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whaaaaat it was marked down to 20? I got mine for 40

well whatever once I actually have a game, the retail price is irrelevant

I just spent two and a half hours on that first mission against the emperor. I failed it on the first try because I spent 10 turns blockading the big tank with Edelweiss being tanked with Dallas while I had my lancers crawling all over the big tank trying to find its damned weakness. I did that for while, then I decided to pull everyone back to a trench in the middle of the map to see what would happen. Once I destroyed the first weak-point, though, the reinforcements totally raped everyone that was in the trench and the only reason I didn't fail for of losing all my allies was because I was out of turns too.

The second time around, I still got raped by the reinforcements, but fortunately, my only squadmember that "died" was Largo.

and now I have a headache from staring at the TV so damned long

damn, this game is fun

okay what the hell, I'm getting that problem with the PSN store too now.

and I was just on it this morning to buy the VC DLC's

What's this problem, is it related to the weird reports of some PS3's getting bricked by the 3.01 system update..? Oddly enough my PS3 is fully updated and ran just fine even when I was playing


If not that then what's happening..?


further research on the playstation forums tells me that this started today and other people also cannot access the store, so I guess this is just down time or something

edit: okay yeah, it's back now


Yea, mine came back the next day as well.

But you know, I'm still trying to get that platinum trophy on Resistance 2. I only have one more trophy to get and I think it's called 'killing machine.' It requires you to get 10,000 kills on online competetive multiplayer. Right now I'm at about 6,350. Still about a month left before I finally get it.


Valkyria Chronicles only made me sad in that it felt too short by the end, even though I apparently put in 55 hours in it. Just shows the quality of a game when you don't realize you're pushing into 100 hours of gameplay without much realizing it. And I thought I breezed through the game. Still haven't finished any side missions at that..

Also, the finale is just very touching. This game needs a sequel, and when it does, people need to buy more copies of it.

What's this problem, is it related to the weird reports of some PS3's getting bricked by the 3.01 system update..? Oddly enough my PS3 is fully updated and ran just fine even when I was playing

What do you think of Demon's Souls so far?

Valkyria Chronicles only made me sad in that it felt too short by the end, even though I apparently put in 55 hours in it. Just shows the quality of a game when you don't realize you're pushing into 100 hours of gameplay without much realizing it. And I thought I breezed through the game. Still haven't finished any side missions at that..

Also, the finale is just very touching. This game needs a sequel, and when it does, people need to buy more copies of it.




So I played the Bayonetta demo (Thanks sony for making it to where I can get japanese demos with a japanese PSN account ;) ) and damn, I really like it. I thought it would be DMC with a girl, but they really did a good job giving it a distinct feel. I'll buy it when it comes out.

What do you think of Demon's Souls so far?

Well if the video was any indication I actually experienced that a lot. At the same time though I've been enjoying it quite a lot. The game just feels like it has great potential for replays, especially when trying different character builds, between being a tanking mofo, to a powerful magician, it's quite amazing.

edit* Oh yeah I'm preordering VC2 as well :)!!


argh, this chapter 14 battle is kicking my ass

some asshole scout keeps running around my tanks, and killing my engies, thus killing my ability to tank my tanks

tiem to do sum grindan

argh, this chapter 14 battle is kicking my ass

some asshole scout keeps running around my tanks, and killing my engies, thus killing my ability to tank my tanks

I take it you can't just have one ST guard the engies? Oddly enough sometimes if you have the engineers face a certain direction it helps them fend off scouts to a degree; but not by much.


the snipers like to pick off my troopers before the scouts come in

I had Rosie covering Dallas, but shit, they swept me quick

I'm not good at these wide open fields trying to with my team split in two

hmm, I wonder if I could use the smoke rounds to obscure the snipers, though

course it doesn't help that in this mission, the enemy can respawn like 10 reinforcements north and south every freaking round.


I liked the Bayonetta demo too, but the 360 one is apparently the 'flawless edition' since it runs much faster, has sharper textures, brighter colors and no massive screen tearing of the PS3 version. I actually tried out both versions, but the PS3 port is broken beyond compare when next to the 360 version. Sega did an awful job porting it. Otherwise, it really is a spiritual successor to DMC and it feels a lot more brutal too.


Oh, and as for Chapter 14 in Valkyria Chronicles, there's an awfully obvious exploit you can do... Very, very obvious. Otherwise, it's best to advance with multiple units in a unified front where the enemies come from the south. From there, you need to blitzkrieg with the tank mortar and a LOT of sniper fire (have an engineer replenish the ammunition after the third sniper shot).

I liked the Bayonetta demo too, but the 360 one is apparently the 'flawless edition' since it runs much faster, has sharper textures, brighter colors and no massive screen tearing of the PS3 version. I actually tried out both versions, but the PS3 port is broken beyond compare when next to the 360 version. Sega did an awful job porting it. Otherwise, it really is a spiritual successor to DMC and it feels a lot more brutal too.

That's a shame, kinda like the texturing issues I've seen on some articles about the ghostbuster's game PS3 port; where as the 360 version is flawless.


Unfortunately developers just don't wanna spend the extra cash and time to learn Ps3 architecture and develop for it from the get go (also MS might have something to do with it). If Bayonetta was a Ps3 developed game, porting it to 360 would have been less of a hassle than what they did. There's really no excuse for this anymore really. I would have loved Bayonetta on the Ps3's Dualshock more but oh well~

Managed to a black phantom that tried to kill me online and leveled up my soul level to 103 so far.

Nice, I've been wondering about causing some nice griefing on some one but holding off till I'm much stronger; or at least more confident about it.

As for Bayonetta, we need to remember that we're evaluating our experience on a demo rather than the actual game. If anything the issues with the demo ought to be a good enough reason for Sega to really work on the PS3 port before shuffling it out on January...

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