The Coop Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 This one's open to all game catagories. Now, I'm not talking about a game who's control was so bad it made fighting/playing hard. I'm talking about a boss that was just plain nasty, viscious, could take a beating and dish one out, and took seeminly forever before the bastard/bitch (both sexes are covered here ) finally fell. For me, that honor goes to...... Mother Brain and Dark Force!!!!!! Mother Brain from Phantasy Star II was a complete bitch to beat. No matter how many times you hit her, no matter the strength of the magic cast, you got your ass kicked in a big, big way. Dark Force from Phantasy Star III gets the tying nod because of the exact same thing. It took forever to disable it's hands, just so you could start beating on its head... which was another battle in itself. While it was also a sh*t to beat to Phantasy Star IV and I, the third game had the nastiest version on it. Special honors go to Death from Castlevania I... GOD that was an unfair boss... Quote
Dev Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Well, he's easier now, but I'm gonna say Mike Tyson in MTPO. The first few times you played him, he really took your ass to school. Quote
Btr'dSqrl Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 The next to last boss from Ninja Gaiden. The one that floated around the top of the screen and shot homing fire at you. Goodness so difficult. Btr'dSqrl Quote
dilbert627 Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 The last Mizar in Jet Force Gemini was quite difficult. Probably the hardest boss in recent games. Quote
harpo Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 i would say the atma weapon from FF3. or maybe masa&mune from chrono trigger. i've always thought fighting bowser the third time in mario 64 was rather tough, but i've also met people who think i'm either stupid or just a pansy for thinking that. Quote
Teknobunny Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Masa & Mune were pretty easy, and Atma weapon wasnt THAT hard if u drained his magic... The Hardest boss was prolly from Contra 3... the end boss... its almost impossible to do it without losing almost all your lives... and after u kick his first forms ass, his second forms comes at you while ur riding a missile out! (on hard mode) Quote
Native Jovian Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Yeah, Masa and Mune weren't all that difficult. I'd have to say the hardest boss... For me, anyway, it would have to be the Omnidragon from Chrono Cross. DAMN, that thing took a beating before it went down. And what with all the switching innate elements, you have to have a really balenced party to the the maximum damage possible. He was hard without being cheap (as in one really hard hit that whipes out/significatly drains your party). Actually, that can be said for most of Chrono Cross's bosses. Quote
dkhighwind Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 The final bosses from Breath of Fire II and III kicked my arse pretty bad. Stupid deities. Quote
crimsonzeal Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Shinryuu from Final Fantasy V for the hardest RPG boss. Quote
Prof. Nutbunny Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Sigma from Mega ManX3 gave me a good spanking before i finally beat him. And the last boss(es) for Xenogears was probably the hardest RPG battle i've ever had. Quote
oldtimer Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Never got to the end of Chuck Rock - there was this octopus squid thing (I think) at the end of the water level (Stage 3? 4?) that would waste you by shooting crabs at you. Sucks that I never knew how to beat it, nor was I able to. Quote
crimsonzeal Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 I remember in Soul Blazer, a long time ago when I first got the game, I couldn't beat the first boss. I spent days looking for that one swrod that could cut metal because that's what I thought you needed. Apparently I wasn't the only one, as I've met at least 5 other people that thought the same. I think the instruction manuel was misleading or something. Oh, and most bosses in Metal Slug games can be pretty tough, as that game was designed to make you pump in as many quaters into the machine as possible. Quote
The Coop Posted June 1, 2002 Author Posted June 1, 2002 How about the Water Dragon in Lunar: Eternal Blue on PS1? I've owned the game for over a year and I've been stuck there for eight months of it ! Or Ghaleon at the end of Lunar: The Silver Star Story on the Sega CD? On the PS1, he was a breeze compared to his first appearence on the Sega CD. Quote
Aureolius Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Ok no matter what any of you say, I know for a FACT who THE hardest boss to ever star in a video game is. Ever hear of an old NES game called "Time lord"? It was actually made by Mattel. Yes the toy company. Well. The game goes pretty smooth until you get to the 3rd level. While traveling through time you somehow end up in the wild west with cowboys shooting bullets up your ass from all directions. Well, if you manage to survive the level, you are rewarded with meeting the HARDEST BOSS IN VIDEO GAME HISTORY! I KID YOU NOT! Basically, the boss is this gigantic Mexican looking dude with a poncho, sombrero, and a six-shooter. Well I fought him a couple of times and died after a few minutes or so, but eventually I found his pattern. My brother and I would sit there and keep fighting him, but we could never win. Well, one day we were determind to defeat this pesky villain! We got to the end of the level, and began to fight him. And fight him. And fight him........Then we realized we had been fighting him for THREE HOURS on the same life! WE NEVER DIED! WE FOUGHT THE BOSS FOR 3 HOURS ON THE SAME LIFE! We must have hit him a MILLION times!! Pow! Pow! Pow! 4 Hours passed.......5 hours passed......still the same life.....took a few breaks.....took turns fighting....still the same life......HE WILL NEVER DIE!!!! HE IS FREAKING IMMORTAL!!!!! We finally gave up and turned the game off in grave dissapointment. Well, now you know who THE hardest boss in video game history is. The stupid mexican guy in a poncho and sombrero with a six shooter. Quote
Aureolius Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Why do I start almost all my paragraphs with the word well? Quote
Veritas Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 yeah the xenogears final boss really gave me a hard time...especially after getting all my fuel sucked out of me...i barely made it out alive...i think that silly looking pink thing saved me big time... hm...what else...Dracula at the end of Circle of the Moon was rough too...especially since i went in pretty low level and without 2 cards that eventually allowed me to beat him... the most frustrating would have to be the big brain thing (nil-something) at the end of half-life who kept zapping you to other places and you had to jump into these teleportation portals to get back (only they were situation on the ceiling or somewhere less than cooperative) oh yeah...near the end of max payne was really rough had to be a quick-save whore to get past anything --- turn the corner, quicksave, dive out and shoot in bullet-time, quicksave, damn i missed, quickload, shoot again, missed, quickload, shoot again, a hit, quicksave... Quote
Zeromus Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Me, dammit! But since I know that's not true, I'll say last boss from Baldur's Gate. All but my main character died, and he only lived because of a potion of speed (or many) - anyway, that's what I say. If not... me! *sigh* I know, nevermind... Z Quote
po! Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Uh. The last boss in Snake Rattle N' Roll. It's a foot that jumps around the summit of a mountain.. Yes, a foot. No matter how much you lick it, it will not die. I never finished the game. Yes, that game was wierd. (and had kwel music). that's just what i was thinking! that stinkin foot was soooo hard... i never beat that game either, but that might be cuz the last level is also freakin HARD oh yea.. there's one ore two bosses in FF5 that are really tough.. as well as FF Tactics Quote
lazygecko Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 I think I broke about 5 controllers cause of that foot in Snake Rattle Roll and it gave me nightmares at night... Quote
Euclid Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Shinryuu from Final Fantasy V for the hardest RPG boss. There are no 'hard' bosses in most rpg games... a simple way of beating most of them is just to train yourself to the maximum level and they can all be taken down easily... I remember in Soul Blazer, a long time ago when I first got the game, I couldn't beat the first boss. I spent days looking for that one swrod that could cut metal because that's what I thought you needed. Apparently I wasn't the only one, as I've met at least 5 other people that thought the same. I think the instruction manuel was misleading or something. As to Soul Blazer... i know nothing about Jap and i had the Jap version of it (it's called Soul Blader there)... i had to play through the whole game without any game guides, only the instruction manual . It took me A LONG TIME to beat the game but i'm pretty sure i beat(and found) the first boss on my first time playing it. Quote
Vortex Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Rockman and Forte (Megaman game in Japan that never made it to the US, last one on SNES). In one of the "castle" levels after you beat all he robots, there was this flying tank-like thing that you had to fight while continually jumping on little tiny platforms that raised out of the bottom of the screen one by one, then fell just as the next one was rising. To make things worse, the boss had this laser that could knock you off and it also shot these little bubble things... if you touched them, the whole screen would flash white for a second so you COULDNT SEE WHAT YOU WERE DOING. You could only hit the thing in one little tiny spot too. Goddamn that thing was hard. Come to think if it, that entire game was damn near impossible. Quote
His Divine Shadow Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Super Drunk at the end of Bubble Bobble always cleans my clock. Maybe it's because the rare times I actually get to him, I don't have enough lives left to get his pattern. Whatever, he always puts the boot in. HDS Quote
Aureolius Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 I don't see why people are still posting because I alraedy said who the hardest boss in Video game history is. Quote
Yusaku999 Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 For me, the hardest boss I had to fight was the first boss, on Dr. Wiley's first stage of Mega Man. (the first one.) I coudln't beat him. I never used the "select cheat" either. -J Quote
Lord Exor Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 You must be doing something wrong with this mexican guy. No boss is impossible... Quote
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