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I have found a new hatred... one which I thought I couldn't actually possess.

Ever played a lovely game called Guilty Gear X? No? Don't. Unless you want to be filled with rage, don't play this game. The final three bosses are absolutely THE cheapest sonsabitches you will ever have the misfortune of coming across.

Some ass named Testament, some dude with his eyes wrapped up, and an S&M demon chick named Dizzy await you for fights 8, 9 and 10, and they use the cheapest tactics. Three hit combos that will take two-thirds of your bar off. Ground attacks that knock you out of the air. Attacks that constantly get used and keep you at least half a screen away from your opponent 90% of the time. Special attacks that they seem to be able to pull off while they're in THE MIDDLE OF DOING A DIFFERENT MOVE!!!!!! You can't jump in, cuz you get hit. You can't stop blocking, because you get hit. You can't just stand and block, because their hits still do noticable damage even when blocked. Shoa Kahn wasn't as big a shit as these three characters.

Rugal in the KoF series could learn a few things from GGX's cheap pricks it calls bosses.



(I'm not sure what this "dude with his eyes wrapped up" is you're talking about, though...)

depending on the difficulty, getting a 1 hit to connect can be a whore. + no self respecting playa uses them.


No the hardest boss, hasta be my controller.. Yea you heard that right.

Its been broken for two years now. And I still play with it. Heh, trust me Xan is alot harder for me.

depending on the difficulty, getting a 1 hit to connect can be a whore. + no self respecting playa uses them.

Those bosses are not what I'd exactly call "self respecting." Desperate times call for desperate measures. :P But even without using the instant kill, they shouldn't be giving you THAT much difficulty.

Attacks that constantly get used and keep you at least half a screen away from your opponent 90% of the time.

Long range attacks might be able to put them on the defensive long enough for you to get in.

Special attacks that they seem to be able to pull off while they're in THE MIDDLE OF DOING A DIFFERENT MOVE!!!!!!

Called the Roman Cancel, dude. Learn it, use it.

You can't jump in, cuz you get hit. You can't stop blocking, because you get hit. You can't just stand and block, because their hits still do noticable damage even when blocked.

Also try to take advantage of the Faultless Defense which you can execute even mid-air.

Seriously, they're totally possible to beat. I mean, if I've done it, anybody can, because I'm pretty much the undisputed worst fighting gamer ever. Just keep at it, man. You can do it.

I'd hafta say.. When you fight those four fiends in a row in the giant in FF2. God damn! I quit the game cause of them. I got to the Water Guy and get my ass whooped.

Nah, they were easy as long as you hit Rubicant with Ice3 and Kainazzo with Bolt3 to do 9999 damage. Take those out quick enough and you should be okay for Milon and Valvalis.


By a show of hands, how many here have played Beast Wrestler on the Genesis?


Okay. Then both of you know what I'm going to talk about. The final boss is a little hard to figure out, not because of any complicated play mechanics, but because timing is everything with him. The problem is, the he seems to defy all notions of "you gotta be fast enough to beat him". Allow me to explain.

The final character you fight in this odd fighting/wrestling game filled with genetic monsters, is named Blenyd. With stats that are nearly maxxed out, he's strong, fast and has some nasty moves that he loves to use on you. There's no timing that I've found that's fast enough to pull off your move over his whenever you grapple with him. His move is almost always done (and it's usually a biting move or a nasty pile driver-like move). You can't sneak up behind him, and even his punches seem to have a longer reach than yours. Trying to get three falls on him is a big challenge and frankly, you need luck. Because the CPU wins 95% of the grapples and does a move on your monster.

He's hard, fast, dare I say cheap (just how fast do I have to press the buttons to be faster than him in a grapple?), and definitely a hard boss.


The three bosses at the end of Ninja Gaiden for NES. That was the toughest time I've ever had beating a game. Not to mention that you had beat all three on one life, and if you died at any of them, you started way back in the middle of that hard-as-hell final stage. That was back when games kicked your ass and you liked it.

  • 2 weeks later...
I'd hafta say.. When you fight those four fiends in a row in the giant in FF2. God damn! I quit the game cause of them. I got to the Water Guy and get my ass whooped.

Nah, they were easy as long as you hit Rubicant with Ice3 and Kainazzo with Bolt3 to do 9999 damage. Take those out quick enough and you should be okay for Milon and Valvalis.

Milon = Fire3

Valvalis (Wind one, right?) = Lit-3

Kainazzo = Lit-3

Rubicant = Ice-3

= Easy. If you don't know one of those spells with Rydia, you need to do some serious leveling up.


I just beat Homeworld 2. It was impossible without cheats, and even with them it was still way too damn hard. That entire game is like a nightmare of never ending invincible bosses.


For me, it would have to be Culex in Super Mario RPG, with no Rock Candies! That took for-freaking-ever! It would have been impossible if I didn't have the lazy shell on peach. That's the only reason I even survived the first round. I almost ran out of royal syrups, too... gah, that boss sucked. It was worth it though. I could start breathing again after I beat him.

Also, Darth Vader from Super Empire Strikes back for the SNES. I've never even scratched him without the debug code... mmmm... infinite themal detonators...

The Emporer in Super Return of the Jedi can be pretty bastardly, too...


I don't believe I've ever brought this final boss up. And frankly, I'm rather surprised I didn't.

In the game Steel Empire for the Genesis, there are a few bosses that give you a good challenge. But it's the final boss that takes the cake in that game.

After fighting it's capsule form for a while (which is a fun battle to begin with), you then decent to the moon's surface to fight it's second form. It's much smaller, with slowly drifting asteroids that deflect you shots and offer it some cover... but none of that means it's a puss. Far from it. This bass has several attack patterns that change as you do more damage to it, and by far the hardest pattern in the final one... because there's no place to hide from it.

That's right, the whole screen from top to bottom is covered by repeated waves for fire energy that it fires once every two seconds. They damage you. There are no safe spots. They come faster as faster as you continue to damage it. And if all that isn't enough, the only thing you can use to NOT take damage is a bomb... which you only have a few of by the time to get to the end, and they don't do a whole helluvalot of damage when you can use them. You have to hope you have enough ships in reserve to out last it... and that's a lot of ships.

I love shooters, and that boss is one of the hardest I've come up against in a shooter.


As far as I see, no one mentioned King K Rool from Donkey Kong 64. Five Rounds, and after every round it was getting harder, much harder...

I have never beaten him, so far.


Mizar, got to be Mizar on the asteroid from Jet Force Gemini on the N64. Even with all the health and weapon upgrades, he's really tough, just one hit from half his attacks can leave you half dead. And the whole thing takes so long! The whole battle can often last for half an hour, and thats with you hitting him in his weak spot nearly all the time! I was damn happy when i finally beat him!


The hardest boss for me was from Ghouls and Ghosts for the Genesis. The final boss on level 5. I mean, Christ on a bicycle, he was tough. Although most of my friends couldn't get past level 2.

I played through the boss at least 50 times before getting to his second form. Each time I would have to play through the whole game since I would use all of my continues to try and solve the pattern. I think I spent something like 2-3 months playing through the thing.


The Dragon Queen from Dungeon Siege (only in hard mode, though) - or the enemies in the secret Chicken Level. They're pretty tough.

Diablo and Baal in Diablo II were pretty tough to finish off, as well. Xan was a fairly hard boss for Unreal Tournament, as well.

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