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Bu-bu-bu-but... how will you get all the jokes and strategies that will emerge when we all start playing?

CM Cune has no weak! BP Ninjask dies to 1 SR on switch. Boah! BOAH! BOOOOAAAAH! McGraw!

I think the line I was thinking about was if people asked me what I was doing--I wouldn't yell out "Just about to get a Master Pokeball to catch a level 45 smurloffachu." But rather, I'd say "Playing me some pokemon, PUNK." (or something to that extent.)

Buuuuut--I'm pretty sure I also don't want to know what you are talking about either--just for the sake of my brain's ability to function correctly.


Well, it doesn't matter. What does matter, however, is setting up trades and battles.

In fact, there are a few interesting (and highly useful) things about online battling.

1. The game will automatically adjust your teams level to 100. So you can take you team of level 20-30, and still use them against a level 100 team. All the stats will be adjusted as well, of course.

2. Since the game adjusts the level, you can go into a game, check the stats, and perform IV calculations. The higher the level, the more accurate the results are. And at 100, they're perfect.

3. Disconnecting doesn't seem to count as a loss, so you can just do it over and over again. Sort of sucks when you're kicking someone's ass, though. I don't know if it will still count as a win for you.

So, since a lot of us are going to get it, we should update the OCR DS list, and try to arrange a little tourney, trades and IV checking battles..


Okay, I'll bite. What's this IV mess you keep talking about?

I mean, I guess I know a little bit about how each PKMN's temperment affects its growth... but that's about it.

Also, thank God that Nintendo decided to do that automatic-100 thing. I can assure you I won't be playing the game enough to level anything up past 70, much less 100. (I think my record back in the RBY/GS days was 60-something..)

Okay, I'll bite. What's this IV mess you keep talking about?

The way the stat system works is each stat (HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed) are determined upon the appearance of a pokemon (be it in a wild battle, an NPC giving it to you, or being downloaded from a special game function). Each stat is given a number value ranging from 0 (the lowest) to 31 (the highest). These are called Individual Values (although sometimes you will see Diversified or Diversification Values). Having an IV of 0 gives you the lowest that the stat can be, while having 31 gives you the highest it can be. Once said pokemon appears, the system randomly determines these, and are set permanently. They do not change under any circumstance.

For example, I have an Aerodactly that has both Attack and Speed IVs of 31. That means that both of those stats are perfect. And since Aerodactly here is known for its high Attack and Speed stats, this only helps it. Throw in some Effort Values on top of those, and you have its best two stats either maxed out or greatly boosted above normal.

Pokemon is really just a giant numbers game. Having that single extra point in a stat could make a big difference in a battle. Getting the right combination of stats, nature and moves is what most people end up spending all their time on. Well, that and leveling up.

I mean, I guess I know a little bit about how each PKMN's temperment affects its growth... but that's about it.

Natures (as they are properly known) affect two stats by 10 of their maximum. Most will raise one and lower another. Modest will boost Special Attack by 10%, and lower Attack by 10%, so it makes sense on something like Alakazam, but not a Machamp.


And then there are EVs... which are more imprtant in raising pokes than natures and IVs. just as important as your movesets.

A poke EV trained well will fair better in battle than a poke with 31 IVs in all stats with no EV training.


Yeah, but if you're serious about your team, you go for all of them. Max IVs, right nature, good EV spread and even using PP Ups on certain moves.

If you want to just make up teams and try out different movesets and stats, try Netbattle. You can play against other people online (on your computer, not your GBA or DS. Netbattle is a fan-made program that accurately simulates the battle system. Not official or Nintendo sponsered in any way).


More games like Hotel Dusk need to be made and/or brought stateside (and/or to Canadia/Britania or anywhere else that it isn't but should be). As soon as I found out it was released I dropped the 30 plus bucks over at my local GameStop. The clerk was super shocked that anyone even knew about the game. If the companies involved in the game can't muster a proper ad campaign, I say we, as the loyal fans of games that don't suck, should do our part to educate the masses. Show or tell folks about Hotel Dusk. If you work at a game store, or like to lurk at one, drop hints to prospective buyers. If this game, and whatever possible greatness is yet to come, dies before it even gets a chance, it will be hard to forgive the gaming community at large. How many other games have been so great, yet suffered poor sales? Too many if you ask me. Spread the love!


OMFG JUST BEAT HOTEL DUSK!! Such an awesome game. The story is one of the best I have ever read like ever. I'm going to have to beat it again just to get the best ending.

I can't wait to see what Cing is going to make for the Wii.


Just beat Justice for All. A damn enjoyable game indeed. Guess I need to find Hotel Dusk since FFIII is still pissing me off and I don't want to get into MegaMan ZX yet.

Just beat Justice for All. A damn enjoyable game indeed. Guess I need to find Hotel Dusk since FFIII is still pissing me off and I don't want to get into MegaMan ZX yet.

What's pissing you off in FFIII?


You don't want to get into Megaman ZX yet? All right... your loss. Anyway, I think I'm close to ending it. I finally picked it back up after leaving my DS at home for a week. :( What a long week that was. I guess I'll be changing my sig after I beat it afterwhich I think a lot of people might be sad.

I mean, come on! It's Megaman and he DANCES!!

Yeah, but if you're serious about your team, you go for all of them. Max IVs, right nature, good EV spread and even using PP Ups on certain moves.

If you want to just make up teams and try out different movesets and stats, try Netbattle. You can play against other people online (on your computer, not your GBA or DS. Netbattle is a fan-made program that accurately simulates the battle system. Not official or Nintendo sponsered in any way).

Aren't they changing Sp. Attack/Attacks in the next game, so that it is not by element-type, but by certain moves?

What's pissing you off in FFIII?

The final boss. Can't save for a really long time before you fight him and he kills me. Just made me turn the game off for awhile.

And I don't want to get into MMZX yet because I haven't played MMZ 2-4. I've beaten the first one but that's it so unless the story doesn't affect this game I don't want to jump into it yet.

And I don't want to get into MMZX yet because I haven't played MMZ 2-4. I've beaten the first one but that's it so unless the story doesn't affect this game I don't want to jump into it yet.

Good news: You need about as much background from the MMZ series to play ZX as you need from the original MM series to play X1. Which means "pretty much none".

Although having played at least Zero 1 helps a bit in enjoying the references, and some characters will make a bit more sense.

Aren't they changing Sp. Attack/Attacks in the next game, so that it is not by element-type, but by certain moves?

Yes, they are. The move itself determines what stats are used and affected. Before, it was Normal, Fighting, Rock, Ground, Steel, Flying, Ghost, Poison and Bug that were Attack-based, while Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Dark, Psychic and Dragon was Special-based.

Flamethrower and Fire Punch are both Fire-type attacks, but Flamethrower is powered by Special Attack and Fire Punch is now powered by Attack. Alakazam used to do serious damage with Fire Punch, Thunder Punch and Ice Punch, but now it can't do jackshit with them. But now it gets to use Shadow Ball with its high Special Attack.

A lot of pokemon got screwed out of their most valuable attacks, and some get attacks that they don't have the stats to use them. The split really mixed things up.

But there are a few interesting twists now. If you have a pokemon with similar Attack and Special Attack, it can use one Physical and one Special attack of the same type. It you come up against a strong Physical or Special Wall, you can easily use the one that will do the most damage. But the drawback is that you will lose a moveslot for another attack, or even another type of attack. I only see a few pokemon really being able to pull this off.


Diddy Kong Racing kind of sucks...it's not bad, but there are some really stupid touch features that are tacked on. Trying to get a turbo-start is nearly impossible if you're right handed. Online looks promising though, especially since there is no snaking.


Spore. On DS. And it's Official.

Regarding both the Wii and Nintendo DS, Electronic Arts noted that the company has 15 SKUs in development for both platforms, including several original IP offerings. Confirmed titles in development for Nintendo platforms include My Sims for both the DS and Wii, Sim City, as well as official confirmation of a Nintendo DS version for Will Wright's highly anticipated Spore.

Well. Even though the sales and other popular titles like Mario Kart, Animal Crossing and Nintendogs secured the portable market for Nintendo, having not only Dragon Quest but Spore as well... wow. Is there such a thing as overkill in a console war?

Yes, they are. The move itself determines what stats are used and affected. Before, it was Normal, Fighting, Rock, Ground, Steel, Flying, Ghost, Poison and Bug that were Attack-based, while Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Dark, Psychic and Dragon was Special-based.

Flamethrower and Fire Punch are both Fire-type attacks, but Flamethrower is powered by Special Attack and Fire Punch is now powered by Attack. Alakazam used to do serious damage with Fire Punch, Thunder Punch and Ice Punch, but now it can't do jackshit with them. But now it gets to use Shadow Ball with its high Special Attack.

A lot of pokemon got screwed out of their most valuable attacks, and some get attacks that they don't have the stats to use them. The split really mixed things up.

But there are a few interesting twists now. If you have a pokemon with similar Attack and Special Attack, it can use one Physical and one Special attack of the same type. It you come up against a strong Physical or Special Wall, you can easily use the one that will do the most damage. But the drawback is that you will lose a moveslot for another attack, or even another type of attack. I only see a few pokemon really being able to pull this off.

BTW, I really like this move.

It was too easy to predict and practically useless to bother with either SP or AT with pokemon.

Now, strategy will be more prevalent than just "I'm water time to raise special!"


New post for a completely different topic.

I just ordered a DS, Yoshi's Island 2, Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2, and Bomberman Land Touch yesterday.

I anticipate their arrival with great anticipation!


Dang. It was lost in the Pokemon discussion, so I missed it.

Anyway, that's pretty good news for DS. I personally can't wait for Sim City.

Is there such a thing as overkill in a console war?

Not until the DS sells a billion units...

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