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my favorite DS games are

New Super Mario Brothers

Metriod- WiFi is what makes this game even better.

Lost Magic- this is probably the best (and least known about) game I have, it has WiFi, and a relatively good storyline. THe WiFi can the a tad laggy, but it usually goes away as the match progresses.

FFIII- This game is amazing, im only about 7 hours in, but it is really good.

DKR- This was a un game, I got it for the Wifi, but getting TT was a little frusterating.

Adcance wars dual strike- this game was really really good. I did not finish it because I lost it, but I played 95% of the game, and it was really good.


Fans of the Point Blank series should check out Point Blank DS. It's pretty much exactly like the PS1/arcade games except you use the stylus obviously. Works really well though! It's a great pick up and play game.

I played it for a little while since my friend also got a flash cart for his DS as well. But I didn't really find Point Blank to be as challenging as the arcade version. The games are similar in nature, but somehow the transition from gun to stylus doesn't feel right. I just think that Point Blank is best in the arcade. I haven't played the multiplayer, but I hope they kept in the "Shoot red." Shoot blue." "Shoot everything!"

Just got it so I'll be playing it this afternoon!

My R4 card is jam packed with tons of awesome DS games. Love it! Fans of the Point Blank series should check out Point Blank DS. It's pretty much exactly like the PS1/arcade games except you use the stylus obviously. Works really well though! It's a great pick up and play game.

Anyway, I was wondering if there is any homebrew software for the DS you guys would recommend. Not really interested in games since I have more than enough of those (although if there is a homebrew game that really stands out, please do mention it!), but are there any apps or utilities that make good use of the touch screen? Maybe like a cool drawing program or something I'm not thinking of? Thanks.

DS Homebrew is quite nice. Here are some nice examples:

Moonshell: Plays music (mp3, nsf, etc...) and movies (any format, includes a converter program)

DSFTP: Run your DS as an FTP server - Read and write to your flash card over wifi

DSLinux: Run simple Linux command-line apps

QuakeDS: Quake 1 on DS with multiplayer wifi to other DSs and computers running Quake.

There are also emulators and other apps, even some homemade games.

Today is Elite Beat Agents for $20 on Amazon.com! Pick it up if you haven't yet.


I'm glad i already own it. Damn you Bahamut, you're on fire lately with these deals.

I got my Children of Mana yesterday, hadn't played it yet though. I started playing Izuna though. Izuna isn't bad it just plays very different than you might expect. The dungeons are randomly generated and your first time through them you're going to die, because you can only level up in dungeons. Also when you die you lose all items and money that are on you (bank FTW). So you basically end up doing the same dungeon several times until you level up enough to complete it. I never bring any items into the dungeons so far (maybe i'm doing it wrong) but it seems to be working for me. The graphics aren't that bad, looks like a GBA game. There's some voice work (in japanese) that's a nice touch.


Went to help a friend move some stuff today, and on the way back we stopped at Bestbuy. Much to our suprise, there was a buy one/get one deal (that actually ended up being a 1/2 off sale, when it came to ringing it up) on certain games which they stocked all together in the middle of the main aisle. Got Baten Kaitos Origins and Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin. I know I'm a little late to the party as far as Castlevania for the DS goes, but I'm really enjoying it. Also got my friend to purchase Rocket Slime and PoR too, in addition to getting Rocket Slime for another friend whose had some interest in it. Fun time. Suprised I never saw any adds or whatnot for the sale, which is cool cuz otherwise there wouldn't have been any good games by the time I got there.

DS Homebrew is quite nice. Here are some nice examples:

Moonshell: Plays music (mp3, nsf, etc...) and movies (any format, includes a converter program)

DSFTP: Run your DS as an FTP server - Read and write to your flash card over wifi

DSLinux: Run simple Linux command-line apps

QuakeDS: Quake 1 on DS with multiplayer wifi to other DSs and computers running Quake.

There are also emulators and other apps, even some homemade games.

Hmm, all of those things are done better on the PSP. I was looking for something that actually used the stylus...


Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are only 6 weeks away. Exactly six weeks. And each day is an exercise in distraction and patience.

Why would they release it on a Sunday, anyway? An attempt to trick people into not going to church? I guess it's better than having it come out on Monday. Work would slow down, costing who knows how many hundreds of millions of dollars... maybe even billions. The economy would suffer.

Don't believe me? Pokémon is the second biggest selling series in history, doubling sales of even the entire Final Fantasy series. That's worldwide, by the way, not just in Japan. And the average age of Pokémon players is 21 years. Think about it.

I haven't even decided on which start to choose, yet...

So a new Wario platform game, Wario: Master of Disguise was released LAST WEEK? Boy that one came out under the radar.

Yeah. I think it's been a while since a Wario platformer has been out. Most of this games have been the quirky mini-game type. I remember playing a Wario platformer. It was pretty fun. But I don't know how this one is going to be. I really don't think they had to make use of the stylus though. To change disguises or suits, you have to draw some pattern or design on Wario. Instead, shouldn't you just be able to select it from a menu when you press 'start'?

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