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Pokémon: Forget Ultra Sun and Moon, Core Game for Switch Announced

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Zygarde event works for ALL 6th gen games! So go get it!

Darkrai also starts today. For those in the US, you get codes from Gamestop. As predicted, I was able to get my codes with no problems today!


In Canada,it's EB Games.

But regardless, if you can't make it to a store/don't want to go to Gamestop or EB Games, you can still jsut get a code from Nintendo's support line. Call them up, tell them your store is out or wants you to buy something for the cards, whatever. They will generate a code and give it to you over the phone.

Now, it will be one per system, that way. So you're still better off trying to get one card for each copy you have.


If you look closely at the heads of the new legendaries (for instance, the super large boxart copies Serebii has), you'll notice that they seem to have the same kind of translucent, domed figure with eyes that look like holograms within. Are they robots maybe? :o


Looking good so far. First thoughts are that I will want litten as my starter. I'll have to see what the third stages are though. And that sun legendary looks like a pyroar on steroids.


New starters are awesome. Fun fact: Rowlet is the first starter to have two types since Bulbasaur.

The overworld map seems much more detailed than Gen 6. Human models are more realistic and look a touch more detailed.

New region looks more tropical than Hoenn did, and Hoenn was awesome for that.

The theme song they played in the announcement video has some nice new tones to it. More varied than in the past.

Finally, that new cover mascot/possible legendary... the god-king of Zubats?

So far, this is a good sign of things to come.


New starters are pretty cool. Litten looks cool and stands out from the rest of the fire starters with so much black. Rowlet is cute and looks funny, the twisting head animation is amazing. Popplio looks so derpy that I can't help but love it. The circus seal theme is awesome too.

Bat legendary is awesome. Looks so majestic. Lion looks like a true force of nature but I don't dig the design that much.


Well, I just got screwed out of the Legendary Bird promotion.

I had everything set up on my Pokémon Club account for the codes for Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno the day the announcement was made. I made sure the email address was correct, I clicked on the single, solitary checkbox you needed to receive the code, I saved the changes, verified everything as good to go, and did it all weeks before the cut-off point of April 22nd.

Weeks after the event goes live, I haven't gotten a single thing from Nintendo, Pokémon or any site related to the event. I checked my account settings at least six times, and it was still set up correctly. I checked all of my spam filters, junkmail folders, everything.

Nothing. And just now, I checked the Pokémon.com support system, and after submitting a query about the codes (with my detailed explanation of how I had verified everything was working fine on my end), the only reply I got was the usual "did you check your junk mail?" bullshit. No help at all. And the last line of the auto-form states "we can't make more codes for anyone that didn't get the newsletter, for whatever reason" so I'm out of luck.

Combined with the near useless GameStop/ EB Games card fuckery, this is exactly why Nintendo needs to just make all the events online downloads. No codes, no sign-up cap, no stores that run out of cards/say it's only with a purchase... all that, just gone. Nothing for me, or who knows how many other people. Hundreds? Thousands? I don't know.

Yeah, yeah, first-world problems...


The problem is, of course, that the point of the event isn't to be convenient for fans, it's to get people to go to Gamestop so that oh hey, while you're here, would you like to preorder Medal of Duty 16?  No?  How about a copy of Pokemon Sun and/or Moon?  I mean, I live within walking distance of a Gamestop and I haven't bothered to get any of the codes from them.  Of course, I'm probably not the best example, given that the only reason I even get the online ones is because this thread reminds me to, but still.  (And I did just get my Shiny Yvetal.  I've only beat the first gym and at this point I'm one short of being able to have an entire party of level 100 legendaries.)


Well, with the exception of the birds I ranted about, I'm actually doing pretty good on getting extra event pokémon. If I have enough left over by the end of the year, if any one is missing any, hit me up for some trades.

Until then... I guess we have until the E3 Nintendo Direct video to hear more news.

Carry on.


The Japanese news and leaks are always so boring. Like that big announcement that "Meet Up At The Pokémon House?" (the current TV show in Japan) would have a new, exclusive, never-seen before video... which turned out to the the exact same clip from the Nintendo Direct weeks before.

Or when CoroCoro says they have a big surprise, and we get slightly different versions of the news we saw the week before from another site or magazine.

It's going to be nothing big or spectacular. I'd like to be proven wrong, of course, but the long history of Pokémon announcements and leaks tells me otherwise.

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