The Coop Posted November 10, 2009 Author Posted November 10, 2009 Ever heard of Painkiller? Sure you have. You know its fan-made but officially supported sequel-ish Painkiller: Overdose? Perhaps. The bosses in this game are pretty easy. Their attacks are easy to avoid, and getting them trapped behind scenery so you can keep blasting away at them will little trouble isn't a tough task to accomplish. However, things get rather nasty at the end when you come up against the final boss. I won't mention its name, as I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't played it. Let's just say it's a familiar face. Anyway, this boss has a few attacks. Homing clouds of smoke-like stuff, fireballs, summoning up big nasty monsters that take a good number of hits to go down... all sorts of fun stuff. During its final phase, it also calls up fire columns that you need to be on the run constantly to avoid. However, when you're supposed to hurt it during that phase is left as a big mystery. I won't say how you're supposed to hurt it, but I will say I must have lost a ridiculous number of times before it was sheer chance that I found the way to do damage to its final form. I mean, I literally ran out of ammo trying to figure out what to do several times. It was pissing me off to no end. But, I did figure it out, and watching that damn thing meet its end gave me a good sense of satisfaction. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted November 10, 2009 Posted November 10, 2009 Ever heard of Painkiller? Sure you have. You know its fan-made but officially supported sequel-ish Painkiller: Overdose? Perhaps. I thought I was the only one who played painkiller around here. Got the "triple dose" pack awhile back. They BETTER at least consider continuing it due to the ending in BOoH. As throwaway as the plot/storyline can be, it at least gives more of an opportunity to continue the carnage. Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted November 10, 2009 Posted November 10, 2009 MicroSoft's Space Cadet Pinball. Would any of you believe that Danimal Cannon made the most badass remix of that game's music? Won second place for that month, too. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted November 12, 2009 Posted November 12, 2009 So I've finally finished "Koumajou Densetsu Scarlet Symphony" aka Touhouvania. All I really have to say is that I keep forgetting the different elements that exist within the game, such as grazing projectiles. "Gungir the Spear" attack kept fucking me up... and my score too... Quote
Sorekara Posted November 30, 2009 Posted November 30, 2009 All my favourite/hardest bosses are from the Kingdom Hearts series. Firstly, The Phantom. I still haven't beaten him and I don't know how. Can anyone tell me? Secondly, Xemnas (4th Form). The bit where he surrounds you with all those tiny laser things...if you mess that up, and can't get back into the rhythm, you're screwed. My easiest boss ever was World of Chaos from KH1. That was possibly the easiest final Boss ever. Quote
Sorekara Posted November 30, 2009 Posted November 30, 2009 Sephiroth in KH 1 And KH2. Especially KH2 if because I hadn't maxed out High Jump and that Master Form one, so I usually couldn't stop Heartless Angel. Phantom from KH1. Quote
Algamest Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 I watched my brother beat Ruby weapon in FF7, but i have to agree its a pretty impossible boss, never done it meself like, but i have to say, in FF5, i beat Neo Exdeath, Enuo, Omega, Shinryu and Omega MK II, but i could NEVER beat Neo Shinryu, just imposssssssssible lolz, so i would i have to say Neo Shinryu as my hardest boss ever Quote
Sir_Snooze Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 And, not a boss, but the ReDeads from Ocarina of Time? They'd kill me, not because they were bosses or difficult, but because I was too damn scared to do anything to get them off Link (whatever it was they were DOING to Link was something no child my age should have seen). Oh, God yes. Oh my sweet Lord yes. I played the Sun's song and booked it. They still give me the heebie-jeebies. Stupid ReDeads... My hardest bosses are evolutionary from childhood. Before I figured out Paula's praying deal, I couldn't kill Giygas from EarthBound. Likewise, before I properly understood how djinn work in Golden Sun, I found Doom Dragon really tough. Also, did anyone have trouble with Biohazard from Sonic Adventure 2: Battle? I remember dying so much on that fight. Mike Tyson from Punch Out!! was pretty tough, too, especially when you're 7 or 8 years old. Oh - and Marx's Soul from Super Star Ultra. He himself isn't too tough - it's the tons of shit you have to get through to get to him. Also, anything on F-Zero GX's story mode. For all time, though, the hardest (and still undefeated) boss for me is Marpercio from Baten Kaitos. I CANNOT kill him. I've seen it done and I can't do it. I don't want to grind, and I'm too lazy to go hunting for rare awesome magnuses that actually do more than bunny farts against him. I've all but given up on Malpercio. Quote
Gollgagh Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 Secondly, Xemnas (4th Form). The bit where he surrounds you with all those tiny laser things...if you mess that up, and can't get back into the rhythm, you're screwed. you're kidding right all you have to do is mash on triangle until it clears there is no rhythm Quote
Maco70 Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 I watched my brother beat Ruby weapon in FF7, but i have to agree its a pretty impossible boss, never done it meself like, but i have to say, in FF5, i beat Neo Exdeath, Enuo, Omega, Shinryu and Omega MK II, but i could NEVER beat Neo Shinryu, just imposssssssssible lolz, so i would i have to say Neo Shinryu as my hardest boss ever Just use a dragon lance to make it easier. I did it without, but it is much easier. Fighting Omega and Shinryu in Dawn of Souls is really hard. I finally beat Omega after my umpteenth try (level 99) and the fight took over an hour. So gratifying. =) Quote
Gollgagh Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 what kind of name is neo shinryu that's like calling something newnewdragon Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 perhaps it's a case of "lol-squenix"? Quote
Piracy Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 Ever heard of Painkiller? Sure you have. You know its fan-made but officially supported sequel-ish Painkiller: Overdose? Perhaps.The bosses in this game are pretty easy. Their attacks are easy to avoid, and getting them trapped behind scenery so you can keep blasting away at them will little trouble isn't a tough task to accomplish. However, things get rather nasty at the end when you come up against the final boss. I won't mention its name, as I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't played it. Let's just say it's a familiar face. Anyway, this boss has a few attacks. Homing clouds of smoke-like stuff, fireballs, summoning up big nasty monsters that take a good number of hits to go down... all sorts of fun stuff. During its final phase, it also calls up fire columns that you need to be on the run constantly to avoid. However, when you're supposed to hurt it during that phase is left as a big mystery. I won't say how you're supposed to hurt it, but I will say I must have lost a ridiculous number of times before it was sheer chance that I found the way to do damage to its final form. I mean, I literally ran out of ammo trying to figure out what to do several times. It was pissing me off to no end. But, I did figure it out, and watching that damn thing meet its end gave me a good sense of satisfaction. I know exactly what you are talking about and I gave up trying to kill him after 3 hours of running around. At that time I had no internet connection either, so nothing to rely on either! Quote
EC2151 Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 OK, there's a boss fight in Little King's Story that's really pissing me off... Or rather, it's a miniboss, one that is comprised of 3 normal enemies.It's a chicken... with two hula oniis dancing around it. It's a one-star battle (in other words, supposed to be really easy). But I find it impossible. Those two hula oniis are invincible until you destroy what they're hula-ing around... In this case, the large chicken. The large chicken attacks periodically by shooting a stream of feathers straight ahead. I currently have 17 units at any given time. WHY CAN'T I WIN?! It's virtually impossible to attack the chicken because of those damn hula-oniis, but until I deal with the chicken, those oniis won't stop and will be invincible! They'll trample anyone I send to attack the chicken! Has anyone figured this out? I'm completely stumped. If you haven't figured it out, just send in one cook. One cook. The chicken will die instantly. And then, the Onii will die with it. Easy money. They gave me trouble too. Never forget to bring a cook into new lands! The last boss of LKS (a Wii game you should all play because it is funny and amazing and a beautiful game with beautiful music WHY DIDN'T ANYONE PLAY IT) took a solid 3-4 hours trying to beat. It takes practically 20 minutes to be able to start HURTING the last boss, and then he can wipe out 60% of your army in one attack, if you're too close. If you lose your soldiers, you are dead. He is a hard fuckin' final King, and the fight with him is extremely and entirely fitting. LKS ONE OF BEST WII GAMES OF 09 Here's another game I like to talk about with an insanely hard last boss: Knights in the Nightmare, Melad Margus. As an added "Ha ha, fuck you", the item that weakens... her? it? is easily missable in the first level of the 30 hour game. And every boss after the second boss is incredibly difficult, requiring many tries. Knights in the Nightmare is like FF Tactics meets Touhou, no lie. It's pure bullet hell with certain classes attacking distinctively (My favorite being the Assassins... cuz they were all hot). Every time you're hit, you lose time from your turn to attack. The final boss's attacks all fill up nearly the entire screen, pins you down to where you can't move, and sends even MORE shit your way. Turns are usually 60 seconds long uninterrupted (this is a lot of time). The final boss usually ends it in 3 seconds. Oh, and you only have like 15 turns to kill her. Have fun with that one. Needless to say (actually, I do need to, considering the sales of the game) it was one of the most challenging, engaging, and all-around fun DS games I have played in a long time, and in my eyes, the most original DS game of 09. Great music, great story, great artwork, and the game gets to be beautiful boss fight after beautiful boss fight. It's still as tough and as frustrating as nails, though. Nails being shot into you, that is. Every extra boss in FF5 was a ballin motherfucker... I beat them all, and yeah, you use a myriad of techniques against NewNewDragon just to keep you ALIVE TO attack... and they usually fail... Or how about the room FULL of Omegas? Not fun. Hard sons of bitches, definitely. Hard hard HARD sons of bitches. Though FF5 is the only FF outside of 1 (which is just always fun) that I've beaten more than once. Quote
Kureejii Lea Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 So, for the whole seventeen people who played Baten Kaitos Origins... anyone remember the Holoholo Bird? Now, the boss in and of itself isn't really all that horrible, though it's got its share of annoying abilities. It goes into battle with two chicks; each chick has a five-hit peck attack that it can use multiple times in a row (so those five hits can easily turn into ten or fifteen) and if you manage to kill one off, the Holoholo Bird can simply hatch a new one. Aside from its usual set of attacks, the bird has a move that can give the entire party the "knocked down" status, which delays your turn and can ruin any giant combos you've set up (and in BKO, setting up a massively-chained party-wide combo is incredibly satisfying, so it's all the more infuriating if it gets interrupted). On top of this, the bird and chicks have different elemental weaknesses. However, this is all manageable except for one thing; this boss fight occurs immediately after the disc change, at which point you're prompted to save the game. Hell, you have no reason to even expect a boss fight; the disc change happens en route to a new town. You have no opportunity to get new equipment or, more importantly, build up your levels if you find yourself overwhelmed. Me? Yeah, I was extremely underleveled, but I hadn't really had much trouble up until this point, so I'd never given it a second thought. After who knows how many attempts over the course of three days, I finally beat the thing... and the battle had taken forty-five minutes. Quote
Maco70 Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 Or how about the room FULL of Omegas? Not fun. Hard sons of bitches, definitely. Hard hard HARD sons of bitches. I hate to brag, but I beat the entire room of omegas in one shot (without saving). Challenged myself. Also did a no heal run through the cloister of the dead. It was at that time that I realized I needed to buy a new game... I don't regard any RPG boss as hardest boss of all time since it's only a matter of the right level or the right attacks. Emerald weapon in FF7 seems impossible at first, but quickly seems plausible once you level up everything. Sephiroth in Kingdom hearts (1 and 2) is difficult but becomes significantly easier with a higher level, but remains a hard boss because it is frantic and depends upon your ability to react. Not to say that Sephiroth is the all time hardest boss, but it was quite a challenge. The honest to god hardest time I ever had with a boss was Galamoth from Castlevania Symphony of the night. The first play through (I couldn't have even been 14) I didn't know about the lightning resist armor, or special secret weapons. This boss kicked my ass so many times I thought I was doing something wrong. I have no idea how long it took me, but I finally did it and it was gratifying to a point, but made the rest of the game seem ridiculously easy. This guy is much harder than the final boss in my opinion. EDIT: ArekTheAbsolute showing how it's done. Quote
Dr.Flintlock Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 Ahh, more LKS love. Good to hear. One of the more underappreciated titles on the Wii. I have to say I found most of the bosses in that game to be pretty difficult. I mean, one of them was a sort of unorthodox pinball game, only you're using your units as the flippers and the boss is the ball. Pretty frustarating. For a more obscure difficult boss, I'd like to bring up a little gem called Brave Fencer Musashi for the PS1, one of my all time favorites. However, the Queen Ant boss is seriously one of-if not THE-most fucked up boss fights in the entire game. If you don't have a steady supply of EX drinks, prepare to suffer through a world of hurt. You go through a frustaratingly jarring mine cart ride and your reward is one of the hardest bosses in the game. Classic. 'Course that was back when Square actually cared about franchises besides Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. Not bitter, Not bitter. Quote
Sir_Snooze Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 So, for the whole seventeen people who played Baten Kaitos Origins... anyone remember the Holoholo Bird?Now, the boss in and of itself isn't really all that horrible, though it's got its share of annoying abilities. It goes into battle with two chicks; each chick has a five-hit peck attack that it can use multiple times in a row (so those five hits can easily turn into ten or fifteen) and if you manage to kill one off, the Holoholo Bird can simply hatch a new one. Aside from its usual set of attacks, the bird has a move that can give the entire party the "knocked down" status, which delays your turn and can ruin any giant combos you've set up (and in BKO, setting up a massively-chained party-wide combo is incredibly satisfying, so it's all the more infuriating if it gets interrupted). On top of this, the bird and chicks have different elemental weaknesses. However, this is all manageable except for one thing; this boss fight occurs immediately after the disc change, at which point you're prompted to save the game. Hell, you have no reason to even expect a boss fight; the disc change happens en route to a new town. You have no opportunity to get new equipment or, more importantly, build up your levels if you find yourself overwhelmed. Me? Yeah, I was extremely underleveled, but I hadn't really had much trouble up until this point, so I'd never given it a second thought. After who knows how many attempts over the course of three days, I finally beat the thing... and the battle had taken forty-five minutes. They do that in the original, too! Remember the Ayme, Folon & Giacomo fight on the Goldoba? You're told to flee Alfard as fast as you can - your natural instinct is to boot it onto the ship. Once on the Goldoba: 1) The standard enemies are toughish 2) There's no shop for healing yourself in between battles; and 3) You can't level up. You're stuck at whatever level you happen to be. And, since this is an asininely hard fight even at the right level (rec. 28 or so - you're probably at 23), the fight is retardohard. Folon's Worg Laser does about 500 by itself (you have about 1600 health), and they all go at once, doing about 600-800 damage if your shields suck. I was lucky enough to make two save files - since then, I always do. Still...oh, and the same fight in the Celestial Alps - they come back from the dead to fight again.You don't heal - they do. That Holoholo fight was a bitch, though. I was warned, so I made two saves, but...bad game design, anyone? Geez...those are fights that are hard simply because of circumstance, as opposed to actual gameplay. Annoying, to say the least. Another one - outside of the super-lame Peach Turtle method, can anyone beat Culex from SMRPG? I always have to resort to Peach Turtle (Lazy Shell on Peach - let Culex and his 4 elemental stones run out of mana while Peach heals herself constantly, then revive fallen team-mates and kill everything, which now can't attack because it has no Flower Points). Quote
Algamest Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 what kind of name is neo shinryuthat's like calling something newnewdragon I think in FF5 'Neo' is a term to describe anything that has come out of the void, there's Neo Exdeath, Neo Garula and Neo Shinryu, all just pallete swaps lol, which as we know instantly makes a boss ten times harder. You know your gonna lose when the enemy is a pallete swap! Quote
Ray Falling Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 Hmm, I love Baten Kaitos I've made a post in this thread before, I assume, but I'm going to go with this one for now: Shin Akuma on Street Fighter Alpha 2 (SNES) 0_0; For the life of me I've never beat him. (I would have if I had set maximum rounds to 3 as opposed to 5 u_u) He's just super cheap and super cheat, because he can do everything the game won't ever allow you to, AND on top of that deal way more damage than he is supposed to do. My only means of getting close to beating him involve Ken, and doing a crouch kick to trick the enemy into jumping after which I uppercut his sorry face. But even that strategy will fail if he manages to get some hits in u_u; The absolute worst was when I was literaly one stripe of health away from pwning him and I couldn't turn around to do my thing ;_; He then smacked me in the back with his regular punch that now of course deals massive damage x_x "Ow my back!" I'll get you one day!!! Quote
danileigh79 Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 That Sephiroth is still the hardest boss..... Quote
Thalzon Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 Another one - outside of the super-lame Peach Turtle method, can anyone beat Culex from SMRPG? I always have to resort to Peach Turtle (Lazy Shell on Peach - let Culex and his 4 elemental stones run out of mana while Peach heals herself constantly, then revive fallen team-mates and kill everything, which now can't attack because it has no Flower Points). Well... yeah. Safety Ring will protect anyone from a buttload of the enemy spells. I never really wait for Culex and company to run out of FP, though. Being around level 24 helps, too. Then it's just a matter of using single-target skills and nailing all your timed hits. Not that beating Culex really gets you anything valuable. Quote
EC2151 Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 Culex is tough, but not that tough. I never used the lazy shell on him, because I never found the lazy shell until the advent of the internet. I just had my party a high enough level (mid-20s, about), and then took out the Green Crystal (since its status effect attacks will destroy you if left unchecked), and then just focused on having Peach heal constantly with the Bowser and Mario (or Geno and Mario for Geno's Boost, which is quite indispensible in some cases) taking out the crystals before going on to Culex himself. Using one or two Rock Candies to even out the field helps too. It's really not all that difficult, though as a kid, I couldn't believe bosses could be that hard. Quote
Thin Crust Posted January 22, 2010 Posted January 22, 2010 Ruby weapon fool-proof strategy Start with 2 characters dead so Ruby's hands will go into the ground. Then cast Phenix to rise your dead party members. W-summon Knights of the round and Hades Hades will cause Stop. Cast mime and repeat. It helps if you have 2 mimes. And if you run out of mp, that hp/mp switch materia can help you there, giving you thousands of mp. Quote
Sir_Snooze Posted January 23, 2010 Posted January 23, 2010 Well... yeah. Safety Ring will protect anyone from a buttload of the enemy spells. I never really wait for Culex and company to run out of FP, though. Being around level 24 helps, too. Then it's just a matter of using single-target skills and nailing all your timed hits.Not that beating Culex really gets you anything valuable. Culex is tough, but not that tough.I never used the lazy shell on him, because I never found the lazy shell until the advent of the internet. Opposite for me - I didn't know the Safety Ring, but I knew of both Lazy Shells. The leveling thing is pretty critical. On second thought, it's not too bad - still tough, though, relatively speaking. I don't know if this counts as a boss fight, but Genis runs in the Coliseum are wicked tough. I just finished it tonight, and my characters are pretty decent level. Quote
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