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Got Yoshi's Island and Phoenix Wright: Justice for All this weekend, fun stuff (though it did take me a little bit to get into Phoenix Wright). Also ordered Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales since it was sold out at local stores...shipped today, should be here by Friday. Also, since Pokemon was in the same order as Super Paper Mario, I realized today I accidentally got it sent to my parents house. On the bright side, at least I didn't send it to my old dorm or something. On the down side, I prob won't be able to play Pokemon till the first weekend of May.

Oh, question about Phoenix Wright. Which was more fun: the first or JFA? At some point, after I finish some of my backlogged games, I'll be looking in to getting the first one.


Yeah. I'm extremely torn because of the Pokemon D/P's online capability and just my love for the older Pokemon. Anyone want to help me decide between Fire Red or the newer versions?

(On another note, if I were proposing to a girl, I'd give her Diamond on its release day. That would be extremely corny and nerdy... yeah, that's me.)


I doubt there are any fans of the manga/anime here, but they've announced a Nana game for the DS that should be out in Japan in June. Seems like some kind of simulation game. Hopefully it's not as crap as the PSP Nana game.

We will have to start up a Pokémon D/P trading and battling thread once it comes out.

Is that OCR DS friend code page still up and running?


hopefully it gets more attention once them games are out

and also most of our coordination will be in our irc channel

irc.enterthegame.com #clanocr

right now its pretty dead but hopefully people will waddle in there when they get their pokeymans

I'd like to pick the penguin... he has a buttload of resistances and near no weaknesses...

but I'm probably going with the plant-type that looks like a dinosaur.

Yes! I'm not the only one. But, seeing as the trading capability will be much easier, I'm gonna start with the turtle, and hopefully end with all of them.


I was just watching some of the new Pokemon D/P videos over at http://www.gametrailers.com , and you really see some of the dumbest comments.

"This could be on the GBA easily".

"For god sake, why are they still using midi files?"

"graphics suck!!!!! omg, they could have done way better w/ the DS"

"graphics are #$@! (yes i expected more)"

"this game looks like it did on the gba"

"It looks almost exactly same as the GBA battling wise."

I guess there always has to be some form of hater.


Oh come on. Most people probably ARE gonna get them all eventually, but which one are you gonna train first?

I usually go with fire, but I'm not so sure this time... The water starter actually seems cool and the fire starter looks ugly and is the same types as the last starter. The grass starter also learns earthquake eventually too. I can't decide.

I'm gonna get diamond and Turtwig.png ALL THE WAY BABY!!!

That looks cool. I usually start with fire or water (charmander and squirtle) And i chose the fire one in gold. Maybe a grass type this time. Though you usually do end up with all 3 fully evolved at least i did. But i used to cheat and use that GB trade trick where you yanked the link cable out at the right moment when trading and you both get the PKMN. Gave alot of people mews that way.

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