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If ya want, I've heard that intec optic cables for the PS3 are pretty good for $15. I think you can find them on Amazon if you can't find them in retail.

basic Composite Cables as well as HDMI cables are pretty sweet as well.

cables? www.monoprice.com. super cheap, and they're quality. never had a problem with their cables or switches - they sell a 3-port optical audio hub that's five dollars and is fantastic. 25' 1.3a hdmi cables for under 30 bucks!

um.... yeah...

Yeah, I have no doubt the HDMI option would be fantastic, except my surround sound setup is strangely antiquated. It has EVERYTHING except HDMI. ugh.

Thanks for the advice, though I found out that my heavily occupied receiver has a MONSTER Optic Cable plugged into my DVDs. I tried it out again and I'm convinced it should be enough for my system. I'm not a crazy audiophile, so a slightly downgraded surround is enough. Besides, it already sounds movie-quality to me on DVDs. Should be only better in the full Bluray experience. I'm not going to blow another untold amount of dollars for another Monster cable (don't know how it was there. I must have gotten it in a package. I'm glad though, because even though it is prohibitively expensive, it IS built like a freakin' tank), so I'll have to switch the Optics to my PS3 from now on.

So now all I'm worried about is whether the reduced ports in the PS3 Slim = No optic cable.

I have to say, I am hopeful that the PS3 will now have brighter prospects. With the price drop, holdouts will hopefully jump on board, and with FF13 coming out in Japan and rumors saying some Japanese RPG makers have been holding back waiting for it (as they expect FF13 to spur Japanese PS3 sales and increase their market), I am hoping that nichey games will live once again on the home consoles instead of winding up on the DS. Hopefully, Konami will announce Suikoden VI soonish.

I am hopeful for the PS3 too. I guess it's just because PS1 and 2 were so great, but in the console rivalry, or at least the one between XBOX and PS3, I'm rooting for Sony. Despite all the "stupid" stuff that people say they do, I really feel like they try to make their money solely by delivering a superior product. Not to say that Microsoft is deceptive or anything, but I've just come to like Sony's stuff. And I couldn't agree more with the niche games being released for PS3 instead of DS. I think the DS is a great system and deserves its games too, but it seems like every cool game these days is released for the DS.

Hopefully now, Tri-Ace will announce Star Ocean 4 for the PS3.

Hopefully now, Tri-Ace will announce Star Ocean 4 for the PS3.

It's already confirmed. Hopefully they'll add a new plot, better characters... In fact, hopefully they'll change everything about the game save the battle system and music, because that game was pretty underwhelming as it was nothing like the epic prologue to the series that they had promised. It started off well enough, but then just went to shit later on. It does however satisfy in the combat department and for some strange reason I can't hate on the game despite its serious flaws.

As for the PS3 Slim design, I kinda like it. I'm not a fan of glossy finishes on anything, and it looks pretty chic.

Sony's definitely trying to deliver a better product, and in terms of tech specs they ARE the best what with the cell processor, Blu-ray, a FREE online service, a much more aesthetically pleasing system, and a much better controller, but for every step forward they take, they take a good two steps back. The system is a hot rod, but hard as hell to program for according to developers. Why isn't Sony hooking 'em up with a team to help 'em work out the kinks? All their first party stuff looks killer, so why not help out other devs?

All that being said, I can't wait 'til I can own a Slim myself. I hear it handles Blu-ray better than the fats. This true?


I think the really killer thing that Sony did was put such a slow reading blu-ray player - it reads slower than the DVD players at the time. They really should've took the hit and invested in a faster player IMO, which would've saved programmers headaches and probably allowed them to take more advantage of the disc space.

they ARE the best what with the cell processor, Blu-ray, a FREE online service, a much more aesthetically pleasing system, and a much better controller

i love it when people talk about the online play on PS3. does anyone actually realize just how damn broken it is? seriously. three years into it, forty zillion hardware revisions later, and we only just got text chat outside of games. blargh.

that said, live isn't perfect either. too much crap for what you get.


Aesthetically, I actually still prefer the 360. The concave works and it stands out in the media center, especially standing vertical. Controller, I'd actually say it's about even except for the d-pad. Even if the Dual Shock d-pads have been giving me blisters for a decade now..

And I have to agree with the online. Free is nice, but there's been so many horror stories with the uneven online connectivity and support, while it's UNIFORM for a 360. So if you have a good connection to a friend over Xbox Live, the chances are, almost all games will have good connection online.

As a pure gaming console, the 360 just feels very tightly made IMO. Especially if we start factoring in online-play. Other than that, I really want the PS3 for the Bluray, the ability to go online and the Sony trinkets I'm honestly more excited about than even Nintendo's right now. Nintendo is still great, but I'm tired of waiting a freaking year or two for them to release a good sequel.


In the end, I'm thinking I'll stick with my older 80GB PS3 model...

I actually like having touch sensitive buttons, feels "futuristic". :lol:

Not to mention it's grown on me.

That teeny tiny "optical out" really gave me a sigh of relief. lol

As for the old PS3, I can see the draw.

The main thing for me though, is that the Slim is supposed to give off less heat and use less energy. That, and I guess the entertainment center can use a ninja-Bluray player instead of a total behemoth.

It's already confirmed. Hopefully they'll add a new plot, better characters... In fact, hopefully they'll change everything about the game save the battle system and music, because that game was pretty underwhelming as it was nothing like the epic prologue to the series that they had promised. It started off well enough, but then just went to shit later on. It does however satisfy in the combat department and for some strange reason I can't hate on the game despite its serious flaws.

It is!?!?! Hmmm. I can't find any concrete stories. Just rumors. But the rumor stories I found were dated 2008. So where are all the more recent announcements? Malaki, did you like Star Ocean 3?


I played through more than half of First Departure and about 7 hours or so of 'Til The End of Time. FD would have probably done more for me had I played it when it was originally released back in '96 since it has all the trappings of a mid-90's JRPG, although I'll just say that I don't like randomness in my crafting systems, which is something that all Star Ocean games have in common. And the combat always feels like it's missing a few things to make it feel truly satisfying, and I don't like games that only let me learn 4 or 5 abilities during the course of the damned thing.

Another thing they have in common is that they always have an interesting start that just falls flat later on with all the traipsing around technologically inferior worlds helping the local residents(why bother having the UP3 if NOBODY deigns to follow it) get their kitten out of a tree.

Maybe it's just my system(two speakers on a TV), but what the hell is up with the sound engineering in this series? The voices are too low during all if not most cutscenes, music volume too high, treble and bass is all goofed up, etc. Really takes away from the immersion to me.

Star Ocean 4 has all these problems and more, and yet I still played through it, rampant disc swapping to go back to previous areas and all. One thing they DID do was actually give you recipes for different items, but the ingredients are so goddamned impossible to acquire normally, why even bother.

I find it hilarious that Infinite Undiscovery is still my favorite JRPG this generation(and rightly so, it's a damned fine game). Not even Tri-Ace's "AAA" game could do better. I just hope End of Eternity(Resonance of Fate in the west) really does do a lot to bring back my faith in them. As of now I'm just glad I bought SO4 used. They're not getting my money for that one.


BC wise, its not a big deal to me. I still got my first ps2 in working condition. But I do think that Sony's reason for not even considering BC on the slim is retarded.


Basically the head of marketing threw out a random stats number saying that 80 to 90 percent of people buy a PS3 to play PS3 games. Yeah, of course people buy a PS3 to play PS3 games, but they also want Blu Ray, and a company that would support their large collection of games from a former system. Even the Wii and 360 do this. I guess though since ps2 slims are still on the market though, suck that market dry baby!

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