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I never noticed this before, but Miyamoto has awful hair.

For some reason he looks like he'd be a pilot.


God I could post these all day.

Guys there's a Mega Man ZX trailer at gamespot...


I have NEVER once seen a female Megaman.

Watch Captain N: The Gamemaster then.

You say that like it's a bad thing...

Though, from what I've heard, it probably is... Mouser X out.

It is. Considering they had an ugly GREEN midget Megaman to begin with(With a visor too for some fucked up reason), and their form of a female Megaman was pink with blonde hair.

Also, there's no need to sign your posts. That's what your signature's for.

Guys there's a Mega Man ZX trailer at gamespot...


I have NEVER once seen a female Megaman.

Watch Captain N: The Gamemaster then.

You say that like it's a bad thing...

Though, from what I've heard, it probably is... Mouser X out.

It is. Considering they had an ugly GREEN midget Megaman to begin with(With a visor too for some fucked up reason), and their form of a female Megaman was pink with blonde hair.

Also, there's no need to sign your posts. That's what your signature's for.



What the hell? This topic, on this board, has fallen to the second page? Not on my watch!

I have noticed something sort of odd with the games I have purchased for the DS as of lae. Maybe even since I got it.

I find myself playing a game until I get a new one, and then I don't touch the previous one again for weeks. It's like I instantly become bored with whatever I palyed before.

It went like this:

Kirby's Cursed Canvas. Played it a lot.

Bought Advance Wars. Played it a lot as well. Didn't play KCC for a long time.

Bought Mario Kart. Played it a lot. Didn't touch AW:DS for about two months or so.

Bought Electroplankton at around the same time, sort of fun to fool around with, but really, I haven't done much with it.

Bought Tetris. Played it a lot. Again, didn't play Mario Kart much after that.

Bought New Super Mario Bros. The pattern forms itself.

Am I the only one that this has happened to? I mean, I don't recall going through games like that in my entire life.


Heh, I still haven't opened my electroplankton for some reason.

How is the new Mario Bros., guys? I've only seen screenshots because I wanna see what happens when I don't spoil myself with gameplay videos on a game for once :P

How is the new Mario Bros., guys? I've only seen screenshots because I wanna see what happens when I don't spoil myself with gameplay videos on a game for once :P

I actually just beat it about five minutes ago. :)

It's definitley worth a buy, even though it's not really an amazing game. It took me only about 2-2.5 hours to beat on a straght playthrough, and that's the downside. It's not very challenging. But going for the 100% completion will be the meat of the game for me, considering I skipped two whole worlds. Also, the graphics and music are excellent.


@ The Damned:

You know what now that I think about it I have gone through the same thing. It went like Super Mario 64 DS -> Yoshi Touch & Go -> Kirby Canvas Curse -> Meteos -> Mario Kart DS & Animal Crossing DS(played them at the same time) -> Metroid Prime Hunters and now New Super Mario Bros. The only game I didn't do it with is Sonic Rush, but I don't like that game all that much.

It's weird to think about, but it happens. I doesn't happen with anything else either, not even GBA. Whats up with the DS?

@ Bigfoot:

It's awesome. Easy, but still awesome.

How is the new Mario Bros., guys? I've only seen screenshots because I wanna see what happens when I don't spoil myself with gameplay videos on a game for once :P

I actually just beat it about five minutes ago. :)

It's definitley worth a buy, even though it's not really an amazing game. It took me only about 2-2.5 hours to beat on a straght playthrough, and that's the downside. It's not very challenging. But going for the 100% completion will be the meat of the game for me, considering I skipped two whole worlds. Also, the graphics and music are excellent.

I find it a little hard, mostly because one, I'm not really a platform playing kind of guy, and two, I find some of the game mechanics sort of unfair. Like those giant, flopping mushrooms you can ride on in world 3. I hate those. Everytime I try to stay on one, I end up falling off of it.

Which is odd, because in my youth, I could totally do the old Mega Man games in only a few lives.

Man, I must be getting old.

Crabsmasher, same here. I played every GBA game I had to the fullest, and went back and played them a lot, even after I had new games.

Maybe it's just some sort of burn-out in the making. People get tired of their interests from time to time.


I guess I really don't go back to any of my old DS games other than Daigassou Band Bros, but I never really replayed games. The only game I have replayed lately was Tales of Symphonia. I only have like 3 GBA games too. I just recently beat Fire Emblem:Sacred Stones, and I doubt I'll replay the game.... I just got the GC one.


I've lost interest in some of my DS games, but I still go back and play a lot of them. I still play Mario Kart a lot, I've played through Canvas Curse a couple times, Warioware occasionally, I'm playing through Mario and Luigi: PiT again, and Ossu, Tatake, Ouendan! gets better every time I play it. The only games I've really gotten into though since the DS's launch are Super Mario 64 DS and Mario Kart. Both of which I've put 80+ hours into.

Ossu, Tatake, Ouendan! is coming to the US as the "Elite Beat" agents(part of title?). I think I'll buy it. :)

I might buy it, I might it not. Depends if it has good songs or not.

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