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Finally, a new mix :P

Anyway, I ended up hearing this mix via IRC a few days ago (thanks zircon), and the way I see it is this is very interpretive trance, even more so covering a source tune that doesn't seem to get picked up as much as Korobeiniki (song A) and being able to take the first half of this source into a firm ride for trance fans to enjoy. I'm not exactly an electronica pundit, but I also feel the way he created these textures - the bass in particular - also feel really complexly set up and well polished.

My saying still stands that it ended really quickly, but considering what's been established by the rest of the track, I believe this is way above the bar.

Before you ask, no, this is not groove bias; I just simply feel this belongs here. Welcome to the clan R3FORG3D :)


Was a little unsure about downloading this mix after the last tetris mix I heard (not much of a piano only fan). I'm glad my expectations were blown away.

This is a solid trance mix. Being the trance lover myself. If you like trance, this is for you. I give it two thumbs up.


Delicious. The kind of quality I've come to expect of the last 250 mixes. I was pleased when the melody actually hit and it was not the usual remixed tetris song (A?), but rather one of the other awesome source tracks.

It is indeed beefy and can indeed aford to have another 3 minutes added on to it, hell, for this genre , at this quality, I'd take another 13. More tracks from R3FORGED please.

Oh, and also, DJP, I love you, but there's no way that was your longest mix hiatus. And yes, as I posted in the Otakon thread, it must have been the best OCR focussed 'meet-up' (if it falls under that category) in the site's history. You'd be RETARDED not to try for it again next year. That's the beauty of word of mouth; the popularity of this panel, Lord willing, should only grow, and more pretzel related gifts should shower upon you.

Super-psyched for the torrent.



Whew, with that out of the way, I've always liked both tetris themes, but its always seemed like song A got all the love. as people have said, tacking on about 4 minutes to this song, would not have hindered it at all. I felt that it had a wonderful build up until about 1:13, then calms down before easing song B gently into place, a very smooth transition. My only real gripe about the song, is that there isn't enough time for the song to "cool down" so to speak. before it tries starting up again, but insted of 3-4 more minutes of more awesome, it just kind of stops.

Welcome to OCR, Hope to hear more from you R3FORG3D


Great mix, didn't notice the source material really until about 1:39, but it really picked up after that, especially the beat around 3:15 or so. While I agree that it could have been longer, it doesn't feel rushed or anything, and production values where top notch as well. A solid first submission, and welcome to OCR.


R3FORGED is awesome. I was so happy when I first heard this track. We don't get many good straight-up trance/hard dance subs, and those that we do are usually from people I already know. So, to see a new face submit something far above the bar just made my day. Rock on!


That's a professional quality remix in my book. You've set a very high standard that all OCremix should strive for.

But where did you get the melody from? I noticed in this mix and MangaX's "Tetris Techtris TypeZ OC ReMix" that the B theme starts its descent from the top note two beats too early. Compare these 2 midis:

Meticulously transcribed: http://hundredyearswar.googlepages.com/TetrisB.mid

VGMusic's : http://hundredyearswar.googlepages.com/VGmusic_Tetris2.mid

If you pull out your GameBoy, I think you'll find the first midi to be more accurate. Unfortunately, this remix, as well as MangaX's (http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00258/), uses the second, erroneous transcription. It's a shame that such an incredible remix doesn't truly represent the original.


I've been visiting this site every other day or so for... maybe 6 years now? I only post when I find something really exceptional. I'll let my post count speak for itself. :)


Stuff like this is what first attracted me to OCR. bLiNd, FFMusic DJ, things like that. This stands up to some of the better trance mixes from them, and it is an extremely solid first submission. I humbly request more tracks from R3FORG3D.


This mix is good, but somewhat disappointing. The song started out like any other progressive trance song: only a few intruments playing. Then it starts to build up as most good progressive trance songs do. By the first minute I'm thinking "Oh yeah, this is going to grow into something amazing."

But it never does. It stays that same level. It's like an airplane riding on a runway. It's picking up speed and you expect it to take off, but it never does. It just keeps riding down the runway.

Overall I give it a 7/10 because it had the potential to be a brilliant mix, but that potential is never realized.


Since the previous remix, I was kind of expecting that this also would be an orchestral arrangement. But from I've heard now, it's entirely different. It took some time before I could recognize this familiar theme, the trippy techno/trance/trachno sure lived up this piece.

Good stuff R3FORGED, I'll listen to this for a couple of times now.


This is hard for me to believe since I really, REALLY hate tetris, but when this song was playing I actually had the urge to go play it...creepy :?

The ending was a bit abrupt for me, but still 2 or more thumbs up says I on this mix. Great stuff. Definately a keeper


Thanks to everyone for their comments and critisism. All of them are taken to heart, and none taken offensively. I appreciate it all. Expect more...this has really boosted my self-esteem with my music, and has encouraged me to continue the VGRemixing. I will agree that this could have been longer, along with a few other things that could have been tweaked, but overall I was satisfied with what I pulled out. Thanks again for all reviews and such.


This definitely ranks in the top three Tetris remixes I've heard. This is definitely material for the next Tetris. It's just so full of energy and does not disappoint throughout, and goes to prove that Tetris music can sound awesome in any genre, providing that it's mixed well, of course! Anyway, keep 'em coming, Reforged!


I think the judges are trying to be too selective with the mixes, and now select only ultra-synthy things. Everyhting sounds like if it was written by malcos or Dj Pretzel. Guys, there is a lot of good non-synthy mixes out there.

Now, about the mix. It's nice. It would as good as bLind(9/10 or more) if you had used more than one note in the bass!!. 7,5/10

I think the judges are trying to be too selective with the mixes, and now select only ultra-synthy things.

I agree 100% with your baseless comment.

Because mixes #1492, #1493, #1494, #1495 and #1496 are definitely not either a) predominantly played live or B) completely played live. Clearly, we need to keep out any mixes like that. Pick anything posted in the last 3 years, and I'm sure it would fall into the "ultra-synth" category. Understandably, that is all we allow.

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