TheCore Posted September 9, 2002 Posted September 9, 2002 Shareware doom lol! That's the only "game" that has a last level where you die no matter what. Even with god mode on they still own you when you teleport. Besides the shareware doesn't even have the cyberdemon in it... or Mastermind for that matter. (or even heaven-for-fend the Arch vile, guy who would set you on fire and blow you 20 feet in the air if even 1 pixel of your player model stepped into his view.) Quote
Mamour Posted September 9, 2002 Posted September 9, 2002 Sounds like fun... NOTHING beats Duke Nukem 3D when it comes to FPS though, and I can't play it on XP... Partially because I lost the CD. It's just pure fun gameplay!! About bosses, I remember the Golem Twins from Chrono Trigger being one true pain in the ass... The first time I arrived there, at least. When I restarted a game, I paid more attention to leveling up Quote
The Coop Posted September 14, 2002 Author Posted September 14, 2002 Got a new one. The crab boss in Zone "X" in Darius Gaiden. This thing, is HUGE. The Black Hole Bombs don't do much damage to it. It takes up over half the screen, has two large claws that move around as it does, it takes a rediculous amount of hits to die and if you lose you weapons by having your ship blown up... it's over. One of the hardest bosses in the Darius saga. Oh yeah. Those looking for Doom? Get Doom: Collector's Edition ($14.99 now). It's all three on one CD. And pick up JDoom. It's a great OpenGL addition to the original games that adds lighting effects, higher resolutions, new effect for the weapons (the plasma gun looks awesome firing), and all sorts of gameplay additions. And, it's free Quote
FireX Posted September 14, 2002 Posted September 14, 2002 the doom games are fun, but the cyberdemon and spiderdemon are too easy to kill... just use a BFG and circle-strafe them. Quote
Cpt_Zach Posted September 14, 2002 Posted September 14, 2002 The, no THE hardest and most awe-inspiring final boss fight is against the final boss in Serious Sam. Think it's too easy? Beat him on Serious difficulty. I did. That son of a bitch.For those who have fought the bastard, you know of what I speak. For those who don't, find out! The game costs like $10, so there's NO excuse not to grab a copy of one of the most fun FPS's ever. Tha boss took forever to kill in the easier difficulty modes, wow, you are a very serious player. Quote
Cpt_Zach Posted September 14, 2002 Posted September 14, 2002 Death and Dracula from Castlevania 1. . .how the heck did anyone finish that game on the NES? Once again, it comes back to Castelvania, I think that we can agree that Konami makes some truly vicious games ( say, maybe, gradius). Quote
Teknobunny Posted September 14, 2002 Posted September 14, 2002 Death and Dracula from Castlevania 1. . .how the heck did anyone finish that game on the NES? Once again, it comes back to Castelvania, I think that we can agree that Konami makes some truly vicious games ( say, maybe, gradius). Quote
Dem Posted September 14, 2002 Posted September 14, 2002 Killing Dracula in CastleVania 1 is simple once you get the technique down. However, your clone in CastleVania 3 was a bitch to clear. And ... Gannondorf from Zelda 64? I had a hard time with him. Quote
FireX Posted September 14, 2002 Posted September 14, 2002 i think the stage 4 boss of Mars Matrix is pretty hard. then again, I'm probably missing something obvious about his patterns... Edit: I also went through a couple hard boss fights in Dragon Quest 6 recently... 1) The series of battles vs Duran (don't wanna give too much away, it's a cool spoiler in the story), even though he restores you to full HP/MP and revives any dead chars before the battle starts he's insanely hard. 2) Akbar, he's hard too. There's one spell that can work on him to make the fight a lot easier, but even with that spell he'll kick your ass. Quote
ella guro Posted September 14, 2002 Posted September 14, 2002 Killing Dracula in CastleVania 1 is simple once you get the technique down. However, your clone in CastleVania 3 was a bitch to clear. And ... Gannondorf from Zelda 64? I had a hard time with him. When it comes to hard bosses on the n64, I think Jet Force Gemini has that covered (I didn't really find any of the Zelda bosses THAT hard). But overall, I think we can all agree that Konami games have the most difficult bosses. Quote
Khrystoph Posted September 14, 2002 Posted September 14, 2002 About bosses, I remember the Golem Twins from Chrono Trigger being one true pain in the ass... The first time I arrived there, at least. When I restarted a game, I paid more attention to leveling up I find the easiest way to dispatch them--the first time through, anyway--is to use elemental 2x or 3x Techs. Their copycat version of Shadow is their weakest attack. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you use ANY PHYSICAL ATTACK, as their version of that is the strongest (five energy balls come out of them and smack you for about hlaf your life, and don't forget about the Iron Ball, which DOES take half your remaining HP and they can do at any time). Having Marle on your team and Hasting everyone is a good idea. With Ayla on your team, she can steal Magic Tabs from each of them and the first Golem, but if you don't care about that, use Lucca and Marle's Antipode. Use Crono's magic at your own discrecion (sp?), as the Golem's version is pretty nasty too. See? Simple. EDIT: Actually, forget everything I just said. I just remembered that Ayla and Robo's Boogie (casts Stop on all enemies) works on the Golems. If you're lucky, BOTH get stopped, and you can you whatever you feel like to them. AND you can swipe their Magic Tabs. Quote
FireX Posted September 14, 2002 Posted September 14, 2002 golem twins aren't too hard, you just need to have one person with a vest/mail that absorbs one element, then another person who has magic/techs of that element... use that always (you can mix and match, too, like give one person a yellow vest, another person a blue vest, and the last a red vest) and each counter attack will heal one person. Quote
The Coop Posted September 20, 2002 Author Posted September 20, 2002 Here's one. The Red Dragon at the end of King of the Dragons on the SNES. That boss is nasty. Big time life bar, little damage done with even the highest level weapon, half the spells are useless on it, the other half only do a little more damage than your weapon, and between the head and two claws of the thing, you're constantly being knocked down, set on fire and chewed on. Definitely a nasty boss... cool looking, but nasty. Quote
Kyosuke Posted September 20, 2002 Posted September 20, 2002 Yeah right Yu Yevon was THE HARDEST EVER in FFX ! Ok sarry couldnt say that without laughing....can you say "WASTE OF MY TIME !?!?" that boss was WAY TO EASY ! Back to the thread..... The one battle.....well series of battles in FFT when you went to the Church again.....where you first fought the lancers....then you had to kill this IMPOSSIBLE GUY then i was like "damn out of potions...oh well i can buy more !" OHHHHHHHH WAIT A SEC another TOUGH BATTLE ! Quote
The Coop Posted September 26, 2002 Author Posted September 26, 2002 Geonitz from KoF 96... He's almost as cheap a final boss as Rugal, but he's got one move that oin anything but easy he loves to use. He says something, and a column of air rises at a random point on the screen. It does a good amount of damage and he can call it up over and over many times in a row so all you do is block and lose health. Glad he didn't come back as a final boss a second time... Quote
Cpt_Zach Posted September 26, 2002 Posted September 26, 2002 Yeah, hard mode contra three red falcon did suck real bad, yet again, Konami at its worst. Quote
Khrystoph Posted September 26, 2002 Posted September 26, 2002 It's kinda silly, really... I should try casting Stop on all nasty bosses in Square games... Golem Twins fell to it FF7 Ruby and Emerald fell to it... eventually... Hope they don't catch on... just remember kids, if all else fails, STOP! Quote
Eddiebear Posted September 26, 2002 Posted September 26, 2002 l'm not sure if anyone mentioned them, but the two one on fight in ff 10 between khimari and the other two ronsos lasted me 4 hours, no lie. mostly because l didn't realize they were supposed to be like 20 time stonger then you when the fight takes place, and l was maxxed out. l probably should have used magic, but it was a pride thing. Quote
RichardKimble Posted September 26, 2002 Posted September 26, 2002 I'm probably the fiftieth guy to have done this, but I have just dropped into the thread and read all the previous ones. Anyway, I kind of have a short list hardest bosses, some may have been mentioned fifty times, some may not. Death-Castlevania I can beat Death on every other Castlevania, but I cna't beat him! Why?! Maybe it's because I rely on the whip and never use secondary weapons, but it wasn't so much Death as the full room of Knights and Medusa heads before him that made it hard. Jacquio (sp?) Ninja Gaiden- Like Castlevania, I can beat every other sequal of the these games, but not the original! Stand still punk and then we'll see how bad you really are! Final Boss of Super Ghouls and Ghost: Considering you got this far, you had to deal with a five-story boss in the realm of Ghouls and Ghosts where the difficulty of everything goes to 11. And while we're on the topic of huge bosses, The stadium-sized beast from Duke Nukem 64. It's not bad enough it's the stripped down, slightly sanitized N64 version of the game, but oh yeah, there's a HUGE beast with a never-ending supply of rockets out to kill you! I just wanted to set it on God mode, stand at its foot, and fire at it with my pistol just to see how long it would take to die. Nei's clone-Phantasy Star II, Now Dark Force and Mother Brain were no problem for me, but it was a matter of circumstance. Awhile ago, I bought an original cartridge of PS II from a friend, and I spent the following THREE YEARS trying to get all the Legendary weapons from those overcomplicated dungeons (OK, the PS I dungeons were harder, but that's because they were 3-D dungeons. Man, I HATE 3-D dungeons!) and thus, had WAY overleveled my characters by the time I finally found full-color maps on the internet, and completely eradicated the final bosses (Short, but great ending, but NOTHING in the ending could top the satisfaction I had in just completing it). But as for Nei's clone, wander through a complicated dungeon for an hour, find her, have her kill off a vital character, then go at it until she kills you. Start all over again. Of course, there IS That reviving Nei thing, but I never tried it. After three years, you can't blame me for not wanting to go through it again. Smithy-Super Mario RPG Now granted I rented the game once and ran straight through and never touched it again, but Smithy was an hour-long marathon of patience. I just wanted to finish it and be done with it because unlike the rest of the world, I really didn't like the game and I wanted no excuse to play it again. So, I probably went up against Smithy about 5 levels under what i needed to be (But HOW? I fought every battle I could!). I beat the sucker.... eventually... those Power Ranger rip-off punks also rank. Eve-Parasite Eve II The Eve on top of the Chrysler Building would probably easily top this.... if I could get more than five feet in the Chrysler Building and find out for myself. But still, Eve making a shadow clone of itself that immediately dispatches you sucks. Big time. Plus, there are NEVER enough item pouches on your armor! General Baal's final form-Grandia OK, even though he probably one of the harder bosses on the spectrum, my problem is not that I couldn't survive him. I couldn't survive his VOICE ACTING! I know I know, there's something on TVs called volume. I was making what is called a joke... oh, and while we're here, Ghaleon from Lunar? Batty from Blade Runner called. He wants his line back (Not that the voice actor of Ghaleon was bad in any way. Just, couldn't they think of DIFFERENT things for the final boss to say?!). Hat Guy from Total Recall-Normally, I can tolerate bad movies-to-games. Sometimes their badness drives me along through their loose gameplay and unpolished mechanics. But Total Recall was TOO MUCH! I made to this guy who threw his hat at you a la Oddjob, but no matter what I did, I couldn't get ANY further. Then I just shut that game off for good. EDIT: I forgot to add the final level of back to the Future. Granted, it's not a boss per se, but still, you're driving and you have to hit the final point at EXACTLY 88 MPH or else everything you fought for for the entire gaming session means nothing! I did it... once... the ending sucks.... it's NOT WORTH IT! SAVE YOURSELF! Quote
Lavitz Posted September 26, 2002 Posted September 26, 2002 I think that the hardest boss was asura from skyblazer on the snes. I always had a hard time, and he always seemed to hit me even when i was hitting him... Quote
ella guro Posted September 26, 2002 Posted September 26, 2002 And while we're on the topic of huge bosses, The stadium-sized beast from Duke Nukem 64. It's not bad enough it's the stripped down, slightly sanitized N64 version of the game, but oh yeah, there's a HUGE beast with a never-ending supply of rockets out to kill you! I just wanted to set it on God mode, stand at its foot, and fire at it with my pistol just to see how long it would take to die.... Smithy-Super Mario RPG Now granted I rented the game once and ran straight through and never touched it again, but Smithy was an hour-long marathon of patience. I just wanted to finish it and be done with it because unlike the rest of the world, I really didn't like the game and I wanted no excuse to play it again. So, I probably went up against Smithy about 5 levels under what i needed to be (But HOW? I fought every battle I could!). I beat the sucker.... eventually... those Power Ranger rip-off punks also rank. I honestly don't think Smithy was too hard. Really, if you think he's hard, you should try Culex in his SMRPG cameo. He's very very difficult, and almost impossible unless you have the lazy shell armor on someone. I do agree with you about the stadium boss in Duke3D...he's VERY difficult and take forever to die... Quote
Beast Posted September 27, 2002 Posted September 27, 2002 The Final Boss from one of my favorite sleeper hits, Polterguy! (someone should make that a remix) Quote
Meiguoren Posted September 27, 2002 Posted September 27, 2002 The Final Boss from one of my favorite sleeper hits, Polterguy! Yeah! That game was great, up until the last boss. I shot at him for over an hour, he just changed colors. I never did beat him. I figured that I had played well and that the ending would suck anyhow. So I quit. Yes. I'm a quitter. Quote
The Coop Posted October 6, 2002 Author Posted October 6, 2002 O-kay. This one, is simply pure insanity. Serious Sam: The Second Encounter. The final level is made up of two parts. The first, is the HUGE area before an equally HUGE cathedral. A storm rolls in, and with lightning, thunder and fire raining down, a twenty minute battle begins... where you fight EVERY kind of enemy in the game, and large multiples of them. Should you survive all this, you go in the cathedral walls where you fight the final boss. This BIG wizard casts a spell that conjures up enemies. As you progressively do more damage to him, the monsters he conjures up get more or more powerful. Since they're more powerful, they take more damage to kill. So, while you're trying to hit the wizard and hold back the higher Hit Pointed monsters, they keep piling up until you're surrounded by hordes of creatures as the wizard reappears safely far away... and summons more of the damn things. That's one helluva boss fight. Quote
Strider Kyoden Posted October 6, 2002 Posted October 6, 2002 Hardest Boss? Well...Let's see, I do believe there is only ONE boss I have yet to conquer. Heh, I'd have to say OMega Weapon off of Final Fantasy 8. If any of you have ever fought against this Tyrant. You'd know how much of a Pain he is. Final Fantasy 8 was my first Final Fantasy, Besides 3, So...I was just getting intune with RPG's. So, I am still trying to beat him. Even with Maxed out stats. 255 On almost all of my stats. Building up Irvine, Squall, and Zell. Unleashing Mega-COmbo's form Zell Averaging around LEt's see...5,000 Damage per hit mainly, hitting around 30 hits per combo(I practiced too much...Hitting only two easy combos alot.) So that's 150,000 Per Limit Break. Squall's LionHeart, Averaging around..I dunno. Well, I think he's the worst because...Terra Break! Argh! *Runs off in torment of the mentioning of Terra Break* ~*~Strider~*~ Quote
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