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Fox McCloud: Hero to Zero?


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I don't understand all of the negativity either.  There is a lot of hate going towards Nintendo and especially Star Fox, mostly in regards to the graphic style.  They're no Mario Kart 8 graphics, but I think they were trying to pay tribute to the first two games. 


I think this video shows more of how the gameplay actually works a little better than others:



I do hope that there is some online co-op and versus.  If they don't include that, then I will be disappointed.  Also, the lack of voice chat in games like Splatoon is a bit lame.  I hope the big N can start opening up voice chat for their games, especially for Star Fox Zero.  Still, I am excited for this game.  It looks really cool to me.




Judging from this game and other Nintendo-published games at E3, and fan reactions, it looks like the company is caught in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation.


If they make their games too much like the originals, people complain about lack of innovation.  If they make their games too different, say different graphic style or varied gameplay, people will complain about it being too different and just ask for a remake, say Starfox 64 HD.  Just an observation of mine, not intended to offend, but I had to put it out there.

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Who's being negative? I think this is going to be good, if there's ( deep breath) no online. Hear me out, imagine a galaxy with many planets, many different paths to take and secrets everywhere. I feel like the demand for online is going to spew up a boilerplate Rwing pvp, when a deep offline world is what will make SF0 great.

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Who's being negative? I think this is going to be good, if there's ( deep breath) no online. Hear me out, imagine a galaxy with many planets, many different paths to take and secrets everywhere. I feel like the demand for online is going to spew up a boilerplate Rwing pvp, when a deep offline world is what will make SF0 great.


Not you!   Just people whose posts' I've read on various sites on line.  Lots of angry fans expressing disappointment.  I myself will be disappointed if there isn't a well fleshed-out online mode.  That's my main problem with Nintendo lately.  I love them, but they keep omitting online from games that need it, like Super Mario 3D World.  It's still awesome, but it could've been so much better.  Leaving it out of StarFox Zero would drive me up the wall.  Of course I'm still going to buy it and probably play it to death.

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Not you!   Just people whose posts' I've read on various sites on line.  Lots of angry fans expressing disappointment.  I myself will be disappointed if there isn't a well fleshed-out online mode.  That's my main problem with Nintendo lately.  I love them, but they keep omitting online from games that need it, like Super Mario 3D World.  It's still awesome, but it could've been so much better.  Leaving it out of StarFox Zero would drive me up the wall.  Of course I'm still going to buy it and probably play it to death.

See this is interesting because nintendo should embrace the couch and shun the modem. I feel like Nintendo creates these amazing games and then the marketing team breaks in and yells "NO,NO,NO...look at these other games being released COD! Madden! We need an online mode, to garner more playtime!!!" and then we get online modes that are tacked on, not that they are necessarily bad, but due to the nature of the gameplay, aren't conducive to a good time. The strong competitive nature of FPS or Racing games lend well to online modes, but I feel like it not as feasible with more co-op game modes, unless the person is sharing a screen. You can do it Nintendo! Imaging Star Fox 64 on steroids, with branching paths and many more planets! 

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 I feel like Nintendo creates these amazing games and then the marketing team breaks in and yells "NO,NO,NO...look at these other games being released COD! Madden! We need an online mode, to garner more playtime!!!"


CoD and Madden are not the only modern games. There have been plenty legitimate advances in the game industry, so your argument there kinda comes off as really naive. The whole "Nintendo is a shining gem while the rest of the AAA game industry is brown mature garbage" thing got old a long time ago (like many many years ago).


The appeal of an online mode far exceeds a simple desire to be like competition. I guarantee you "We need an online mode, to garner more playtime!!!" is not the conversation that happens, nor does the marketing team have anything to do with it.


Let's go through this one by one.


then we get online modes that are tacked on, not that they are necessarily bad, but due to the nature of the gameplay, aren't conducive to a good time. 


Good times are entirely subjective, and online modes primarily work well if you have friends to play with. Notable examples include games like Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. What Nintendo game has an online mode you believe was "tacked on"?


The strong competitive nature of FPS or Racing games lend well to online modes, but I feel like it not as feasible with more co-op game modes, unless the person is sharing a screen.


This argument literally makes no sense. There is no reason that if competitive multiplayer works online, co-op shouldn't also work online. In fact, co-op DOES work online, and many, MANY action co-op oriented games have shown that to be true (such as Borderlands, Team Fortress 2, Portal 2). I'm not even going to touch on the games that are specifically designed to be online Co-Op alone.


You can do it Nintendo! Imaging Star Fox 64 on steroids, with branching paths and many more planets! 


There's also nothing saying necessarily that Nintendo working in an online mode would make the depth of the rest of the game suffer. Unless the Star Fox devs were reading this thread right now and going "never mind, we should put in an online mode!", the online mode would have been a planned feature, and as a result of planning would have been developed with ample resources for itself (and not "stealing" from the resources of the guys doing the campaign). That, or they would do it strictly after. I'm not familiar with Nintendo's game develpoment paradigms, but I have a hunch that they're competent enough to plan their features (most of the time, there are exceptions).

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CoD and Madden are not the only modern games. There have been plenty legitimate advances in the game industry, so your argument there kinda comes off as really naive. The whole "Nintendo is a shining gem while the rest of the AAA game industry is brown mature garbage" thing got old a long time ago (like many many years ago).


The appeal of an online mode far exceeds a simple desire to be like competition. I guarantee you "We need an online mode, to garner more playtime!!!" is not the conversation that happens, nor does the marketing team have anything to do with it.


Well CoD and Madden were the 2 best selling games of 2014 and as mush as I believe in the creative developers at Nintendo, I do believe there are accountants/sales team ( areas of a company that are more fiscally aware) watching other company releases saying "How do they garner such sales numbers?" 




Good times are entirely subjective, and online modes primarily work well if you have friends to play with. Notable examples include games like Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. What Nintendo game has an online mode you believe was "tacked on"?

This is true, subjectivity is the name of the game. Mario Kart 8 had only Grand Prix racing, didn't require much thought to know that would be easy to add on, then the battle mode was just the tracks without any battle arenas or any variation, felt cut-and-paste( tacked on). Here is a list of all online WiiU games and Nintendo has nothing of note...near everyone is just a banal selection of online modes




There's also nothing saying necessarily that Nintendo working in an online mode would make the depth of the rest of the game suffer. Unless the Star Fox devs were reading this thread right now and going "never mind, we should put in an online mode!", the online mode would have been a planned feature, and as a result of planning would have been developed with ample resources for itself (and not "stealing" from the resources of the guys doing the campaign). That, or they would do it strictly after. I'm not familiar with Nintendo's game develpoment paradigms, but I have a hunch that they're competent enough to plan their features (most of the time, there are exceptions).


Well I am not familiar with the intricacies of Nintendo game development, so  I think we're both stuck with using our crystal balls on this one, but the last great offline game, in my opinion, was Fallout 3, there was no thought of online modes or any such thing and what we got was a game with 100+ offline playtime that was fun. With a game like COD, the campaigns (offline) are getting shorter and the online bigger, so that leads me to believe there is a management of resources that implies game development may be a zero sum game, with regards to online modes. Now maybe Nintendo is as magnanimous as I hope and they ignore everyone else's way of game creation and give an equal time and care to each aspect of the game, but I don't have such lofty hopes for the big N, they're a company with a bottom line and when the market dictates online is the way to garner more hours of play, I hope they ignore the online and focus on as many hours of offline as possible, ala Fallout 3. 



This argument literally makes no sense. There is no reason that if competitive multiplayer works online, co-op shouldn't also work online. In fact, co-op DOES work online, and many, MANY action co-op oriented games have shown that to be true (such as Borderlands, Team Fortress 2, Portal 2). I'm not even going to touch on the games that are specifically designed to be online Co-Op alone.


Really? Does it literally make no sense?  Borderlands worked because everyone is free to do what they want, you can run across the map from the other person or stick by their side, If you want to work together you can, but no requirement. TF2, well that's just like the PvP shooters only classes are replaced by Perks or whatever modifier is being used ( COD TD match, Halo TD match) and Portal 2...well that's the miracle of Valve, but look at it it's no accident, you have to work together or you don't go anywhere. Small stages and no twisting turing levels means you always see the other player and are in constant contact, kind of like they're right next to you, similar to in room multiplayer. Without someone sharing a screen or an exchange of dialogue "Over here!" "Wait I can't See the!" a game can quickly become one person, in control of the camera, doing what ever they want, being left behind or people not moving just becomes par for the course. Platformers don't work well, because there is a strong cooperative nature of the game at work, which is lost when they transition to online. LBP was supposed to be the first online platformer and it just didn't work very well, at least when I played it. An online FF style RPG, hasn't had much success.  My point was that different genres lend themselves to better online experiences, where as others do not.  So to bring it back, maybe Co-op SF0 might add to the experience, but probably not to any large degree.  







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  • 2 weeks later...

On the internet, angry negative people will always be louder than happy positive people, at least for a very long time.


But I do think Nintendo is still trying to work out the online/couch compromise.  They've been the kings of the couch since the N64, but online is increasingly important, and they have to do less trailblazing--it's not the cowboy days of online multiplayer, when everything worked badly if at all.  Unless you're EA (half the time) or Ubisoft (all the time), anyway.


Take Mario Kart.  They had a golden opportunity to do couch multiplayer right, with one person on a fullscreen tablet, and one on a fullscreen TV or two on a split-screen TV.  Instead, even the tablet is split-screen, which is nonsense.  At least you can have two local players together in an online game.


Or Splatoon.  Why is there no split-screen or dual-screen local/online play?  That would be a ton of fun.  The teleport feature would have to be different, so there might need to be a special game mode for this, but still.


Part of the problem seems to be that their games either ignore the tablet controller altogether, or make too much use of it.  None seem to make it just "useful."

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any time a thread devolves into sentence-by-sentence responses to posts

 Oh so now we have an expert of online internet affairs huh?!?




 you can be sure someone is thinking 

Really?!?!?What are you a mindreader!?!? Don't presume to know what's going on in my head. You have no idea what I'm thinking?!?!




if i just shout louder they'll listen

I don't care what people think!!! I am an independent person with my own personal private views!!!! You can bet I don't need to respond to every post with a new sentence, nor do I need to yell or otherwise use any sort of excessive emphasis WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!!!!!! 




 to me 

I don't need validation as to the nature of ME or MYSELF!!!



this time

OH what you think I do this all the time!!!! GOD!!!


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 Oh so now we have an expert of online internet affairs huh?!?


Really?!?!?What are you a mindreader!?!? Don't presume to know what's going on in my head. You have no idea what I'm thinking?!?!


I don't care what people think!!! I am an independent person with my own personal private views!!!! You can bet I don't need to respond to every post with a new sentence, nor do I need to yell or otherwise use any sort of excessive emphasis WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!!!!!! 


I don't need validation as to the nature of ME or MYSELF!!!


OH what you think I do this all the time!!!! GOD!!!


What are you doing? Unless you just so happen to be joking with this (unfortunately "incriminating") post, you say you don't need to do this and that, and then you just did each of those things. Calm down. It's just commonplace to find that an argument is starting to escalate when someone replies phrase-by-phrase, because they feel the need to address someone's argument bit by bit. It doesn't necessarily mean either person is increasing in blind rage or whatever, but the tension does get higher, and it's straightforward to notice that from the structure of posts like this. No one needs to be able to read minds to notice this.


prophetik wasn't judging you, but making a general observation so as to hint you to not do what you just did here, for the sake of minimizing arguments. Or he was trolling for one post. But regardless, he doesn't want to be offensive. He wasn't even addressing your name in particular. It was general.


If you want to consider those kinds of posts, just keep in mind that you need to consider who's really intending to attack you, who's just fooling around, and who's just making observations. No one's really attacking you here, so you don't need to accuse anyone.


From this though, I would suggest that you take a look at the play, No Exit by Sartre. It could be a good read, and it's about this kind of situation where people judge you unnecessarily. Maybe it'll help you take situations like this and be the better person.

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What are you doing? Unless you just so happen to be joking


But just for the record, I don't believe analyzing each section of a person's comment equates to a rising intensity. Being snide, petty, disrespectful, these are the hallmarks of an argument. Elucidating a point by carefully responding to counterpoints are useful in helping to convey your veiws. Im not trying to "shout" at each sentance, just respond to the more valid points, which are numerous when discussing them with an intelligent/informed individual, such as Neblix.

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True, I was also a lot easier to impress when I was in middle school. Plus the N64 was such a huge step up from the SNES. I wonder if the new game is going to further the Andros story anymore. I never played SF Assault, so I'm a bit out of the story loop. It blew my mind to find out that Andros is Koine Greek for "man". I don't know if Nintendo meant it to mean that, but it changed the whole story for me.

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  • 9 months later...

Old Thread here, but very important information. So...I love Star Fox, yeah...ok I really love Star Fox (ok most Star Fox...certain Gamecube-y ones, not so much) and as I lack a WiiU I'm stuck with watching play throughs and playing at other people's abodes, that is untill I happened upon an a video on Nintendo's Youtube channel and found an Anime of Starfox and thought "well what's all this then eh, Guv'r" So aside from the fact that I enjoyed the anime ( really enjoyed actually) I found that somethings was vaguely familiar about Fox's Voice...something...OCR-ish...aaaannnndddd WHABAM http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5652038/?ref_=tt_trv_cnn None other than Joe Zieja! I watched the anime again and did a double take................. One of the OCRemixers is now a Nintendo icon...Woooooow!..........Major Congratulations to to Joe Zieja aka XPRTNovice aka Fox-freakin-McCloud!!!

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