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See you all in three days. Don't do anything drastic without me.

I don't think you need to worry, most of us are still to weak to wage war.

But with our combined power we are unstoppable. Mwhahaha! okay, maybe not. but I have like 40 something troops, my friend has like 100 something. so between the four of us thats about 200 troops.


hehe, we should find some new weak country and all just go invade it. What exactly do you get from war? Are their any benefits other than completely devestating someone's nation?

We don't want to do anything too soon. There are a lot of people out there who are a lot stronger and in alliances a lot bigger than the OCA.
You're just afraid of my 30 soldiers(two of which I deployed doing God knows what). :lol:

hehe, we should find some new weak country and all just go invade it. What exactly do you get from war? Are their any benefits other than completely devestating someone's nation?

You get land and stuff.

Just be careful you don't attack someone in an alliance, heh.


Oh yeah!??! I have 1,200 soldiers! So take that! Nuclear war is fun. In the Great War, I sent out 4 nuclear missiles and got hit by 2. Joyous world!

EDIT: By the way...will the OCA be exclusive to OCR members? (I'm writing a sample charter to compare to supremespleen's when he gets back)


I just signed up..

Leader: MaxFrost

Country: Trelindari

Cap. City: Yotenka

Resources: Cattle, Wood (i'm on the freaking ocean too ><)

I'll give this a shot, looks intresting

I'm assuming it will be. Although that would limit the size...

EDIT: Time for my week long hiatus farewell.

Farewell! We shall be less from your absence! Be not long with gracing our meaningless existence with your shining...text!


By the way...even though peace mode is nice and all...it really jacks up your economy later on. And don't get into any wars at this stage. It just sucks and stunts your growth since you can't steal anything but land. And land is pretty much just there to look pretty.


yeah, i'm just in peace mode to start out with...I've been doing lots of reading, and don't plan on getting in a bunch of wars yet...

as for the land deal...I had to buy a bunch off the bat >< stupid starting population of 180ish

on the plus side, I was able to start out with a little more money then normal though. (yay for taxes ^_^)

now to work on getting my happyness lvl up

UPDATE: whoa...I took of peace mode and my happyness shot up 10 points, and my GOP shot up 20 bucks...mmm

methinks I'll stick with this

I'm back.

I'll do the stuff for OCA later, I'm freaking tired.

It will be exclusive to OCR members, though people can certainly sign up here to join.

Back so soon? I though you were going to be on vacation for two or three days?

I'm back.

I'll do the stuff for OCA later, I'm freaking tired.

It will be exclusive to OCR members, though people can certainly sign up here to join.

Back so soon? I though you were going to be on vacation for two or three days?

time warp
I'm back.

I'll do the stuff for OCA later, I'm freaking tired.

It will be exclusive to OCR members, though people can certainly sign up here to join.

Back so soon? I though you were going to be on vacation for two or three days?

time warp

Or, as I believe we used to called it over at NationStates, "fluid time."



Whoa, this thread grew since I last came in. I guess that means people are getting as absorbed in it as I an, eh?

Edit: Also, of interesting note is that when I went to select a location for my country, I put it in what I thought was the Faroe Islands but turned out to be the Shetland Islands. I feel like a moron. :)

Edit 2:

Lets go make Myspace accounts.


Woah. Sorry for double posting, but does this offer mean that EACH link will get the nation $10,000, 10 miles etc. Because if so, I could over $50,000 within a week.

Read the Link Offer Conditions. Also, you can't just start up a myspace or blog, it must already be well-established with regular traffic. Other than that, it's an excellent deal for new nations like us.

I might go the donation route, however.

Define "regular traffic" - If I have, say, an LJ with 15 or so mutual friends, would that qualify or would I have to start a thread in General about it?

Define "regular traffic" - If I have, say, an LJ with 15 or so mutual friends, would that qualify or would I have to start a thread in General about it?

The offer uses the word "popular." I'm not sure what that means, but it's definitely worth a shot.


Has anyone else started getting a lot of spam after signing up on CyberNations? My gmail account has been spammed a ton in the past few days with a lot of offers for ringtones and some "cheese cake factory" thing. :?

Has anyone else started getting a lot of spam after signing up on CyberNations? My gmail account has been spammed a ton in the past few days with a lot of offers for ringtones and some "cheese cake factory" thing. :?

I sure haven't.

Has anyone else started getting a lot of spam after signing up on CyberNations? My gmail account has been spammed a ton in the past few days with a lot of offers for ringtones and some "cheese cake factory" thing. :?

I sure haven't.

Me neither.

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