to disconnect my controller while I'm whooping their asses.

Also, you said you were playing melee 2-3 hours a day? Looking to be pro? Or just honing your skills for brawl?

Well, people that didnt owe a Gamecube, wont have a GameCube Controller unless, they buy one, but why would you if you're new to the game?

In the N64 version the Character used to move and would look like an "in-game" version of the char. That being once you selected the char.

because you're going to get your ass handed to you if you don't. ^_~ hehe.

i would assume that would be useless since everyones gonna use a gamecube controller anyway

Yes I agree. Everyone who is playing in tounament play will most likely be using controler. However, some gamers may like the classic Controler layout better (I think it sucks, just like the PS2 Controler)


In the N64 version the Character used to move and would look like an "in-game" version of the char. That being once you selected the char.

Ah yes, now I understand. I didn't even remember that part about the original. Good observation. No qualms with me though, since I didn't even remember that feature. lol

Yes I agree. Everyone who is playing in tounament play will most likely be using controler. However, some gamers may like the classic Controler layout better (I think it sucks, just like the PS2 Controler)

One thing though. We dont know how good (or bad) the Wiimote config will be, it might simplify the way to play the game, yet be effective

One thing though. We dont know how good (or bad) the Wiimote config will be, it might simplify the way to play the game, yet be effective

Yes it's possible, but based on the other Wii games I've played, it's very unlikely.

Yes, but based on the other Wii games I've played, I highly doubt that.

We are talking about Nintendo at its best here. I'm sure it will be a good way to play the game, if not it would not be on it.

We are talking about Nintendo at its best here. I'm sure it will be a good way to play the game, if not it would not be on it.

Oh right. I'm sure it will still be a fun way of playing the game, no doubt. I'm talking about for serious tounament play where every advantage you can get over your opponent, you take it.


You know... Unless the custom configuration with e GC controller allows me to say.... assign X as wavedash forward, and Y as wavedash backwards... It won't be in the least useful. (and I sincerely doubt THAT will be an option)

Maybe thats a different story with the other controllers, but when your starting from scratch, usually the standard is best anyway.

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