damathacus Posted November 10, 2006 Posted November 10, 2006 Dama, you're not following the rules, or you are and it's just deceptive:Two scheduled regular matches per week. Just ONE halfmatch per week. No more than one. What? I don't follow. You're saying the optional match is supposed to be a single game? Edit: Oh, I see the problem. Bahamut wasn't my scheduled match for this week. John and Clef are. I knew I was playing two titans and I got them mixed up. Okay, well, I think we'll have to count my optionals against Greyfox and not the one against Bahamut, because I already played an optional against Bahamut last week. Sorry, I'll try to pay more attention in the future. Quote
Rainman DX Posted November 10, 2006 Posted November 10, 2006 I've won two optionals against grayfox. I still need to play my other game against Bahamut and both of my games against John. Not sure if I'll get them all done or not. He's saying you're not scheduled to play Bahamut this week, but Clef. Your two optional matches are apparently against grayfox, but not Bahamut. Quote
Rainman DX Posted November 11, 2006 Posted November 11, 2006 You guys aren't going to believe this, but Bahamut beat me. Mkay, all done for this week. Rainman DX vs. Margoute, 1-0. Quote
kamoh Posted November 11, 2006 Author Posted November 11, 2006 moves plzkamoh stop evading me. REPORT ME! Sorry everyone, just a few things: 1) I'll be online tonight OR Sunday night to play my match with JD. 2) I'll be online tonight updating results. 3) Yahoo! is dead to me now. Let's move. Quote
mDuo13 Posted November 11, 2006 Posted November 11, 2006 It's a bad shop, but I thought I'd share this with you guys. Sorry for interrupting your thread. Quote
Rainman DX Posted November 11, 2006 Posted November 11, 2006 So we need to move to playchess.com. It's really simple. Quote
iceman Posted November 11, 2006 Posted November 11, 2006 I would like to play chess too. My Aim is icemanz86 Quote
LongeBane Posted November 12, 2006 Posted November 12, 2006 So we need to move to playchess.com. It's really simple. We're only 4 months behind in the move Quote
kamoh Posted November 12, 2006 Author Posted November 12, 2006 Hey guys. So I think that I've dug myself into a huge hole by trying to make the standings look nice and also have those theme colors I had you all choose. The theme colors remain in your avatars, which is a nice addition, but I'm probably going to make things look simple. I'd also like to bring back the points-for-a-loss system in some way, but likely not 3-2-1. We'll see. Quote
Bahamut Posted November 13, 2006 Posted November 13, 2006 Bahamut wins 1 and draws 1 vs. Margoute. Both games were pretty good, and I probably should've lost both of them. Here's the second game: ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game;White: margoute;Black: ilovepsi84;Date: Mon Nov 13 06:19:09 GMT 20061. e2-e4 c7-c52. g1-f3 g7-g63. c2-c3 f8-g74. f1-c4 e7-e65. o-o d7-d56. e4xd5 e6xd57. f1-e1+ g8-e78. c4-d3 o-o9. d3-c2 b8-c610. d2-d4 c5-c411. b2-b3 c4xb312. c2xb3 c6-a513. b3-c2 a5-c414. b1-a3 c4xa315. c1xa3 f8-e816. a1-b1 b7-b617. d1-e2 g7-f818. c2-b3 c8-b719. c3-c4 d5xc420. e2xc4 b7-d521. c4-c3 a8-c822. c3-d3 d5xb323. b1xb3 e7-d524. e1xe8 d8xe825. a3-b2 d5-f426. d3-d1 e8-d827. f3-e5 f8-g728. d1-g4 g7xe529. d4xe5 f4-e630. h2-h4 d8-d531. h4-h5 a7-a532. h5xg6 h7xg633. b3xb6 d5xa234. b2-d4 a5-a435. f2-f4 a2-d236. b6-d6 d2-c1+37. g1-h2 e6xf438. d4-e3 c1-c439. e3xf4 c8-e840. g4-g5 c4-e441. d6-d8 e4-c642. d8xe8+ c6xe843. g5-f6 g8-h744. f6-g5 a4-a345. e5-e6 e8xe646. f4-e5 e6-f547. g5-h4+ f5-h548. h4xh5+ g6xh549. e5-d6 a3-a250. d6-e5 h7-g651. e5-a1 g6-g552. h2-h3 f7-f553. g2-g3 g5-g654. h3-h4 g6-h655. h4-h3 h6-g556. a1-b2 Quote
margoute Posted November 13, 2006 Posted November 13, 2006 eventually played with Bahamut, beautiful games, ty baha here is the first game: ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: ilovepsi84 ;Black: margoute ;Date: Mon Nov 13 05:28:34 GMT 2006 1. g2-g3 e7-e5 2. f1-g2 g8-f6 3. b2-b3 f8-c5 4. e2-e3 o-o 5. g1-e2 d7-d5 6. d2-d4 e5xd4 7. e3xd4 c5-b6 8. o-o c7-c6 9. c1-a3 f8-e8 10. c2-c4 d5xc4 11. b3xc4 e8xe2 12. d1xe2 b6xd4 13. a3-b2 d4xb2 14. e2xb2 b8-a6 15. b1-d2 a6-c5 16. a1-d1 c8-g4 17. d2-f3 d8-a5 18. d1-d4 a8-d8 19. d4-f4 c5-d3 20. b2xb7 d3xf4 21. g3xf4 g7-g5 22. f4xg5 g4xf3 23. g2xf3 a5xg5+ 24. f3-g2 f6-h5 25. b7xc6 h5-f4 26. f1-e1 g8-g7 27. c6-e4 d8-e8 28. e4-d4+ g7-f8 29. d4-h8+ g5-g8 30. e1xe8+ Quote
Bahamut Posted November 13, 2006 Posted November 13, 2006 It's always a pleasure playing with you . As for the second game, if you look at the moves, there is a point towards the end where Marg had a complete advantage, but she disconnected around then and was also low on time like me. Quote
kamoh Posted November 13, 2006 Author Posted November 13, 2006 This image is too confusing for people so I just got rid of it and made a comment below. Quote
JohnDriLLL Posted November 13, 2006 Posted November 13, 2006 John got two quick wins on me.U dident write down my 2 Wins last week Quote
Rainman DX Posted November 13, 2006 Posted November 13, 2006 Thanks for the updates, Kamoh. So just a note of clarification - does the score changing from the former post to the latter post imply that every week we drop our previous fourth-week's record? I wasn't aware we were doing that. If that's the case, that's fine, but are we keeping track of cumulative totals as well? I just want to know what to expect in the future, I guess. P.S. How is Bahamut leading?? You mean Keegan? Or did you start accounting negative points for losses again? Quote
kamoh Posted November 13, 2006 Author Posted November 13, 2006 John got two quick wins on me.U dident write down my 2 Wins last weekDone, in next update. John in 2nd place with 9.75Thanks for the updates, Kamoh. So just a note of clarification - does the score changing from the former post to the latter post imply that every week we drop our previous fourth-week's record? I wasn't aware we were doing that. If that's the case, that's fine, but are we keeping track of cumulative totals as well? I just want to know what to expect in the future, I guess.P.S. How is Bahamut leading?? You mean Keegan? Or did you start accounting negative points for losses again? 1) Yes. EVERY WEEK, I will tabulate the last four weeks, and give first place an award. You'll notice that goes to Bahamut (I had some serious tabulation issues that were brought up right after the post was made, and had to fix the results). Then, I will scoot the oldest of the four weeks over, and enter a new week with a new schedule based on the previous three week's standings. This means that your max score going into any week is 15 points, and max score ending any week is 20 points. I will be keeping all the old results, because I may want to do a few other awards later on (cumulative over 13 weeks, cumulative over the year, etc), as well as playoffs. I don't see us doing a "playoff" week until at least week 7 has passed, so don't play to that at all - just try and get as many points and awards as possible. Quote
JohnDriLLL Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 margo, snerrak, rainman im falling asleep! keep running all yawl. maybe i stay up and play emulators. hmm Quote
Rainman DX Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 Bahamut and I split one. He'll post the move list. Rainman DX vs. Bahamut, 1/2 - 1/2. Quote
Bahamut Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 Here's the draw, and I am kinda miffed that I didn't win with all the moves I did: ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game;White: rainmanr2d2;Black: ilovepsi84;Date: Tue Nov 14 05:13:33 GMT 20061. d2-d4 d7-d52. c1-f4 e7-e63. e2-e3 c7-c54. c2-c3 d8-b65. b2-b3 g8-f66. f1-d3 f8-e77. g1-f3 o-o8. o-o b8-c69. b1-d2 c5xd410. f3xd4 c6xd411. c3xd4 c8-d712. a1-c1 f6-e813. d1-h5 g7-g614. h5-g4 f7-f515. g4-g3 e8-f616. f4-e5 f6-h517. g3-f3 e7-f618. e5-c7 b6-b419. f3-e2 b4-e720. f2-f3 d7-c621. c7-a5 e6-e522. d2-b1 e5-e423. f3xe4 f5xe424. d3-b5 c6xb525. e2xb5 f6-g526. f1-e1 e7-e627. b1-c3 h5-f628. b5xb7 a8-b829. b7xa7 f6-g430. c3-d1 g5-h431. g2-g3 g4xh232. g1xh2 h4xg3+33. h2-g2 g3xe134. a5xe1 e6-g4+35. g2-h2 g4-e2+36. d1-f2 f8xf2+37. e1xf2 e2xf2+38. h2-h1 b8-f839. a7-d7 f2-h4+40. h1-g1 h4-g3+41. g1-h1 g3-f3+42. h1-g1 f3-f2+43. g1-h1 f2-h4+44. h1-g1 h4-f2+45. g1-h1 Quote
kamoh Posted November 14, 2006 Author Posted November 14, 2006 BTW I have to again retract Bahamut's score and give JD the 1/4 point victory for week 1-4's 1st place award...because... Dama your halfmatch against Grayfox9996 will stand. You were unable to play Bahamut because you had played a halfmatch against him in week 2. Rotation time is always 4 weeks. Quote
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