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At least some questions are getting answered with this trailer about what they are planning on doing with the soundtrack.  Looks like it won't be a completely original score after all.  


As much as I was worried about them FF10/FF13'ing it and making it too linear I am significantly more concerned about Cloud's apparent anorexia.  Someone get that guy a hamburger!! 


As a PSA type thing BUY THAT FF7 PS4 PORT! It comes with an amazing FF7 Remake theme... not original game theme, actual remake theme. Look it.. Plays awesome piano music too.



I actually find it incredibly refreshing that your comments weren't the same "FF should be turn-based and text-based!!!!" nonsense and had something to do with some nuance of the game's narrative instead.


Game's narrative and the small details are the best, I've fully accepted whatever type of iteration Square has in mind for this remake, whatever they do I am on board


At least some questions are getting answered with this trailer about what they are planning on doing with the soundtrack.  Looks like it won't be a completely original score after all.  


As much as I was worried about them FF10/FF13'ing it and making it too linear I am significantly more concerned about Cloud's apparent anorexia.  Someone get that guy a hamburger!! 


I read the fine print that said the music was actually from Distant Worlds! Or were you talking about something else? Also you only thought Cloud was bigger because he was 3 polygons


How mind would your blown be if it turns out he actually appears stronger as you level up? Like for real instead of how we imagined it when we were kids with crazy overactive imaginations


I am really liking Tifa's VA on this one.  Sounds better than the one for Advent Children and that one wasn't that bad anyway........ But then there's Wedge.  ugh.


No Tifa in there! Jesse!


 Also you only thought Cloud was bigger because he was 3 polygons


How mind would your blown be if it turns out he actually appears stronger as you level up? Like for real instead of how we imagined it when we were kids with crazy overactive imaginations




No you're straw manning.  i said nothing about his bigness or relative bigocity.  I was only talking about proportionality. :P


Ok that is a fallacy argument that I can't let stand. And you did indirectly mention his lack of embiggening when you said "Cloud's apparent anorexia". I am also triggered by your assertion that hamburgers make people fat. I say someone who is as drug-addled as Cloud (yes Mako can be considered a drug) is thin because of his bad health, which even thin people can have. Has nothing to do with whether he eats burgers. 


Ok that is a fallacy argument that I can't let stand. And you did indirectly mention his lack of embiggening when you said "Cloud's apparent anorexia". I am also triggered by your assertion that hamburgers make people fat. I say someone who is as drug-addled as Cloud (yes Mako can be considered a drug) is thin because of his bad health, which even thin people can have. Has nothing to do with whether he eats burgers. 


You can't say that hamburgers make people fat anymore than you can say fat people make hamburgers.  Which they do, at least 50% of the time.  but that's beside the point.  The point is, you are making a transparative colloquial statement on the social dynamics of fat people vs anorexic drug addicts and setting up a false dichotomy. or in your words.  people who get high off of snorting the souls of the dead in mountain dew-like form vs those who don't.


A little Proportionalism is all that I ask.   


So they did go with an action RPG battle system? Not that I care but I feel like we got enough of those by now. Was kind of looking forward to the good old turn-based one.

Whatever, it looks awesome. Will get it at day one!


The issue with retaining FF7's original ATB combat specifically is, if you'll excuse the term, ludonarrative dissonance. As games become more lifelike in their presentation, they are also peeling away at all the different layers of abstractions which previously helped suspend our disbelief. This goes not just for Nathan Drake's murder sprees which the term is usually associated with, but also combat mechanics, and right down to the little things like how item pickups are presented (I don't think eating a turkey found in a knocked over trash can would go well with a modern street brawler that wasn't lampshading tropes, for instance).

A classic example of this would be the problems people have with Morrowind's combat. This was a game that otherwise behaved just like a contemporary first person action game, but the combat was still deeply rooted in its classic dungeon crawler roots, and this caused significant dissonance due to the expectations set by how the rest of the game was presented.


Thank the various gods that it's not turn-based anymore.

I am of the opinion that there is still a lot more that SE could be doing with a modified ATB system instead of using the usual action rpg combat forumla.  i.e. hold forward and mash X until dead.  if you look at what tri-ace did with resonance of fate for example where the player had to consider current and future placement of the characters on the field it would make for something much more interesting while keeping fans of the original happy.  


I'm as excited as all hell for this game but i'm praying to every deity that's ever been mentioned in a remotely positive light that SE doesn't mess this one up.   


the usual action rpg combat forumla. i.e. hold forward and mash X until dead.

have you uh ever played final fantasy 7

every battle is just 'press x until you win'


have you uh ever played final fantasy 7

every battle is just 'press x until you win'

I've played the game far beyond what would be deemed the occasional nerdy obsession.  Even though i'm not 100% anymore how many times i've beaten the game exactly i'm fairly certain i just completed my 17th playthrough last week.  


And yes you are correct.  As good as the combat system seemed to be in retrospect, it was really just an illusion that came from the awesome materia system.  However.  I was really talking about how monotonous action-RPG combat is and even though everyone acknowledges it for being repetitive and dull it still seems to sell.  I really enjoyed Crisis Core but the last thing I want in a FF7 game is another 3hit-combo-until-everything-is-dead kind of game. 


The original ATB system still has a lot of untapped potential if you think about it.  Introduce player positioning and correct timing of actions and you could have something that would be more mentally engaging and still pull off the requisite amount of action/cinematics to make a game successful. Or even look at Dissidia's RPG mode.  Lots of movement with only some precise timing needed from the player for the inputs.  It wasn't perfect but something like that would work far better (IMO) than what it seems to be so far.  


If SE doesn't take enough risks with this game and introduce some new things it's probably going to have exactly the opposite effect the game had when it launched almost 20 years ago.  


I'm still gonna buy it tho.  


...mostly for the Gold Saucer. 


............and to see which version of AERIS'S name they are going to go with.  'Cuz they really screwed that up in Crisis Core :)


I don't really trust the opinions of people who claim that action games are monotonous and that's why we should instead have gameplay literally based entirely on watching people do things

like I'm sorry that people like playing video games and not just masturbating over high numbers flashing over some anime


Aww man, I thought you gentlemen weren't gonna argue about the battle system! If you want ATB couldn't you just play the original like I am doing on PS4 now? It comes with an awesome FF7 Remake Theme that plays Aeris's Theme on Piano. 

I'm all for an EXPANDING of the original ATB which is what we are talking about here.  


and btw


Aeris's theme was already on piano.  :P


There's a bajillion RPGs that expand ATB and sell like 20 copies on release day :lol: Buy one of those!


I'm doing stuff in the version released on PS4 yesterday that I never did in the game before, specifically get chosen by Don Corneo, and the date with Barret, and gonna try to kill all the various Weapons but I think I actually did do that before, I just don't remember. Certainly remember fighting them all, such as the underwater one, as well as Ruby weapon. I think there was just those 2 that roamed the world and there was another one that attacked the clinic I think or was near the clinic 


The only weapons in the game are Ruby (desert) and Emerald (underwater). Diamond Weapon is the story-based one that gets wrecked by the Sister Ray firing from Midgar and normal Weapon that is wrecked just outside Junon.

And, of course, Ultima Weapon that flies around and is ultimately defeated outside Cosmo Canyon, creating access to the Ancient Forest and the goodies within such as the Supershot ST for Vincent, Apocalypse for Cloud, and the Typhon summon materia, among others.

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