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Today I got 3 letters from State Farm Insurance - each from a different agent - advertising insurance. I've gotten about 14 of them so far in this month alone. Local offices say they can't do anything about it because it's corporate. Corporate office says they can't do anything about it, but that I could call/write their customer service center(Oh joy!) and possibly reduce the amount I'm getting. So I'm just going to use the prepaid envelopes they kindly included to send them the other junk mail I get instead.



Aside from that, I'm doing a few compositions/arrangements for practice and replaying Final Fantasy 8 in my spare time.


I had a telephone interview with a potential employer last week and haven't heard back since. :( I have an ongoing commission but it's not enough to live on by any stretch of the imagination, and the company my roommate (who I'm living with on his charity) works for is rumored to have a 10 to 15% employee layoff when Q1 rolls around...and he got this job two months ago, so he'd likely be on the chopping block. :( 


Would love to finish my degree, but I need a job first. But I need a degree to get a job...


Still working on my website. Would LIKE to have it finished before October but it doesn't seem to be happening.


I'm currently working as a composer and sound designer on a small indie game with a dev form my hometown (Bergen, Norway). Other than that I always compose new stuff that occationally ends up here: https://soundcloud.com/fredrikdronen


Gaming wise I've recently had a go at Endless Legend, which is amazing. I would recommend it to all Civ fans. 


My day job is being a lawyer at The Norwegian Competition Authority, and my son is now 1,5 years old as well as being the most awesome guy in the world! Totally unbiased, ofcourse. 


been busy as fuck​ with getting my classical violin portfolio ready. finally found a pianist who'll work with me for free(I'm broke). I have WIPs for both Hermit's Library Daguerreo & Unforgettable Silhouette for two violins(also participating in An Overclocked Christmas Vol. 9). I'm trying to save up money to afford a subscription to EWQL composer cloud so I can finally finish my ff9 & ff4 Oratorios, my ff5 & ff6 tone poems, working on my Video Games Live Portfolio, and that's about it. did I mention I need a new music PC(fried the old one) :banghead:


Well, I spent a lot of time trying to keep a job I couldn't. Finding a full-time job is like spotting a unicorn.


I'm strangely optimistic and not worried, though. I've been reorganizing my living space, cleaning stuff out in between filling applications. I finished a couple of craft projects.


Oh, you thought--pffft I don't contribute to OCR lmfao sorry. I make music with my mouth, nothing else. :P


My life has been filled with uncertainty for somewhere around 5 years now. When I left school it seemed really bleak because the job market was rough and just about all of my competition had higher degrees from better schools. I wanted to teach at the community college level and it turned out easy to get a part-time job but seemingly impossible to go full-time. On top of that, my perception of others in my position (those who had been working longer) was mostly that of despair. Even the full-time faculty were telling me that it would likely take 5 years for someone in my situation to find a full-time job. With the news of my second son on the horizon this was not the sort of thing I wanted to hear. At the same time my dad was getting on my case about going into industry instead, because of the better pay.


Ignoring all of the negativity, I put all of my effort to improving my teaching skills. My wife became a stay-at-home mom so that I could do this, which I will be forever thankful for. After 1.5 years of nonstop work (and a lot of luck) I got offered a full-time position, which I accepted and have now been working at for a little over a month. The work hasn't gotten any easier but the peace that comes with a full-time job and the sense of fulfillment are such that I feel like I am capable of ANYTHING.


Over the past 5 years I really haven't done anything here but listen to the music, but I've always loved this community and would like to, now that it's possible, become a part of it again. We'll see how that works out.


Just recently graduated from high school and started college, been frantically scrambling to find some kind of part-time job in this rocky crag of a job market.  No one seems to be hiring, it seems.  On the bright side, though, college is going by quite smoothly, and I managed to secure a nice chunk of financial aid that should cover the bulk of my tuition costs.  I also started taking a music theory class, which is actually rather new to me even though I've been playing and composing music for a while; it was always just something I played by ear.


There's plenty of room for a capella. It's an underrepresented (except by Smooth McGroove) and awesome genre.


Aww, bless you for being so encouraging. Looking at some of the replies to this thread, I think that's what a lot of us need anymore. :C

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still working on soundtrack stuff for Sirlin Games' upcoming title Fantasy Strike, and they were kind enough to pay me in advance for some work...so now I've got new PC parts coming in the mail! I'll probably have build pics up in another thread somewhere. :D


Past that, I'm starting to apply to jobs, now that my year of being self-employed is nearly over. I'm tired of not having money, and supposedly I have a good resume. Let's see if it goes anywhere. I'm honestly not looking forward to working tech for a big company, but I might have to do that, and it's better than being alone at home all day and only having work on some days.


I've also lost the ability to make music for fun, so y'know, would be nice to get that back. :P

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