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Pokémon: Forget Ultra Sun and Moon, Core Game for Switch Announced

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Shiny Mewtwos... if you're signed up for the right stuff.

But to top that off, we got some new CoroCoro leaks!


It's a koloa pokémon! It seems to be called Nekkoala, the Half Awake Pokémon. It is a Normal-type with the ability Definite Sleep which prevents it being afflicted with a status other than sleep.

Next, we have Iwanko. It is a Rock-type Pokémon. It's abilities are Keen Eye or Vital Spirit.corocoro7162.jpg

Another picture of it.corocoro7163.jpg

EDIT: And that weird humanoid Zygarde from the anime is now official in Sun/Moon.


Lots of news this last day or so.


4 hours ago, wildfire said:

Battle Royale looks so fun!

It's pretty obvious that the new Pokemon reveals are the this generation's Pidgey, Rattata, and Weedle/Caterpie. Pikipek could be good but the other two will just be Pokedex fillers.

I dunno. In Gen 3, Linoone was a fairly decent Normal type. In gen 5, Scolipede was a fairly decent Bug type.

And in gen 5 and games afterwards, Unfezant was and still is 100% useless.

What I find super interesting was the mention that everyone keeps missing - that every island has a guardian Pokemon. Could Zygarde actually be the "fourth" one, adding onto a generation's standard three main legendaries?

41 minutes ago, Bleck said:

that mongoose looks like donald trump

I can't un-see that.


57 minutes ago, SystemsReady said:

What I find super interesting was the mention that everyone keeps missing - that every island has a guardian Pokemon. Could Zygarde actually be the "fourth" one, adding onto a generation's standard three main legendaries?

Island guardians? Source?


It was mentioned in the demo shown on the Treehouse Live demonstration. Here, I've queued it up to the cutscene that mentions this.


Apparently the first island's guardian deity is Tapu Koko, and I think the first island is indeed called Melemele.


Despite the sheer amount of footage and discussion that have come out, I feel like that a 43 minute long interview was the wrong way to go. They could have had a 20 minute Direct video like before, covered everything just as well (if not better; no people talking over the footage) and left it at that.

In stead we get 43 minutes of talking, talking, talking, more talking, while the game is blocked out or shrunk down. It was hard to keep watching after the ten minute mark, and it was just depleting to complete. I actually lost interest and don't feel like I saw anything worth while.

People talking for 45 minutes isn't showcasing the game. It's just 45 minutes of people talking.

6 hours ago, The Damned said:

Despite the sheer amount of footage and discussion that have come out, I feel like that a 43 minute long interview was the wrong way to go. They could have had a 20 minute Direct video like before, covered everything just as well (if not better; no people talking over the footage) and left it at that.

In stead we get 43 minutes of talking, talking, talking, more talking, while the game is blocked out or shrunk down. It was hard to keep watching after the ten minute mark, and it was just depleting to complete. I actually lost interest and don't feel like I saw anything worth while.

People talking for 45 minutes isn't showcasing the game. It's just 45 minutes of people talking.

I think it worked because those particular devs aren't ones to have their faces plastered everywhere or give interviews. If it was like...Miyamoto and Aonuma talking constantly about Zelda I think I'd have less interest, but Masuda and the poor dude whose name I can't remember generally don't have very much screen time or face-to-face involvement in talking about their latest game or its inspirations.


The Sun/Moon (SuMo? SM? Is there a consensus on this gen's abbreviation?) QR Scanner feature has a new detail revealed... it's region-locked.


Well, this isn't exactly a new thing. The current download code system is also partially region locked, and everything from Gen 4 on has done this.

I'm guessing it will run similar to the current system, where the region needs to have the event active. When you go online with a code or jsut a download, it routes it to that region, checks to see if there is an event, and then begins the download.

Still... region locked? We know from homebrewers that it's not hardware based, as you can set a hacked 3DS to any region, or even region-free. I just don't see the point these days.

9 hours ago, The Damned said:

The Sun/Moon (SuMo? SM? Is there a consensus on this gen's abbreviation?) QR Scanner feature has a new detail revealed... it's region-locked.


Well, this isn't exactly a new thing. The current download code system is also partially region locked, and everything from Gen 4 on has done this.

I'm guessing it will run similar to the current system, where the region needs to have the event active. When you go online with a code or jsut a download, it routes it to that region, checks to see if there is an event, and then begins the download.

Still... region locked? We know from homebrewers that it's not hardware based, as you can set a hacked 3DS to any region, or even region-free. I just don't see the point these days.

Even though they made a big deal about "seeing" Pokemon you haven't seen via QA code...tbh it sounds like it's just another method for Mystery Gift at this point, and different countries have entirely different events for Mystery Gift.

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