ResidentPS2 Posted June 12, 2003 Posted June 12, 2003 Unless you used the FFX general strategy. Fill up all your meters then go crazy with summons and special attacks in the first round. Everything dies, you win and you get to see the next segment of overdone story that is undeserving of the title "Final Fantasy" let alone the title "video game". It doesn't matter what you call it, it will still make money just based on the name. It doesn't even matter if you call it "Final Fantasy: Slap Happy Summer Beach Ball Starring Squall & Co!", the game will still sell millions based just upon a name. Tis sad that Square has come to this though. Quote
Goldforce Posted June 12, 2003 Posted June 12, 2003 The only hard thing about Seymour is that he turns you into a zombie so you have to waste a characters turn changeing him/her back to normal before he cast's full-life, but in saying that he wastes a turn casting Full-life as well (If you cured the character that is) apart from that and his special attack (Forgot what it's called) he's easy...ish Anyway what about that Bitch of a Final Boss in that Gameboy Zelda Quote
Shadowe Posted June 12, 2003 Posted June 12, 2003 (nice avatar, its zanoske) surprised nobody has mentioned the final boss in sonic adventure one, that robotnik snake machine thing was a BITCH. Quote
Wang Posted June 12, 2003 Posted June 12, 2003 mmm glad to see this thread back up seymour didnt give me any trouble...mostly becuz i waz alwayz expecting a hardass battle so all my aeons were in overdrive im playin through kingdom hearts on expert and rikku/ansem at hallow bastion is still giving me trouble Quote
Goldforce Posted June 17, 2003 Posted June 17, 2003 (nice avatar, its zanoske)surprised nobody has mentioned the final boss in sonic adventure one, that robotnik snake machine thing was a BITCH. I grew up playing sonic games so i didn't find him too hard Quote
Omnitrix Posted June 17, 2003 Posted June 17, 2003 What is this talk of Seymour, Final Fantasy X was the worst for hard bosses. There was none . In fact it was disapointingly easy. Omega weapon was the saddest for me. They took the legend from 8 and made him a sissy. Final Fantasy 12 better be hard. I also want my world map back. It's no fun flying when all you do is stare at a map. The hardest boss of all time is Xero from Quake 3 on nightmare. I beat him but Him and his rail gun gave me great pain when first played it. Quote
Goldforce Posted June 18, 2003 Posted June 18, 2003 The hardest boss of all time is Xero from Quake 3 on nightmare. I beat him but Him and his rail gun gave me great pain when first played it. Damn that fight was a bitch and a half Quote
Blake Posted June 18, 2003 Posted June 18, 2003 Try beating metroid prime in Metroid Prime without getting half of all the stuff.'s pretty hard to do. Quote
triplekamehameha Posted June 18, 2003 Posted June 18, 2003 I think the hardest boss in recent memory is probably the Fusion Dragon from Golden Sun. I spent more time on that then any other boss i have faced in any game... even Chrono Trigger Dead beard is way stronger. Heh, have either of you two played GS: The Lost Age? The boss of that game is far harder then either of the two you mentioned. It took me about 15 times to beat that boss, and that was after leveling up each time. This is also considering that I had all 72 Djinn and at least the three strongest summons. Quote
Graham (Redux) Posted June 18, 2003 Posted June 18, 2003 hmm...let me think about this question for THE DAMNED SPIDER SCIENTIST ON LEVEL 53 ON ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBORS!!!!OMG does anyone actually have and play that game anymore? that boss was horrible...i mean hed be nice Mr. Scientist one second, then he pulls out a potion like hes gonna give it to you for an upcoming battle, so you wwalk up to him to get it, the he drinks it and suddenly turns into a gigantic spider that i shot the crap out of with my bazooka and refused to die. holy crap i hate that suka so much. All you have to do is dive into him with the weed whacker. That also kills the spores that grow into the ground. Cakewalk. yah that's what i did, I also used conserved my monster potions and pandora's boxes, that took him out easily. The rest of the levels are just plain evil........ Quote
Sherv Posted June 21, 2003 Posted June 21, 2003 How many ever played a game called Shadow of the Beast II? It's been on the old Amiga computers, the Genesis and the Japan only FMTowns Marty (a Sega CD port of that version did come to The States... I got it ). . . . Manditory hits... a Psygnosis staple... DUDE!! Shadow of the Beast!! WHAT A _)%*()*_#%ING HARD SERIES! Argh, I was so bad at that game, and the interminable loading times were dreadful!! Beautiful graphics, never could get into the game though...grrr Quote
-RK- Posted June 21, 2003 Posted June 21, 2003 Now this boss was probably covered,(I didnt bother to read 62 pages) But Omega Weapon from Final Fantasy 8 wiped me out 6 times before I finally beat him. Quote
Talcmaster Posted June 21, 2003 Posted June 21, 2003 The bosses on EDF (which I doubt most of you have played) were all easy until the last stage, where they would fling so much crap at you there would be no chance of surviving if it weren't for the fact the SNES would start to slow down from all of it. Unfortunately, on the emulator it doesn't slow down.... Quote
Silverhunt Posted June 21, 2003 Posted June 21, 2003 Sigma's final form(s) on Mega Man X 4. One of my friends beat him once. he says on X5 he's worse....hence why I don't have X5. Quote
Wang Posted June 25, 2003 Posted June 25, 2003 What is this talk of Seymour, Final Fantasy X was the worst for hard bosses. There was none . In fact it was disapointingly easy. Omega weapon was the saddest for me. They took the legend from 8 and made him a sissy. Final Fantasy 12 better be hard. I also want my world map back. It's no fun flying when all you do is stare at a map. o yes i forgot about Omega weapon. perhaps becuz i killed him with no problem at all. it took me a while to realize that he was dead becuz it waz so easily done. i agree that none of the bosses provided a challenge. i killed jecht with one hit from tidus Quote
RamRod Posted June 25, 2003 Posted June 25, 2003 Giygas from Earthbound, just because of the seizure that you get when you play and beat him. Quote
Sir_Garland Posted June 26, 2003 Posted June 26, 2003 Oh. My. God. I don't know if this counts as a boss, exactly, but the last battle (after "The Final Battle" mission) against Eagle in Advance Wars' hard Campaign was brutal, and I'm sure almost every mission in AW2's hard campaign will be. I mean, the TRAINING level gets hard enough that you actually have to think about it. Quote
EliteOmega Posted June 26, 2003 Posted June 26, 2003 Seven Force, From Gunstar Heroes! Fighting all 7 forms and beating him is definitely something hard to do. Quote
DarknessTear Posted June 26, 2003 Posted June 26, 2003 Uhh KH Sephiroth was hard.. o_O Let's seeeee.. I found the weapons in FF7 to be challenging.. some SaGa Frontier 1 bosses were rediculously hard so.. yeah. Quote
StriderYoko Posted June 26, 2003 Posted June 26, 2003 Seven Force, From Gunstar Heroes! Fighting all 7 forms and beating him is definitely something hard to do. if you thought 7 force from gunstar hero's was hard, try 7 force from alien soldier, you will go insane. Alien soldier is made by Treasure, to bad they didnt release it in the states, if you are a fan of Gunstar Heros, Alien Soldier is a MUST PLAY, I suggest you look around for it. Quote
EliteOmega Posted June 26, 2003 Posted June 26, 2003 Oh yeah,youre right. I tried Alien Soldier once, couldnt even get past the first boss! My brother on the other hand, got to this guy who transformed into a huge dragon thing, and never got past him. Quote
StriderYoko Posted June 26, 2003 Posted June 26, 2003 Oh yeah,youre right. I tried Alien Soldier once, couldnt even get past the first boss! My brother on the other hand, got to this guy who transformed into a huge dragon thing, and never got past him. the final boss is even worse because the only weapon that works on him is the little thing you use to turn projectiles into energy. the bosses get exponentially harder, and there are 26 damn bosses Quote
qwertyuiop Posted June 27, 2003 Posted June 27, 2003 I would say that the hardest boss in all the videogames that I played would be the snake demon thing on the second level of Shien's Revenge for snes. Quote
Max_Coyote Posted June 27, 2003 Posted June 27, 2003 Maybe it has been covered too (I don't have time to read 62 pages, neither) but Shinryu from FFV kicked my arse lots of times before I could get around to kill him. Never open mystery chests. Quote
L.T.W. Posted June 27, 2003 Posted June 27, 2003 For me the Hardest Enemy is and evey will be Willy from MegaMan Series And momentaniously I don't remember anyone else, but surely the Final Fantasy Final Enemys are very hard, most of times. Quote
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