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I don't remember meeting any OCR people. And if I did and don't remember then I'm sorry. :(

Wait, I remember meeting with Taucer, and maybe Wes in the hall.

Either way, magfest was great, I rocked hard, danced hard, drunk'd hard, shat hard.

Spent an entire night partying hardcore with Yuu Miyake and Yoshihito Yano, those motherfuckers can DRINK. No joke. Probably the best single night of magfest I've ever had. We all had to be kicked out at like 5:30am cuz some people had to sleep.

With magfest getting as big as it's getting, I think it's time that thshizz and OCR need to join forced and start partying together. Now that we've gotten old and have calmed down a lot I think we're more capable of being around non-shizz people. Next mag, let's do it right.


I saw you Snappleman, like 5 times geez. ;) (Do I count as OCR? Or am I just a weenie)

I was sort of busy with the soundboard for the twitch stream which I am really happy with how it sounded. Very very pleased.

However, I didn't get a lot of time to chill with folks as I would have liked, I can never seem to find enough time even though I was only working concerts for a few hours probably. Friday was a ridiculous day though. Part of my problem was that my hotel was pushed to another hotel which, while not far away, was a bit of a drag because it was a bit of a pain in the ass to go refill my flask or just... lay down for 20 minutes.

Overall, I had fun, hopefully next year I can balance chillin' out with all the jamming I wanna do and the concert stream soundboard (looks like we have another person on the stream-team for that purpose so it doesn't have to be 36 hours of concerts divided between two people)



Hey guys, it was great to finally get to see you again, after so long! Mad props to you guys for how warm you were given the length of time since last we hung out. OCR=super nice people. The OCU concert was great, and getting into a random theological debate at 1:30 in the morning was pretty terrific. I hope to see you guys next year, if not sooner!

Oh yeah, btw, thank you, bitches. ;)


I'm finally home from MAG after having flights cancelled and/or delayed. Major thanks to Stevo and Val for hosting a bunch of us for a few days, your kindness will not be forgotten.

I didn't meet as many people as I wanted to while I was there, but the people I did meet were nothing short of awesome. OCR really does have a great community of people and there aren't many things that can rejuvenate me more than spending time with all of you.

My highlights of the weekend were (in no particular order):

- Randomly running into Stevo in an elevator after searching for the mysterious room 6082.

- Reuniting with the Shumkats from M4.

- Late night IRL PP&R discussions with Taucer, RelyAnce and DJP.

- Bomberman.

- Bomberman.

- Bomberman.

- Meeting new people that I've heard of but never met.

- Nando's.

- The panels. (They were cool, but without much that I didn't already know from previous years)

There's probably more, and I'm not going to name drop everyone, but thanks to all who went and helped make M13 what it was.

Everyone always says this after they see me for the first time. I have no idea why.

It's because you name, avatar, and job all lead to the image of:


But at first sight I kinda just wanted to hang out with you and talk about what flavor of Doritos is best or whatever.

Posted (edited)

So I don't really know who runs MAGfest, but one thing that could've been done better for many of the panels I saw was how they take questions. The Team Four Star panel did it the best: they had a designated volunteer who took a mic with her and walked around the room, choosing who gets to ask a question. It was fair, efficient, and most importantly, got the mic around so every person's question could be heard throughout the entire room. I couldn't hear the questions at all in some of the panels, so it was tough figuring out what the panelists were responding to. Alternatively, panelists could repeat the questions so the audience hears.

It's a little thing, but it tends to be the little things that make a convention or conference go from decent to professional.

Edited by Ab56 v2 aka Ash
So I don't really know who runs MAGfest, but one thing that could've been done better for many of the panels I saw was how they take questions. The Team Four Star panel did it the best: they had a designated volunteer who took a mic with her and walked around the room, choosing who gets to ask a question. It was fair, efficient, and most importantly, got the mic around so every person's question could be heard throughout the entire room. I couldn't hear the questions at all in some of the panels, so it was tough figuring out what the panelists were responding to. Alternatively, panelists could repeat the questions so the audience hears.

It's a little thing, but it tends to be the little things that make a convention or conference go from decent to professional.

You were at MAGFest this year? You missed a chance to hang out with everyone :( .

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