metalsnakejuice Posted November 26, 2010 Posted November 26, 2010 Uncharted 2 and Gran Turismo 5. Quote
Thin Crust Posted November 26, 2010 Posted November 26, 2010 Must buy ps3 games Uncharted 1/2 (exclusive) Metal Gear Solid 4 (If you have played the other ones in the series) (exclusive) LittleBigPlanet (exclusive) Resistance 1/2 (gamers have mixed feelings about the sequel) (exclusive) InFAMOUS (exclusive) Darksiders Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction (exclusive) Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time (exclusive) Assassins creed 2/brotherhood Killzone 2 (exclusive) God of War 3 (exclusive) MAG (exclusive) Valkyria Chronicals (exclusive) Gran Turismo 5 (exclusive) games on the horizon Mass effect 2 final fantasy versus xiii (exclusive) LittleBigPlanet 2 (exclusive) resistance 3 (exclusive) last guardian (exclusive) metal gear solid rising killzone 3 (exclusive) infamous 2 (exclusive) deus ex human revolution ico shadows of the colossus collections (exclusive) And many many others. Quote
Bahamut Posted November 26, 2010 Posted November 26, 2010 There's also FF13, CoD 4: Modern Warfare, and Resonance of Fate, although those are multiplatform. I disagree with Uncharted 1 & 2, Resistance 1 & 2, and Gran Turismo being must buys - I personally would stay far away from those as possible, but of course things always depend on your tastes. Quote
Thin Crust Posted November 26, 2010 Posted November 26, 2010 There's also FF13, CoD 4: Modern Warfare, and Resonance of Fate, although those are multiplatform.I disagree with Uncharted 1 & 2, Resistance 1 & 2, and Gran Turismo being must buys - I personally would stay far away from those as possible, but of course things always depend on your tastes. I guess you are falling for the all the less then perfect reviews that GT5 is getting? If you look at the history of GT, it never got that good scores, but the lowest selling GT game sells the same as the highest selling Halo. People will buy, and people will love. Quote
Bahamut Posted November 26, 2010 Posted November 26, 2010 I guess you are falling for the all the less then perfect reviews that GT5 is getting? If you look at the history of GT, it never got that good scores, but the lowest selling GT game sells the same as the highest selling Halo. People will buy, and people will love. Actually, I've despised the franchise since the very first one. Quote
Thin Crust Posted February 8, 2011 Posted February 8, 2011 So I played through God of War 3 again to see if I could platinum it. I got all the way through to the very end, got every trophy except "Maxed out" which requires you to fully upgrade all items you have. I was 5000 short. So I'm going to have to play through the entire game on easy if I want to get that last one. Sucks don't it. Quote
prophetik music Posted February 8, 2011 Posted February 8, 2011 There's also FF13, CoD 4: Modern Warfare, and Resonance of Fate, although those are multiplatform.I disagree with Uncharted 1 & 2, Resistance 1 & 2, and Gran Turismo being must buys - I personally would stay far away from those as possible, but of course things always depend on your tastes. i wasn't a big fan of resistance, but the uncharted games are excellent (although they got hyped up a lot since both were among paltry competition for GOTY on the ps3). GT, as a racer, is incredible - but if you don't want an ultrarealistic racer, well, of course you're not going to like it RoF got terrible reviews as being derivitave, not fun, and a mega-grind. i was under the impression that people didn't like it. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted February 8, 2011 Posted February 8, 2011 RoF got terrible reviews as being derivitave, not fun, and a mega-grind. i was under the impression that people didn't like it. I'd say it's rather split for a lot of people. Also I'm sure you've seen posts on right..? Quote
Soma Posted February 8, 2011 Posted February 8, 2011 I heard really mixed things about RoF, but A lot of people have recommended it to me. I've been thinking about picking it up, along with Tales of Vesperia. I completely missed both of these games. Does anybody know if Eternal Sonata has any extra content on the Ps3, enough that's worth playing again? I already beat it on the xbox360, but It's rather cheap on ps3 these days. Did you guys read about the potential anti piracy method that Sony is thinking about? It's probably just a rumor, but since the Ps3 is all hacked now, I heard Sony was thinking about implementing serial numbers on their games. That's just ridiculous. I guess Sony really does view the ps3 as more of a computer. >_< Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted March 1, 2011 Posted March 1, 2011 So aside for the exciting news of Xenogears coming back as a "PS1 Classic" there's finally , as well as being re-released on the PSN just before 3rd Birthday gets out.Parasite Eve - March 29th(?) Vagrant Story - March 1st Quote
The Damned Posted March 1, 2011 Posted March 1, 2011 Too bad Europeans won't be able to buy new PS3s for those games. Isn't that just great for the consumer? Quote
kupernikus Posted March 1, 2011 Posted March 1, 2011 So aside for the exciting news of Xenogears coming back as a "PS1 Classic" there's finally , as well as being re-released on the PSN just before 3rd Birthday gets out.Parasite Eve - March 29th(?) Vagrant Story - March 1st whoa, I didn't know PE was coming out on PSN.... my wife's going to be pissed at the credit card bills for gaming this month..... >.< oh well, we've got that whole hey, I spent money so you can spend the same amount thing going.... it's going to be expensive lol. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted March 1, 2011 Posted March 1, 2011 whoa, I didn't know PE was coming out on PSN.... my wife's going to be pissed at the credit card bills for gaming this month..... >.< oh well, we've got that whole hey, I spent money so you can spend the same amount thing going.... it's going to be expensive lol. Parasite Eve is supposedly coming out the same time or "just" before The 3rd Birthday comes out for the PSP on March 29. At most you'll likely pay $7.99? I think that's the same price for Vagrant Story as well. Too bad Europeans won't be able to buy new PS3s for those games. Isn't that just great for the consumer? So Europe got shafted again in regards to the gaming industry this time through hardware rather than software, what else is new? Not to downplay the situation but no point in moaning about it when there are other ways to get one. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted March 11, 2011 Posted March 11, 2011 Anyone hear about that there Free Realms? First free to play MMO on a console.. Who is in if this turns out to be legit? Quote
Thin Crust Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 Well my ps3 just died. The exact moment my oven timer went off, the console errored out and wont start again. It's an old 40 gig fat model from back in 2008 and I was wondering what it would take to try and save my files from it. Also, since I'm here in small town, USA, I would have to drive 70 miles to find the nearest game store. Should I try to get online or go for a drive? Quote
Crowbar Man Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but since the PS3 uses signing and encryption for some of its files, they are tied to your PS3. I believe The only way to get them off and in a usable state is through the PS3 Data Transfer Utility (hooking two working PS3s together). I believe you can redownload your purchased content from PSN, but your saved data is probably lost unless you backed it up to the cloud on PSN+ or you can get the machine operable again Sorry if none of this is good news :/ There could be several things causing your PS3 to not boot (heating, HDD issue, etc) so if the saved data is something your after you might need to have someone familiar with repairing PS3s take a look at it (and a game store is probably not going to help unless its local and they specialize in such things) Quote
GravitySuitCollector Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 As crowbar said, if you know someone, ask them. If not, google might be your only hope. I'd suggest simple term like "ps3 error," "ps3 not booting," or something like that first. After that, check with sny tech support if the data's that important.... I hope you are able to figure out what's up with it. Modern game systems don't really seem to compensate for increased heat output (higher power proceesing, clock speed, etc.) with better ventilation.... It's probably not good for the life of the systems. :/ Quote
Thin Crust Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 Well, normally I wouldn't complain from all my save files because I rarely go load an old saved file to play around with it. I'd just start up a new game. The only exception being mgs4 where you can keep your drebin points. But the reason this sucks for me is that I am trying to platinum all 3 Ratchet and Clank games from the HD collection. I'm done with the first one and half way done with the second one. I actually got to save probably around 400,000 bolts because Insomniac allows all the weapons from game 1 to be free (and fully upgraded) in game 2 if you bought them previously. I wont be able to do that unless I play through game 1 again. OH NO!!! I already toughed it out and got the speed demon trophy from game 2 and I was just so close to fully upgrading my ship. (It takes forever to gather enough of the special resources to do that.) EDIT: Just called PS3 support and they said that if I were to put in a new hard drive into any system, it would reformat it. My plan was to take my old 40gig HD and put it into a new system, back up my data, and put the new HD back in. But it doesn't look like I will be able to do that. Any ideas on how to get my data off of my (probably) working HD? EDIT2: Called game store 70 miles away. They have a superslim Uncharted 3 bundle and it sounds like it would be the best thing that I could do in my situation. U3 is also on my games-to-play list anyway so it works out. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted October 10, 2012 Posted October 10, 2012 So regarding your keeled over ps3, there's no light, 3 beeps and nothing..? Not even the possibility that the power cord got loose on the ps3's back end..? Quote
Thin Crust Posted October 10, 2012 Posted October 10, 2012 We get a normal red light for power. When you press the power button, I get a flash of a yellow light, 3 beeps, then it shuts down. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted October 11, 2012 Posted October 11, 2012 Hardware failure. The best you can do is simply more research on the "YLOD" for the ps3. If you want you can try doing a DIY-repair on your PS3; get a month worth card of the PSN+, use the cloud to transfer as much info over as you can and prepare to switch over to a new ps3 model. This is of course assuming the fix manages to get the old ps3 working once more; if only to last for a week or so if not more. Quote
Crowbar Man Posted October 11, 2012 Posted October 11, 2012 My plan was to take my old 40gig HD and put it into a new system, back up my data, and put the new HD back in. But it doesn't look like I will be able to do that. Any ideas on how to get my data off of my (probably) working HD? Like I said, this wouldn't work :/ No PS3 can read the data off the drive except the PS3 it was originally set up with, any other PS3 will not be able to read it (and yes try to reformat the drive so it can) As mentioned in my post, the only way you'll be able to get your data off is by getting the unit working and using the Data Transfer Utility to transfer the data to another working PS3 unit (free!), or use the PSN+ cloud service (have to sub to PSN+) Also the new model PS3 units are kinda poopy. Spring loaded slide lid, kinda cheaply made. Does come with a game but I wouldn't recommend it over the old slim (same price minus the game). Neither are PS2 backwards compatible, so if your unit is you may want to still look into repairs anyways if that is important to you Quote
Thin Crust Posted October 13, 2012 Posted October 13, 2012 They sold the Uncharted 3 superslim bundle before I got there, so I came back with a 120gig slim model. You know what's absolutely horrible? I just checked my trophys and it says that I don't have the platinum for Ratchet and Clank 1. Only a couple of them. But the ones I do have include the RYNO (a very very hard trophy to get and one of the last ones I got). In other words, I'm going to need to platinum it all over again. This bites because I didn't really care for that game. I think the biggest concern I had was that you had to be extremely close to bolts to pick them up. I might have to do the glitch to get all the bolts at once. Quote
Gollgagh Posted October 14, 2012 Posted October 14, 2012 and that is why you should sync trophies as often as you can stomach if you're actually collecting the things Quote
Thin Crust Posted October 27, 2012 Posted October 27, 2012 Oh no, I just realized that I also lost my Mass Effect 2 save files!!! When I buy ME3 eventually, I won't have my history to finish the story. Quote
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