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Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog - History


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I'll be getting my 2nd WiP for Final Fight Zone up sometime soon. To cover SA2, I've got something in the works for a Crazy Gadget/Final Rush/For True Story (2nd Sonic vs. Shadow boss fight) combo I may have mentioned a while ago, if you want to mark me down for that.

Marked your claim down! And now we're really close to the end of the recruitment period! We need only Title Theme from STH1 (or any other title themes) and Ending Theme from STH3 (or any other ending themes) to be claimed :)

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Oh dang, Flying Battery's out?? Part of me wants to take that but as you probably have realized I've been kinda busy and haven't gotten anything done. I'm open to taking it if no one else will because with my style I know how I can take advantage of that track. But again, I'll only take it if no one else will (but why would you not??).

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