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Pokémon: Forget Ultra Sun and Moon, Core Game for Switch Announced

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3 hours ago, Skyline Drop said:

New Pokemon! Yay!

Here's hoping that this time around they actually make some substantial changes to the game formula rather than just shoving a bunch more forgettable Poke designs down our throats and yet another ridiculous sidegame that nobody really bothers with (Pokemon Dream World, anybody?)

... Who am I kidding? It's still Game Freak. I shouldn't expect anything major at this point. And I'm probably still gonna buy it out of sheer fanboyism :<

Well, you know how the saying goes: If it ain’t broke


...break it, then build something better. But it's hard to imagine them changing the base formula much because it works. I'm currently playing through Red/Blue/Yellow again via VC.  I was lucky enough to get the special edition pack(only 3 were sent out to each store in this area). The cover plates are pretty awesome and having Red/Blue preinstalled is a nice bonus, though I do sort of miss the GBC enhancements.


For those of you who care, you can get Celebi on your XY and ORAS game right now. Just to the the Mystery Gift option in your main menu, choose "Receive over Internet" and it should appear Then go in-game to any Pokécenter and talk to the lady standing in front of the counter.

If you save right before talking to her, you can reset your game for better stats and nature (if you're competitively inclined, that is). Otherwise, jsut enjoy the fact you have a free Celebi!


I'm hearing Singapore is the new theory. The hotel in the video looks almost identical to a famous one there, and the other things, like vehicles and palm trees, are supposed to fit in as well.

Conversely, we have the fact that both 5th and 6th gen were based upon places Game Freak staff had visited shortly before. Black and White are based upon New York, which some of the staff had visited for various reasons, including getting source material to base the cities upon. X and Y were based upon France and Paris, which the director had posted on his social media accounts right around the time the games were announced.

But the last time the staff had posted a trip to another country, it was Spain back in early 2015. I don't know if Spain has palm trees or vehicles that match those color schemes.

How knows? We'll have to wait for the E3 Directs for more news... if they even bother with any then.


Apparently there's also a hotel in Hawaii similar to that one.

I do like the idea of Spain though. I mean, it's said in-game "In the southern part of the Kalos region, there seems to be a custom to revere Volcanion as a nation-building Pokémon. People seem to believe that a steam explosion caused by Volcanion created the plain where they live."

And what's to the southwest of France? Spain. It would be a way to build off that region's mythos further.

2 hours ago, Mirby said:

Apparently there's also a hotel in Hawaii similar to that one.

I do like the idea of Spain though. I mean, it's said in-game "In the southern part of the Kalos region, there seems to be a custom to revere Volcanion as a nation-building Pokémon. People seem to believe that a steam explosion caused by Volcanion created the plain where they live."

And what's to the southwest of France? Spain. It would be a way to build off that region's mythos further.

Imagine if Sun and Moon are X&Y's GSC. Complete with revising Kalos.


Turns out that from March 4th to October 31st of this year, any one that accesses PokéBank will be given the three Legendary trio of Regice, Registeel and Regirock. Oh, but that's not all. They all come with their Hidden Abilities. This is pretty rare, so I'd advise getting them while you can. I mean, you have months to do it, but still.

All three come to your game at level 50. Just remember, you can only get one each per PokéBank account. If you want like, twenty each, you're going to have to trade for them. Or cheat, but come on, really? Cheating in Pokémon to get more of something everyone is getting for free? Ain't nobody got reason for that crazy.


I booted up my copy of Pokemon Y for the first time in literally years in order to get a Celebi (I have...  one badge!  Woo!), and now I'm seriously considering paying $5 for a Pokemon Bank account that I'll probably never use in order to get the Regi trio.

What's wrong with me.


I've found Pokebank to be pretty useful for trading between games you own, at least. So it's actually very practical in that respect. You also need it to import from gen 5 games.

Plus, for Sun and Moon, they'll have apparently implemented functionality to import mons from R/G/B/Y to those games. It gives me hope that maybe they'll put up Virtual Console releases of Gold and Silver and I can import my re-created team from when I was 9 to Moon version...

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Saturday and Sunday are the last days to get free Jirachis from the internet! After Sunday, that's it. No more.

Then we get a month of having to go to.. ugh... GameStop, and asking for a card with a number on it. Previous history tells me that that at least one of my local stores will insist that the card, labeled for free, is only available with a purchase.

It says it's free on the card, you bastards! Fortunately, you can just call the Nintendo support line and they will give you a code over the phone. So fuck you, GameStop.


Oh man, with the Gamestop codes I had the problem of the places just being straight-up cleaned out of them. Mind you, we have them EVERYWHERE here, and yet enough people seem to show up to each individual location to just take all of them. We had to go across town to get codes for Mew.

I'm hoping that since this is Darkrai and is one of the more less-beloved ones, it'll be less of a pain this time.


I honestly think it's partly due to workers giving handfuls of them away to friends or something. I've seen threads on other sites where someone is giving away fifteen or twenty codes at once. How the hell did they get that many codes all at once? They're either workers, or know a worker, and were given them.

That means some stores are simply going to run out real quick.

But since each game is only able to use one code, it's not like I'm expecting to horde dozens of them. But still...


There's a new, unannounced download!

For some reason, Zygarde, the last of the Gen 6 legendary trio, is up for grabs! No news or announcements were released, so this is either a glitch or a special present! I have mine from the internet Mystery Gift, and can confirm it is real.

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