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2 hours ago, Neblix said:

No room for that symbolic shit dude

it's not like japan has had western influences in all of its RPG's since JRPG's were a thing

Man, this is for you. 



1 hour ago, Brandon Strader said:

Why are you guys fighting again? For gaia's sake

At first glance, it doesn't look like the shark in your picture is smashing a keyboard around...

58 minutes ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

At first glance, it doesn't look like the shark in your picture is smashing a keyboard around...

For some reason, I parsed it correctly in the full-size version next to the post, but the shrunken version when his was the most recent post in a forum/thread came across as decidedly NSFW to me, too.


It's because it was circled.. the square is more clear.. Hard to come by a gif that is smaller than 0.1mb

I guess we'll have to wait and see whether they name her Aeris or Aerith in the remake. Also will be interesting to see whether everyone dies like they did at the end of FF7 original, that doesn't lead to the sequels too well, but Kitase did say that all the people were destroyed which kinda gave the game a powerful ending with everyone "finding the promised land" if you know what I mean


I don't see where everyone died nor have I ever heard of Kitase saying the ending was like that. I mean yeah, the lifestream saved everyone, and there was some damage, but I fail to see how everyone died at the end of the original. Seems to me like they survived lol

I mean there's that scene with Red XIII and his kids looking at the ruins of Midgar, but that's always been 500 years later. Also while I couldn't find Kitase saying that, I did find him saying that when he was given the choice to revisit a past game, he chose VII specifically because the ending could be expanded upon and explained. Which is kinda the opposite of him saying everyone died because he specifically made it so not everyone died.


"Final Fantasy VII Remake Plans To Delve More Deeply Into Biggs, Wedge, And Jessie"

  1. We’ll get to explore around all the areas of Midgar.
  2. Square Enix would like to delve more deeply into Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie.
  3. They can’t say how many volumes the entire Final Fantasy VII Remake will be in this stage.
  4. Can’t say anything about any online features for now.
  5. The main scenario for the multi-series’ first part is already completed.
  6. As previously reported, the game is using Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 4 to create the game. They’re also getting technological assistance from the Kingdom Hearts team, and may work together for the game in the near future.
  7. Cloud’s auditory hallucination scenes are being shaped up to be more meaningful.
  8. The [voicing] cast is expected to be the same from those of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.
  9. The “ATB Gauge” that turns red is different from a Limit Break, and Square Enix plans on having a special system, one that they can’t show yet, but it will change depending on the play-style of the player.
  10. They’ve yet to decide on whether there will be a guard.

Source (who cites Famitsu):

So you'll get to explore after all.


Just some thoughts about FFVII being multi-part.

A couple of years ago, Square Enix released the MMO Final Fantasy XIV. The game tanked hard because of a myriad of technical and game design flaws. It was so bad that Square Enix pulled the game offline and reworked the entire thing. They eventually released FFXIV: A Realm Reborn, which has been a very successful game for them.

A lot of the post-mortem talks about this game focused on the staff at Square Enix learning that they needed to shift the culture surrounding Final Fantasy games at the company to something that was more in tune with the player-base. SQEX has long been known as a studio that makes beautiful looking games, and that art culture was part of the reason the original FFXIV did so poorly. One example was flower pots in the game having just as many polygons as a player characters; this kind of hyper-detailed rendering of environment objects led the developers to limiting the number of visible player characters in-game, which made the game look pretty but empty, which is not what you want in an MMO. The failure of FFXIV caused the company to reevaluate their priorities, and they're much more interested in listening to the player base. The director of Final Fantasy XIV is still apologizing to players all these years later because he realized how important it was to make a player-centric game.

A great example of this culture-shift is Final Fantasy XV's Episode Duscae "demo." The game isn't coming out for a while, but Square Enix has this sample game that they've released that players are playing and reacting to. The developers are using this as a kind of beta for the game in order to influence design decisions. They want to get an idea of what players want, need, and like so they can calibrate the experience of the final game accordingly.

I think that this culture-shift is part of the reason they're taking a multi-part approach to Final Fantasy VII. I think they're going to release the first part, look at the feedback and player reactions, and take that on board in order to improve each new entry in the series. See what things players like, see what they don't. I think that the gameplay throughout the series of releases is going to evolve based on what players say.

26 minutes ago, DarkeSword said:

I think that this culture-shift is part of the reason they're taking a multi-part approach to Final Fantasy VII. I think they're going to release the first part, look at the feedback and player reactions, and take that on board in order to improve each new entry in the series. See what things players like, see what they don't. I think that the gameplay throughout the series of releases is going to evolve based on what players say.

In other words, "we realize we're out of touch with what our core fanbase wants at this point, so we'll release a piece at a time so we can make corrections mid-stream."  Not a bad idea, considering all the flak they've taken lately about that very issue.  That's the most reasonable idea I've seen so far.  Of course, they can't really correct core mechanics and style this way--if they start off with an action-RPG, they can't realistically switch to a JRPG after one episode.

Of course, selling $90 or $100 worth of games when they'd ordinarily only be selling one $60 game is probably also a consideration--although I suppose they could still pull a Telltale and just sell it upfront while releasing it in parts.


I think there's that, but also that they seem to be making an effort to actually get this game out in a reasonable time frame. In the gameplay trailer, they already have English voice-acting and localization is usually the last thing done. Now, a lot of that might be temporary but the point still stands.

If they release it in segments, you'll at least have Episode 1 to play until 2 comes out etc. instead of waiting eons for one, giant game to be released. You know, like XV.

8 hours ago, Tricklozen said:

8. The [voicing] cast is expected to be the same from those of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.

So basically, the same voice cast they've used for everything FFVII-related that had voices since then.  Can't hate that; said cast has been pretty solid over the years.  Wonder if that will hold true for the English cash as well?  It sounded like Steve Burton again as Cloud, but I couldn't tell if that was still Beau Billingslea as Barret or not.  Definitely looking forward to a few more tidbits of Rick Gomez, though.  His stuff in Crisis Core was a joy to listen to.

15 hours ago, Mirby said:

FFXV isn't an episodic game though. Episode Duscae was more of a demo to let folks get the taste of the game and also to give feedback to the devs so they can tweak it and make it as good as possible.

Right and it's clear that it's supposed to be that. I'm saying that releasing FFVII in parts gives you the opportunity to play full segments of the game in sequence rather than waiting an eternity for the whole thing.


16 hours ago, Mirby said:

Well yeah, but he's saying that in regards to 500 years after Meteor hits. People survived the immediate incident, but over the next 500 years they began to die out.

That's a good point. I wouldn't mind hearing from him whether it's that way or the other. Someone needs to interview him and be like "So... the end of FF7, did everyone die, but then the game was a massive success which lead to sequels that weren't consistent with the ending? OR did you mean that everyone was 'destroyed' 500 years later, which makes less sense. :)" Haha!! I mean, people being destroyed.. as a result of the aftermath, within 500 years, could definitely be the thing. 

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