Dr. Marius Posted September 5, 2004 Posted September 5, 2004 I'm completely stuck (I think this counts as a boss battle) in Ghosts 'n Goblins, the first time you have to fight two of those giant troll thingies that shoot fireballs at you. One jumps over you, and after that they're movements are truly completely random. Which means half the time they meet in the middle, leaving you no room at all since they start on both sides of the screen. Quote
The Coop Posted September 14, 2004 Author Posted September 14, 2004 Anyone ever played a game called Fighting Masters on the Genesis? No? Well, then here's a little taste of what awaits you. The game is simple. The Galaxy is about to be destroyed, and you gotta fight through everyone for the right to be chosen as the single race that will be saved from destruction. But no matter who you pick, or how well you do, an ass beating awaits you when you reach the final boss. I can even remember the guys name. All I know is that he's bigger than you, just as fast, and has a single move that is the move cheap and damaging move in the entire game. Now, he can do some good damage with just a simple kick or punch, but God help you if he grabs you, and does his 3-hit "throw". He grabs you, hits you once with his fist, then kicks you twice. This simple move does almost half a bar of damage. But the fun doesn't end there. When he releases you, you fall to the ground... right at his feet. This of course, make it easy for him to grab you and do the 3-hitter again... and again. I've lost to this guy with him just doing the same move three times back to back to back... and I never even got a chance to attack. It's a simple fighting game, with painfully basic controls... and one of the cheapest final battles out there. Makes me appreciate Rugal of the KoF series' "easiness" more. Quote
SixthFlyingMan Posted September 14, 2004 Posted September 14, 2004 I'd have to say Kaiser Sigma from MMX3. And the toughest RPG boss to date would have to be the Black Rabite from SD3. I kid you not, he's tougher than the Arch Demon! Quote
The Triumvirate Posted September 14, 2004 Posted September 14, 2004 Megaman 1-6 - Dr. Wily. HE usually kicked my ass a bunch of times. But he was easy in 7 & 8. Contra Shattered Soldier - The mission 6 boss. I can get through it's human form and frog form. But it's Squid and egg mode can be a real bitch. Quote
One_Winged Angel Posted September 14, 2004 Posted September 14, 2004 One_Winged Angel wrote: I saw a bunch of Ninja Gaiden posts but if you use the Vigoorian Flails and the Windmill shuriken, almost any boss is a breeze. Anyway, I think the hardest boss is the final boss from Arc the Ladd:Twilight of the Spirits... he was such a lameass Thalzon wrote: I know. What a cheap little bitch he was, eh? Him: I'll spit out these little eyeball-thingies! Me: Alright! I attack you! Him: Ha ha! You can't hurt me until you kill five of the eyeball thingies! Me: Okay, I killed five! Now I hurt you! Him: Not so fast! I'll either drain back all the HP you took from me, or I'll do a super attack which not only will probably kill you, but also give me back my dark shield, which you must get rid of by destroying ANOTHER five eyeball-thingies! Me: Shit. I love the way you put it... however we're 2 of the only 6 to buy the game Quote
-RK- Posted September 15, 2004 Posted September 15, 2004 I thought that Raem at the end of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles was tough on single player mode. Maybe that was just me though. Quote
screwedchopped Posted September 15, 2004 Posted September 15, 2004 To me, by far the HARDEST, TOUGHEST, and MOST SINISTER of all the video game bosses I've ever fought was Malebolgia from Spawn on the SNES... Quote
Ghost Posted September 15, 2004 Posted September 15, 2004 I'd have to say Kaiser Sigma from MMX3. And the toughest RPG boss to date would have to be the Black Rabite from SD3. I kid you not, he's tougher than the Arch Demon! Yea I have seen the Black Rabite... It gave me nightmares!! that dam thing just would not die, and its attacks hurt like crazy!! Quote
ekm Posted September 15, 2004 Posted September 15, 2004 Fucking Metal Slug 3 on the XBOX. Jesus, FUCKING CHRIST! Even I can't cuss enough to express the difficulty of that last level. I can't even get close to the boss on easy mode. SHIT is that hard. Talking about it makes my thumbs sore. Dear lord yes. My roommate and I literally spent a whole weekend playing that together, even trying to cheat the system by adding the second player at the right time, and we couldn't even make it past the giant glowing ball boss on that stage. I downloaded a Neo-Geo emulator and MS3 rom, which lets you continue right where you died, and I had to continue so fucking many times it made me want to hit somebody. We finally got the XBox version to a point where both of us had the pattern of EVERY ENEMY IN THE LEVEL off by heart. For those who haven't played the game this might sound like no big deal, but let me point out that this is a level that takes about 30 minutes to play. Non-stop platform shooting the whole time. The final boss was a piece of cake after the horror that is that damn ship. Quote
Ferret Posted September 15, 2004 Posted September 15, 2004 Did anyone ever manage to kill Ra in Stargate? I could never do it... Quote
gallanon Posted September 15, 2004 Posted September 15, 2004 Chances are no one here has ever played Inindo Way of the Ninja for the SNES but Oda Nobunaga, the last boss in that game is insanely difficult. I wouldn't say that he's impoosible, merely that he can't be beaten by any of us mere mortals. I had that game for years without being able to beat it, eventually I had to get the rom and then fight him using save state and loading the state every time he didn't miss in his attack. Quote
Lacour Posted September 15, 2004 Posted September 15, 2004 one of the bosses in final fantasy IV...eh either odin, zemus, or bahamut...god that sucked Quote
Thalzon Posted September 15, 2004 Posted September 15, 2004 Megaman 1-6 - Dr. Wily. HE usually kicked my ass a bunch of times. But he was easy in 7 & 8. Wily was easy in 4 and 6. He was ass-rapingly HARD in number 7 (that goddamn light show he pulled before every attack always screwed me over...) In number 2, it depended on what difficulty you played. Can't speak for the rest, though. Quote
Zerbo Posted September 15, 2004 Posted September 15, 2004 wily? hard? I don't think I've ever heard those two in the same sentance before if it didn't refer to 7, and even then it lasted only a while...but i digress. I agree with the jaquio from ninja gaiden 1 thing, i HAD to get a rom to beat that guy...still feeling the shame... But the HARDEST bosses I've encountered in games were: 4.Anubis from MMX6: Not neccesaraly hard, but if you ran out of ammo of the power stone weapon, you couldn't do ANYTHING to him, but that usually never happend. 3.Sigma from MMX4 (while playing as zero...or x for that matter): Zero just wasn't made to beat sigma..or any of the bosses for that matter, you can be shot down REAL quick if you don't know their patterns AND what you're doing. As X, another ammo problem, if you ran out of those stingrays...GAME OVER! They didn't even do that much damage, but they are the only things that would kill that stupid face-on-the-ground trick. 2.The Queen Alien in Alien vs. Predater (SNES): That biznatch just wouldn't let you touch her with any more than a 2 hit combo, and when you knocked her down in any way, she'd turn invincible and charge you! The only way to deplete her INSANE amount of health was to use a fully charged laser shot, which unfortunatly hurt you for the same amount of damage...you just had to pray you had enough extra lives... But the number One hardest boss in the whole friggin world is... 1. Those dragon ship things in Rampart: Those things...there's no word in even the NEWB language to describe the immense hatred I have for them, they'd kill your wall, and leave a friggen burning hole! Just so you couldn't build your walls there anymore! Even if you had 50 cannons, they would deplete down to 20 in just ONE TURN because you couldn't seal them!...DAMN THOSE VIKINGS!!!! Ahem...yeah, im done. Quote
Crimson Wolf Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 I thought that Raem at the end of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles was tough on single player mode. Maybe that was just me though. No, it's defintely not just you. Now, I probably could have leveled up some more, but the fact that my character had aged 10 years and still had no clue what shaving was had been creeping me out. So into the last dungeon I go, to meet everyone's favorite King Ghidorah-ripoff. I think I went through about 15 Phoenix Downs and 7 food items before he finally fell over and died, and I then looked up at the clock and realized that I had spent about an hour running around like a maniac and slashing randomly. Running from constant homing energy orbs (is it just me, or are Clavats slower than the other races at everything?), an endless stream of powerful minions, flame-circles (which can kill you instantly and have a huge radius), quick-firing ice beams, and energy blasts that fill the screen. And being right next to him, hacking away merrily, then suddenly hearing an ominous sound and realizing that one of his hands is about to crush me and remove one of my last three Downs...that's pants-filling material, right there. But the real fun will come if I ever get my group together again and we get that far. "Okay, I'll just walk over and PWN him - oops, I'm dead again." "Agggh! Why the hell did we let you have all the extra hearts!?! Hey, look ou-Dang it, I'm dead too...but I wouldn't be if SOMEBODY hadn't wasted all the Phoenix Downs!" "Stop waving at me, I KNOW you're dead, I just have to - wait, who had the Life Stone?...oh no." Quote
The King of All Kupos Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 one of the bosses in final fantasy IV...eh either odin' date=' zemus, or bahamut...god that sucked[/quote']...but...Zemus was invincible... Quote
Lacour Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 one of the bosses in final fantasy IV...eh either odin' date=' zemus, or bahamut...god that sucked[/quote']...but...Zemus was invincible... after you used the crystal on him, the second form of him... Quote
The King of All Kupos Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 one of the bosses in final fantasy IV...eh either odin' date=' zemus, or bahamut...god that sucked[/quote']...but...Zemus was invincible... after you used the crystal on him, the second form of him... Oh, Zeromus. Yeah, he was pretty tough. Quote
The Coop Posted September 26, 2004 Author Posted September 26, 2004 Wow. Just, wow. I finally beat a game I've had for a while now. It's only six levels, but it's a challenging six levels. But of all the challenges (including going backwards in one level), the final boss of R-Type III: The Third Lightning was a nasty little buttwad. You start off fighting a four armed "Brundle Fly" looking mutoid, that throws slow moving, but tracking, energy balls at you... usually three in succession. After that, one of the arms fires a good sized beam of energy. After You've been shooting the head for a while, the head opens up and about ten little nasty robotic bug like things come out. These things are tough, and take a good amount of shooting to kill off as they make their way towards you. Should you do enough damage to the head, it gets blown off, and now you can attack the body, which is the main area to damage so you can kill it. Well, you only get a short time to attack before a new head grows in, and you have to repeat the process. Eventually, you beat the body... and the arms then fly off. Now the arms are darting and spinning randomly around the screen. You have to shoot them a certain amount to trigger the next event. You can't destroy them, just shoot them. Should you survive long enough, the next phase kicks in. The postal that you had been sucked into just prior to the final boss, begins to shrink. The arms go out and grab the edge of the portal, slowing it's closing down. Once it's small enough, the thing's head appears in the opening, and it begin firing one homing (and fast) energy ball every few seconds. How you gotta shoot behind you. If you manage to beat that form, the head flattens out... and your ass gets kicked. It starts firing the speedy homing energy balls like there's no tomorrow. You gotta dodge, duck, weave, and pray like hell that you can last long enough, cuz this part in just nasty. I don't know what I did, where I hit it, or if I just outlasted it's bombardment, but I beat it. But I gotta say... that was a boss that did not go down easily. Hell... I was starting to wonder if the boss COULD be killed, having fought the thing so many times Edit: Major typos fixed... minor ones likely still present. Quote
professor_scissors Posted September 26, 2004 Posted September 26, 2004 Wow. Just, wow.I finally beat a game I've had for a while now. It's only six levels, but it's a challenging six levels. But of all the challenges (including going backwards in one level), the final boss of R-Type III: The Third Lightning was a nasty little buttwad. You start off fighting a four armed "Brundle Fly" looking mutoid, that throws slow moving, but tracking, energy balls at you... usually three in succession. After that, one of the arms fires a good sized beam of energy. After You've been shooting the head for a while, the head opens up and about ten little nasty robotic bug like things come out. These things are tough, and take a good amount of shooting to kill off as they make their way towards you. Should you do enough damage to the head, it gets blown off, and now you can attack the body, which is the main area to damage so you can kill it. Well, you only get a short time to attack before a new head grows in, and you have to repeat the process. Eventually, you beat the body... and the arms then fly off. Now the arms are darting and spinning randomly around the screen. You have to shoot them a certain amount to trigger the next event. You can't destroy them, just shoot them. Should you survive long enough, the next phase kicks in. The postal that you had been sucked into just prior to the final boss, begins to shrink. The arms go out and grab the edge of the portal, slowing it's closing down. Once it's small enough, the thing's head appears in the opening, and it begin firing one homing (and fast) energy ball every few seconds. How you gotta shoot behind you. If you manage to beat that form, the head flattens out... and your ass gets kicked. It starts firing the speedy homing energy balls like there's no tomorrow. You gotta dodge, duck, weave, and pray like hell that you can last long enough, cuz this part in just nasty. I don't know what I did, where I hit it, or if I just outlasted it's bombardment, but I beat it. But I gotta say... that was a boss that did not go down easily. Hell... I was starting to wonder if the boss COULD be killed, having fought the thing so many times Edit: Major typos fixed... minor ones likely still present. You can actually beat the last form in about one second. It's immune to your normal weapons... you have to launch your Force at it. Quote
Ghost Posted October 5, 2004 Posted October 5, 2004 Lavos spawn (chrono trigger) are pretty hard to beat, but they're not bosses. Lavos wins the prize. I had to beat the game four times to be able to defeat him ( Chrono Level 56, Frog Level 52 and Marle Level 48). And it is one of the most time consuming bosses. It takes a lot of time to beat him. You gotta fight it from outside, and then from inside. When you beat the "inside lavos" then, lavos core appears. The worst thing is that it heals itself, sou you gotta have a lot of healing items, elixir, etc... to survive the long combat. OMg u suck at those lvls I lvls I would of Owned Lavas I fought him at like lvl 40-47 Quote
entropicdecay Posted October 5, 2004 Posted October 5, 2004 Lavos spawn (chrono trigger) are pretty hard to beat, but they're not bosses. Lavos wins the prize. I had to beat the game four times to be able to defeat him ( Chrono Level 56, Frog Level 52 and Marle Level 48). And it is one of the most time consuming bosses. It takes a lot of time to beat him. You gotta fight it from outside, and then from inside. When you beat the "inside lavos" then, lavos core appears. The worst thing is that it heals itself, sou you gotta have a lot of healing items, elixir, etc... to survive the long combat. OMg u suck at those lvls I lvls I would of Owned Lavas I fought him at like lvl 40-47 AANVAOH In case you didn't understand, Abbreviations Are Not Very Appreciated here. Quote
Rodin Posted October 5, 2004 Posted October 5, 2004 Final mission of Wing Commander:Prophecy was simply insane. The mission is a MINIMUM of 30 minutes long, and takes longer if you don't do it exactly right. The vast majority is spent running away like a little girl from the infinite number of enemy ships that get sent at you. I actually started cursing when I was forced to fire my final missile... Yeesh. I still have nightmares about that. Quote
CruelOldMan Posted October 6, 2004 Posted October 6, 2004 Hmm... I'd have to say Alma (1st Form) from Ninja Gaiden, and... well, that's it. I've actually managed to beat bosses from other games fairly quickly, although I've heard things about the Contra series. But I've never really been interested in playing them, so... I guess I'll never know. Quote
patella femoral syndrome Posted October 6, 2004 Posted October 6, 2004 Just reading back a few pages, I'm really starting to doubt the integrity and skill of modern day gamers. Quote
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