Gollgagh Posted August 23, 2009 Posted August 23, 2009 why the psp has three (four if you count the Go) iterations now and the psp thread has been fine Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted August 23, 2009 Posted August 23, 2009 BC wise, its not a big deal to me. I still got my first ps2 in working condition. But I do think that Sony's reason for not even considering BC on the slim is retarded.http://kotaku.com/5340337/sony-explain-why-the-ps3-slim-has-no-backwards-compatibility Basically the head of marketing threw out a random stats number saying that 80 to 90 percent of people buy a PS3 to play PS3 games. Yeah, of course people buy a PS3 to play PS3 games, but they also want Blu Ray, and a company that would support their large collection of games from a former system. Even the Wii and 360 do this. I guess though since ps2 slims are still on the market though, suck that market dry baby! This is the kind of PR crap that Sony has to stop. Obviously people bought that PS3(save those who bought it strictly for Bluray) bought it to play PS3 games. Otherwise, why the hell would they even bother upgrading from the PS2? That doesn't mean a lot of them didn't expect to be able to play all their PS2 games on it though. This is what Sony doesn't get: Backwards compatibility is the safety net that'll make sure people adopt the PS3 and buy more of 'em. There aren't that many PS3 games coming out that you want? Well here's a metric fuckton of games you probably will enjoy until those games start pouring out. Quote
Thin Crust Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 whythe psp has three (four if you count the Go) iterations now and the psp thread has been fine Just the news of the slim with the price cut needs to get out. If I didn't already have one, I would jump all over this. Quote
kupernikus Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 This is the kind of PR crap that Sony has to stop.Obviously people bought that PS3(save those who bought it strictly for Bluray) bought it to play PS3 games. Otherwise, why the hell would they even bother upgrading from the PS2? That doesn't mean a lot of them didn't expect to be able to play all their PS2 games on it though. This is what Sony doesn't get: Backwards compatibility is the safety net that'll make sure people adopt the PS3 and buy more of 'em. There aren't that many PS3 games coming out that you want? Well here's a metric fuckton of games you probably will enjoy until those games start pouring out. Exactly. After all, I buy a ton of games, but so far the ps3 has been incredibly disappointing. I've got Little Big planet, Metal Gear Solid 4, Fallout 3(which I ended up purchasing again on the 360 for dlc) Armored Core 4 Answer, Infamous (awesome) and thats it.... As opposed to the 360 which I can't name the games I've got because I've got 60 or so. I play more ps1 and ps2 games on my ps3 then anything.... Quote
Cecilff2 Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 I was considering buying the PS3 once its price dropped since I have an older PS2 that gets the "Disc Read Error" after a couple of plays. Since fixing that involves opening the PS2 up and tinkering with it every time, I was hoping to not having to do that anymore. I was looking forward to the slim since there were rumors of BC with it. I suppose I'll eventually eBay one of the BC consoles some time eventually. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted August 25, 2009 Posted August 25, 2009 Slim ps3s just came in at my local gamestop, just got the call 10 minutes ago to come pick mine up. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009 I'm going to cry a little tear if my nearest Toys R Us or Walmart or BestBuy or the three Gamestops I know doesn't have it in stock or is sold out. I am loaded with PS3 games that needs playing. Anyone else buy a ton of games and accessories before getting a console? It's like house arrest.. At least 360 games are still great. Otherwise I'd have gone mad. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009 At the time I've only bought Valkyrie Chronicles well as Silent Hill: Homecoming but didn't have the console. Even now on a slightly different note, I'm contemplating whether I should wait to get a PSP3k/PSP Go to try out the Persona "Revelations" remake or get one now... I've also heard about the Persona 3 Redux for the PSP which while adds a female protagonist this time around but leaves out "The Answer"; I'm not really sure how to respond to that. More interested in seeing the god damn remake of Persona "Revelations". In fact I got Persona 2: Innocent Sin (which had never been released in the US) with an English patch all ready to play as soon as I complete Persona "Revelations"... Quote
Gollgagh Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009 dammit I have stil got to get Valkyria Chronicles Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009 dammit I have stil got to get Valkyria Chronicles Better hurry lately I've not seen a single copy on the shelves at the retail boxes where I am... You could always try online though if you can't find it Also you just reminded me of the sequel supposedly coming out for the PSP... damn it... Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009 I'm going to cry a little tear if my nearest Toys R Us or Walmart or BestBuy or the three Gamestops I know doesn't have it in stock or is sold out. I am loaded with PS3 games that needs playing.Anyone else buy a ton of games and accessories before getting a console? It's like house arrest.. At least 360 games are still great. Otherwise I'd have gone mad. I bought uncharted used at gamestop, got MGS 4 limited edition coming in the mail, and picked up batman AA collector's edition at the midnight release all for the ps3, and picking up the ps3 today. Quote
Gollgagh Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009 Better hurry lately I've not seen a single copy on the shelves at the retail boxes where I am...You could always try online though if you can't find it Also you just reminded me of the sequel supposedly coming out for the PSP... damn it... Well the Best Buy here straight up doesn't stock it at all. There were a few used copies at Game Stop though so I'll prolly grab one of those. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted August 28, 2009 Posted August 28, 2009 I bought uncharted used at gamestop, got MGS 4 limited edition coming in the mail, and picked up batman AA collector's edition at the midnight release all for the ps3, and picking up the ps3 today. Sounds like a great deal. I caved in and bought Batman AA for 360 though.. total impulse buy that I'm not regretting too much. As for a PS3 Slim, I actually got it yesterday walking into a BestBuy and it was tucked into a corner where ironically, a fat PS3 + Uncharted pack was laying. I thought it was the same pack so I nearly missed it. Also the slim doesn't even say "Slim" on it so I got confused too. It's just a black square looking turd with a simple PS3 logo on it. So far so great. I don't see why some people think it feels "cheap" compared to the fat PS3. It doesn't. I'm still not fully into the system yet even with an Optical Out and HDMI plugged in since I still need to work out its online-quirks. Can't go online with it without the right settings.. Quote
The Legendary Zoltan Posted August 29, 2009 Posted August 29, 2009 I'm thoroughly enjoying my newly acquired PS3. I've already completed Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear 4, and Pixel Junk Monsters. I'm also in the middle of FF7 and Mega Man 9 and have just recently started on Elder Scrolls IV. So far, I haven't been disappointed at all by the system. I even uploaded some video and music files. I'm sure XBOX can do all of the same things I've done on my PS3 but I gotta say anyway, PS3 rocks! Hahaha. Metal Gear Solid 4 SPOILER Don't look down. .. .. .. .. .. .. That game is friggin' short! Although the amount of stealth involved has become dramatically less, it was still a really fun game. The cutscenes were amazing. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted August 29, 2009 Posted August 29, 2009 Honestly, one of the few things I think 360 does better is the user interface. Xbox Live really could still use more upgrading, but that just shows how much more people expect out of it. Definitely more user friendly than the PSN, Home or the Store, though I still think the content is very good. But strangely, it's not as intuitive as the 360's Xbox Live. Quote
Soma Posted August 30, 2009 Posted August 30, 2009 Well the Best Buy here straight up doesn't stock it at all. There were a few used copies at Game Stop though so I'll prolly grab one of those. I urge you not to buy a used copy of VC. We're already getting a sequel but it wouldn't hurt to show the developers the support they deserve. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted August 30, 2009 Posted August 30, 2009 So I just got Fat Princess, and I'm horrible at it, at least in single player. If anyone wants to play, I'm TenTonHammer23 Quote
Gollgagh Posted August 30, 2009 Posted August 30, 2009 I urge you not to buy a used copy of VC. We're already getting a sequel but it wouldn't hurt to show the developers the support they deserve. used because I CAN'T FIND A NEW COPY AROUND HERE THEY DON'T EXIST I'VE LOOKED gfg follow the conversation better Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted August 30, 2009 Posted August 30, 2009 used because I CAN'T FIND A NEW COPY AROUND HERETHEY DON'T EXIST I'VE LOOKED gfg follow the conversation better It's kinda why I offered the amazon link, but I can't blame you for going for a cheaper alternative. (I remember when new games used to be in between the $35 - $45 range ;_; ) Not to mention I personally got issues with gamestop as the only game I EVER bought from them "new" was Deadspace. There's something about seeing them take the "display case" I had in my hand and then go under his desk to get the "new" game out of its paper sleeve and then give it to me selling it for about $50 at the time... Quote
Kenobio Posted August 30, 2009 Posted August 30, 2009 It's kinda why I offered the amazon link, but I can't blame you for going for a cheaper alternative. (I remember when new games used to be in between the $35 - $45 range ;_; ) Not to mention I personally got issues with gamestop as the only game I EVER bought from them "new" was Deadspace. There's something about seeing them take the "display case" I had in my hand and then go under his desk to get the "new" game out of its paper sleeve and then give it to me selling it for about $50 at the time... Sounds like you got one of the last copies they had, with the box for being the display box you picked up. A pretty frequent occurrence with games that sell out. I find it amusing that new games are allowed to be borrowed by GS employees (with the notion that they bring 'em back undamaged) and upon their return they are merely repackaged again in new shrinkwrap. Quote
Gollgagh Posted August 30, 2009 Posted August 30, 2009 which is why the only game that I have ever bought "new" from gamestop was Spiderman 1 in '03 their used section ain't too bad though I troll there pretty often for old games. For example, I recently picked up Jak 3, Jak and Daxter, Dark Cloud, Xenosaga I and II and some others for $5 a pop, all in pretty decent condition and complete with the manuals $36 ain't bad for a new PS3 game though, I'll probably do that then considering that the used version of VC was $40 some Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted August 30, 2009 Posted August 30, 2009 All "new" games here at gamestop are pulled from the case and sold like that. That's cause employees "borrow" games and play them, return them and they can still be sold as new. That's one of the major reasons I don't buy new games there, cause most of the time they are not in new condition. Only time I've recieved a sealed game from gamestop in the last, I don't know, 4 years or longer is when I preordered and got them on release day or midnight release. Quote
Kenobio Posted August 30, 2009 Posted August 30, 2009 To say that all new games are sold like that is a bit of an exaggeration. Most new games that GS receives are never opened, as even with new releases that employees want to borrow only a few get opened and played compared to the 20-50 copies that come in to be sold. On top of that, I recall my manager being a real Nazi about getting the game being borrowed back exactly as it was. If such wasn't the case we were forced to buy the game. But I totally understand not wanting to buy new games from GS in any case. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted August 30, 2009 Posted August 30, 2009 I actually bought a brand new copy of Valkyria Chronicles in Gamestop Quote
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