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I wonder though. If you're looking for a Bluray player (estimated $1000, $900 at the cheapest), a PSX emulator, PS2 emulator, a multimedia center AND PS3 games, it's a pretty decent deal.

I might think about trading in the old PS2 for a PS3 eventually. Still futilely hoping for a price drop after only one year.

I wonder though. If you're looking for a Bluray player (estimated $1000, $900 at the cheapest), a PSX emulator, PS2 emulator, a multimedia center AND PS3 games, it's a pretty decent deal.

I might think about trading in the old PS2 for a PS3 eventually. Still futilely hoping for a price drop after only one year.

Hell, a lot of the early PS2's were bought as secondary DVD players. At least this way you're getting a halfway PC with Linux too. I wonder if I can install and run the original Neverwinter Nights...?


The ps2 was my first DVD player. Infact i wasn't all that aware of what DVD's were. The first dvd i bought was Ninja scroll. I don't see Bluray as much of a benefit though, i just bought an HDTV and it's only 720p/ 1080i, i couldn't afford a 1080p bravia or anything. But it seems more like you need a great TV to take advantage of the bluray player. But i suppose when i do get a ps3 (maybe next year though i'd like to say late this year) I'll probably start buying blu ray movies and ditch DVD. why the hell not?

I don't see Bluray as much of a benefit though, i just bought an HDTV and it's only 720p/ 1080i, i couldn't afford a 1080p bravia or anything. But it seems more like you need a great TV to take advantage of the bluray player. But i suppose when i do get a ps3 (maybe next year though i'd like to say late this year) I'll probably start buying blu ray movies and ditch DVD. why the hell not?

ONLY 720p/1080i? I gotta tell ya, it's nothing to shake your fist at. 1080p is far overrated. My Philips HD doesn't have 1080p capability, but the quality at interlaced mode compared to standard definition is very much noticable. I've only bought a few bluray movies (mostly because they're freakin expensive) but they look wonderful on my tv. I am quite content with it and probably will be for quite a while.

But that's just me.

I forgot about that, that's pretty good. At least scratches are harder to get now.

I think I'm going to win an auction for Resistance, so soon enough I'll have that game. It's sort of funny searching on ebay though, people are stupid. I saw an auction shoot above $700 for a 60 GB PS3 & Call of Duty 3, yet I got the same package from a buy it now for $647 shipped (with the free BD-DVD Talladega Nights). There's another auction where it was just one bid for $1000 for a 60 GB PS3, extra controller, and Genji - which is worth ~$700. So stupid


Been messing around with the Full Auto 2 demo, playing online with random people. Of all the car combat games I've played over the years, none have made putting a ghetto battering ram on the grill of your car and bashing the shit out of someone so much fun. I've been headbutting people online all day.


WTF? So, for no apparent reason, all my saved data for the PS2 games I've been playing just disappeared. Guess that'll teach me to backup my shit...

The disappointments keep stacking up.


So, I got my brand new PS3 in the mail today...along with Diablo 2, which has prevented me from playing the PS3 so far. I'll give my first impressions soon enough...

Although, it's pretty shiny and heavy. This thing is at least 2x the volume of the Wii and side by side, the Wii looks sort of puny compared to it.


So I finally took my PS3 out for a run...what was meant to be only a 1 hour play quickly turned into 2, as I was playing a lot of Virtua Fighter 5. I haven't been this sucked into a fighter for a while, so kudos to Sega for maintaining a fine line of fighters. Unfortunately, as I turned off the PS3, I noticed it emits heat like a motherfucker - putting other consoles to the right of it is a pretty bad idea, as that's where it emits its heat.

Also, while my TV is shit, I'm pretty certain that the PS3 has poor support for older TVs - I'm hearing weird sounds when I do things like turn off the PS3 via the controller, and the picture quality isn't sharp. The refreshing of the image looks really bad...I'm hoping this is fixed with a firmware update, but somehow, I don't think Sony really dealt with it.

So, I got my brand new PS3 in the mail today...along with Diablo 2, which has prevented me from playing the PS3 so far. I'll give my first impressions soon enough...

Although, it's pretty shiny and heavy. This thing is at least 2x the volume of the Wii and side by side, the Wii looks sort of puny compared to it.

Why are you buying all of this stuff?? I thought you were poor!!

So I finally took my PS3 out for a run...what was meant to be only a 1 hour play quickly turned into 2, as I was playing a lot of Virtua Fighter 5. I haven't been this sucked into a fighter for a while, so kudos to Sega for maintaining a fine line of fighters. Unfortunately, as I turned off the PS3, I noticed it emits heat like a motherfucker - putting other consoles to the right of it is a pretty bad idea, as that's where it emits its heat.

Yeah, man, Virtua FIghter is pretty badass. I just picked it up a couple days ago. The heat kinda worries me too, but it has helped as a mini space heater during this winter.

Also, while my TV is shit, I'm pretty certain that the PS3 has poor support for older TVs - I'm hearing weird sounds when I do things like turn off the PS3 via the controller, and the picture quality isn't sharp. The refreshing of the image looks really bad...I'm hoping this is fixed with a firmware update, but somehow, I don't think Sony really dealt with it.

PS3 no like old TV. Me want BIG Sony Bravia! ---So, uhhhh.... start saving up?

Seems like, at this point, the only remedy is to buy a new TV, which is kind of a shitty deal, but I bit the bullet anyway and blew a grand on a Philips 32" HDTV (Which I would recommend.) I would have liked to get one with Ambilight, but that was a lil out of my price range.


I'm curious, has anybody had success in wirelessly connecting their PS3 to the internet using Nintendo's Wi-fi dongle?

We recently got a PS3 in my apartment, and we're trying to get it to do so. It senses the access point, but I can't seem to find the SSID for it anywhere. If this could be done, it would prevent me from having to run 50 feet of ethernet cable to a working jack. And it would be rather amusing.

I'm curious, has anybody had success in wirelessly connecting their PS3 to the internet using Nintendo's Wi-fi dongle?

We recently got a PS3 in my apartment, and we're trying to get it to do so. It senses the access point, but I can't seem to find the SSID for it anywhere. If this could be done, it would prevent me from having to run 50 feet of ethernet cable to a working jack. And it would be rather amusing.

Well, I've played with one of those.

I got a mac laptop hooked up to the Nintendo Wifi dongle, but not using the program that comes with it. You have to hack it to use SoftAP. But, even then I had some trouble--the hacked dongle kept crashing my computer if I had it plugged in at boot-up, and it would stop working after 10 minutes.

So, my roommate and I just decided to go with a wireless router. The dorms have a policy against them, but I think I got it set up just right... one month and counting without them disabling it.

Unfortunately, as I turned off the PS3, I noticed it emits heat like a motherfucker - putting other consoles to the right of it is a pretty bad idea, as that's where it emits its heat.

If you check the manual it actually says something in the troubleshooting section about the excessive amount of heat the PS3 puts out and says not to freak out about it. I of course read this as Ken Kutaragi boasting the PS3's superior egg cooking capabilities.


The PS3 sure does put out a lot of heat...but you've gotta love how quiet it is while it does it.

Was wondering, anybody try out that Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom game? I really don't get why, but I have lately been *addicted* to it!

I'm only borrowing it, but it's definitely going to tide me over for Motorstorm...and when Motorstorm comes along, I'll just think to myself "Hey, you used to spend $60 on N64 games with no problems - you'll survive this", hehe.

Overall, I'm really pleased with the PS3. Was even very pleasently surprised how good it looks on my standard definition crap-o-vision TV using the cables that came in the box to hook it up.

Overpriced, maybe...but you get a lot of bang for your buck, and it's only gonna get better as they patch things up.

Now, where's that 1.60 update...blah! It's supposed to be sometime in March, isn't it?


I'm befuddled at why people even bother getting a PS3 and play it on standard definition. That's taking away the whole reason for getting such a system to begin with. I'd imagine that true 1080p games would be eyepopping. I mean, a shitty 12-inch HDTV on display playing 360 games look flatout gorgeous.


I'll probably have a personal HDTV later this year...and my parents have one at home. But my main reason is to just play games - I wasn't expecting it to be literally garbage on a non-HDTV. The 360 doesn't do that, and the Wii doesn't either, why should the PS3 be any different?

Anyway, back to FF12 playing.

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