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BadAss: Boss Themes: Volume I - History


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ah geez, I just remembered that Big Bad Baby Bowser from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island would have made one hell of a remix.

I could totally picture that with dual wailing guitars, rapid slap bass, a cool hammond organ, and high speed drums. Maybe it's a good idea for volume 2 :lol:

I'll definetly second that. That would be an awesome ReMix.

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I think having Chaos from Final Fantasy 1 at the end of the next project would be pretty cool, so the rest of the tracks were building up (or Crescendo-ing) to Chaos.

Also, I think a remix of the final boss theme from Jet Set Radio would be pretty cool. I can't remember the name of the boss, but the name of the song was 'Grace and Glory'. It was pretty cool.

EDIT - Oh, and Pi, could you make me a mod please? I really wan't to hear Pu_Freak's new version of 'Rise Of The Shadow'.

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EDIT - Oh, and Pi, could you make me a mod please? I really want to hear Pu_Freak's new version of 'Rise Of The Shadow'.

You'll have to register at the Private Forum first. Can't wait for some feedback for version 3.

EDIT: Pi, I also added more of Balrog's theme in my song. I don't now if you want to update that at the track list.

EDIT 2: Tallest, are you still interested at helping me out with the drums? The snare still doesn't sound that great and it's your territory.

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EDIT 2: Tallest, are you still interested at helping me out with the drums? The snare still doesn't sound that great and it's your territory.

Damn Right Its my territory! So, you wan't a sort of marching beat, am I right? I think a floor tom or perhaps Timpani is more suitable for the particular mood of the song than a snare... Hmm... If you wan't me to record a live loop, your going to have to wait a while - I don't have access to recording hardware at home (or even a drumkit for that matter), but my school might let me record it... and if they don't I know a couple of people with 'bedroom recording studios' (and drumkits).

Although, only the school has access to timpani. And I don't even know If I have permission to use them. But I'll see what I can do.

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Sorry for the absence; I've been busy in real life. I'm doing some reprogramming on the K. Rool WIP while taking your comments into consideration. Hopefully a new version will be up soon. I've also been thinking about doing a Parasite Eve mix, and have some plans laid out for that. Unfortunately, I don't have constant internet access yet, but I'll try to keep up and listen/comment the other WIPs as much as I can.

So yeah. Standard "I'm still alive" post.

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Sorry for the absence; I've been busy in real life. I'm doing some reprogramming on the K. Rool WIP while taking your comments into consideration. Hopefully a new version will be up soon. I've also been thinking about doing a Parasite Eve mix, and have some plans laid out for that. Unfortunately, I don't have constant internet access yet, but I'll try to keep up and listen/comment the other WIPs as much as I can.

So yeah. Standard "I'm still alive" post.

Well, at least your excuse for being absent from this project is better than my excuse for being absent in real life.

''Why haven't you handed in your essays yet?''

''Oh, Ive been busy doing this remix for this profect on OCR.... Its called Crescendo to chaos, its a remix projects of loads of boss themes from videogames, I'm doing Andross, you know... from Starwfox? No? Oh...''

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As far as I can tell, everyone now has access. And what the hell is a "profect"? And Starwfox sounds like something my baby cousin would stay.

Still, a standard "I'm still alive post" Would be much appreciated from some members. Half of these people working on this thing, I haven't heard from since they signed on...

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ah geez, I just remembered that Big Bad Baby Bowser from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island would have made one hell of a remix.

I could totally picture that with dual wailing guitars, rapid slap bass, a cool hammond organ, and high speed drums. Maybe it's a good idea for volume 2 :lol:

You never know, if leep's still hanging around, bring it up. Theres about 3 weeks till thanksgiving, so that is plenty of time to tweak it.

andyjane, I was think'n... your work is good, despite the shortness. But the real point I want to bring up are track names.

Originally, I was thinking Latin for every track. Then, I was thinking a word related to some mental situation might work.

Although Bowser would still be cool as Lacertae Pertinax (Stubborn Lizard). Sumthin' like that. See, he's stubborn 'cause he keeps kidnapping Peach to no avail. Get it? Aww... :(

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EDIT 2: Tallest, are you still interested at helping me out with the drums? The snare still doesn't sound that great and it's your territory.

Damn Right Its my territory! So, you wan't a sort of marching beat, am I right? I think a floor tom or perhaps Timpani is more suitable for the particular mood of the song than a snare... Hmm... If you wan't me to record a live loop, your going to have to wait a while - I don't have access to recording hardware at home (or even a drumkit for that matter), but my school might let me record it... and if they don't I know a couple of people with 'bedroom recording studios' (and drumkits).

Although, only the school has access to timpani. And I don't even know If I have permission to use them. But I'll see what I can do.

Thanks man. Besides, I have the time. First WIP date isn't even due and the mix is almost done. It's the drums from 1:10 - 2:08 that I want to replace with your drumming.

EDIT: Hmmm... I guess "Rise of the Shadow" isn't going to make it as a name then?

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Oh I just had an idea! maybe I should call my track something along the lines of 'Mama's Boy', in response to this thread, or do you guys thinks thats kinda lame? :roll:

I don't know what Pi is going to do with the titles of the mix's, but I think that calling your crazy prog mix 'Mamma's Boy' would be pretty funny... not lame at all.

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ed]YES. A must. I saw that, and couldn't stop laughing. It would go something like this:

[Musical Style] (of/for) (a/the) Mama's Boy.

In Latin, of course, it'll sound much cooler.

hm, that would make something along the lines of

" Requiem pro pueri matris" although my latin is a bit rusty after three years so I'm not completely sure :roll:

Sounds pretty cool though :lol:

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