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8) Lavos spawn (chrono trigger) are pretty hard to beat, but they're not bosses.

Lavos wins the prize. I had to beat the game four times to be able to defeat him ( Chrono Level 56, Frog Level 52 and Marle Level 48). And it is one of the most time consuming bosses. It takes a lot of time to beat him. You gotta fight it from outside, and then from inside. When you beat the "inside lavos" then, lavos core appears. The worst thing is that it heals itself, sou you gotta have a lot of healing items, elixir, etc... to survive the long combat.

OMg u suck at those lvls I lvls I would of Owned Lavas I fought him at like lvl 40-47

you can always see a n00b...




Fou-Lu, the last boss of Breath of Fire IV. He had this one cheap attack called Soul Rend that would make all you characters hp go to 1, and right after he'd use another attack that took that last hp. To this day I haven't beat him.

8) Lavos spawn (chrono trigger) are pretty hard to beat, but they're not bosses.

Lavos wins the prize. I had to beat the game four times to be able to defeat him ( Chrono Level 56, Frog Level 52 and Marle Level 48). And it is one of the most time consuming bosses. It takes a lot of time to beat him. You gotta fight it from outside, and then from inside. When you beat the "inside lavos" then, lavos core appears. The worst thing is that it heals itself, sou you gotta have a lot of healing items, elixir, etc... to survive the long combat.

OMg u suck at those lvls I lvls I would of Owned Lavas I fought him at like lvl 40-47

you can always see a n00b...





I find that funny because I just recently finished "1984" by George Orwell and never thought of that

Just reading back a few pages, I'm really starting to doubt the integrity and skill of modern day gamers.

I suppose so ,because in the old days one didnt have the chance levelup to lv.99 before fighting a boss.

And no lifemeter or hitpoints in the old classics of shmups..One buttonpress wrong and Vavoom! -off to yer grave u go 8)

Fou-Lu, the last boss of Breath of Fire IV. He had this one cheap attack called Soul Rend that would make all you characters hp go to 1, and right after he'd use another attack that took that last hp. To this day I haven't beat him.

Interesting story on this one.

When I got to him to fight him, I realized that I had missed one of the dragons after I had already initiated battle with him. That meant that I could still have Ryu become the Kaiser Dragon of course, but I couldn't control him and therefore he would always use his Kaiser Breath attack.

So for the first form I transformed Ryu into Kaiser Dragon and had him in the back using the breath attack all battle, and then I think Cray and Ershin/Scias just pound away at him. I totally played that battle to die, and intented to, so I could go back and get the last dragon, because I was sure I couldn't beat the final boss without having control of Kaiser's attacks. However, the fight went on and on, and sure enough, eventually the dragon fell.

After some dialogue, he transforms into his second form. Now I'm pissed, because I didn't want to have to fight that first form again, so I played this one to win, and I beat that fucker without Kaiser by using just about all my healing items, especially the big time dragon form healers, because I used all of my other dragon forms twice.


The last boss of FFIX gave me some serious trouble. Took me a while to figure out exactly what pattern to attack/defend in and how to defend against Grand Cross followed by Neutron Ring. I guess that's the price for trying to beat a 4-disc game in 30 hours.

  • 2 weeks later...

Having finally beaten Alien Soldier last night, I found a new boss to loathe.

Now, while the game is filled with bosses (it's on the verge of being nothing but boss fights the entire time), there's one boss on level 20 (yes, level 20) that proved to be a real bitch... in several senses.

See, the boss is a female character that morphs into a big beast that you have to fight called the Valkyrie Force. Here, she throws a huge boomerang shot as well as shooting one of her arms at wherever you happen to be standing.

Now, should you beat that form, she morphs again into Medusa Force. This is just a big "buzzsaw"-like form that you have to avoid being hit by as it moves forward and backward along the ground. Of course, there are periodic min fields to dodge and the only weapon that does any good in the homing shot.

Beat that form? No problem, as she now morphs into Sylpheed Force. Here, you're constantly plummeting and drifting towards her... and literally the only weapon you can use in the homing weapon. Sadly, this runs out pretty quick again this form and you spend a lot of time dodging her dash attacks as you let the weapon refill. You have to get close to hit her, and one slight slip and you loose a big chunk of health should you bump into her.

Bested that form? Now try Artemis Force. It's a cat-like form that's not too bad to beat. Should you get by that one...

... then you reach Sirene Force. Here, you're underwater and the super shot you can acquire to help with boss fights is useless. The boss swims around in a circle while it shoots out little energy balls that circle it. The only thing that'll help you here is the quick "block" attack that destroys bullets, and you'll need it here as getting hit regularly happens. Hitting the boss is a pain in the ass and sometimes the only way to hurt the thing to any great degree is to sacrifice your health and charge in.

Five forms for one boss. No weapon rechargings with the exception of a couple power ups that go by pretty quickly during the second form... which you best make sure you get. Five different environment to battle in. I could beat all the bosses up to this one, and after this one, without much trouble. But the five form level 20 boss just gave me a fight that I just couldn't get past for what seemed like dozens upon dozens of tries.


very interesting Coop :o

hmmm my only recent hard boss encounters was from Gradius 5 :

the Rock Crusher at end of stage 5 (hard mode)

,and one of the stage 6 mini-bosses (the one in a very tight space,and rotates while dropping cannons to every wall) - (very hard mode)

and as usual the FINAL boss is a total JOKE (the eyes and brain) , like most Gradius LAST bosses are.

  • 3 weeks later...

Now, I'm still pretty new to the world of MegaMan and it's bosses, but there's a boss in MegaMan Zero that's been a pain in the ass for a little while now, and nothing I do seems to get me past the thing.

Named Harpuia, this boss is just owning my ass regularly. Between his being airborne most of the time, his downward slash attack, his triple wave combo (which I've gotten pretty good at avoiding most of the time), and the attack where he dives down and grabs you, lifts you way up and then slams your butt to the ground, I just can't beat the guy. The best I've done against him is getting rid of 1.5 bars of life. Eventually, he wears my character down and then it's over everytime.

I know there's way to beat him, but I refuse to look up a game faq. I've beaten the first six MegaMan games from the NES days (thanks to the "Anniversary Collection" that came out), and I've beaten MegaMan X as well. All bosses have a weakness, and they all have a way to work around the attacks they use. I just have yet to find the right system (or get enough luck) to beat Harpuia.


The bloody General Kim at the end of True Crime. When you fight him at the airport, damn, that took me a few hours of reloading and replaying.



Hardest boss ever for me goes straight to South Park for N64's final boss(I forgot his name), in god mode I fought him for like an hour because HE HAS A LIFE REGENORATOR!!! CHEAP!!! Never beat him without god mode

Now, I'm still pretty new to the world of MegaMan and it's bosses, but there's a boss in MegaMan Zero that's been a pain in the ass for a little while now, and nothing I do seems to get me past the thing.

Named Harpuia, this boss is just owning my ass regularly. Between his being airborne most of the time, his downward slash attack, his triple wave combo (which I've gotten pretty good at avoiding most of the time), and the attack where he dives down and grabs you, lifts you way up and then slams your butt to the ground, I just can't beat the guy. The best I've done against him is getting rid of 1.5 bars of life. Eventually, he wears my character down and then it's over everytime.

I know there's way to beat him, but I refuse to look up a game faq. I've beaten the first six MegaMan games from the NES days (thanks to the "Anniversary Collection" that came out), and I've beaten MegaMan X as well. All bosses have a weakness, and they all have a way to work around the attacks they use. I just have yet to find the right system (or get enough luck) to beat Harpuia.

That's teh game with the four warrior dudes right? Harpuia, the Neptune girl, and the other two? If I remember correctly, Harpuia had a really easy trick to beating him. I'd have to play it again to make sure, but I think that when he does his downward slash attack, you can power slide either under it or slide behind him before it hits you, then you can hit him with your sword. I forget what attack he always uses when he gets hit, but he might just go back to trying to downslash you, which you can avoid. Once I learned the trick, I beat him in about 10 seconds without getting hit.


Fire Leo in Viewtiful Joe... oh my lord, I can't remember how many attempts it took me to beat that bastard the first time, on Kids difficulty mode no less. I can only wonder what frustrating bad-ass Capcom will through at us in the sequel which, for the record, I can not wait for!

Now, I'm still pretty new to the world of MegaMan and it's bosses, but there's a boss in MegaMan Zero that's been a pain in the ass for a little while now, and nothing I do seems to get me past the thing.

Named Harpuia, this boss is just owning my ass regularly. Between his being airborne most of the time, his downward slash attack, his triple wave combo (which I've gotten pretty good at avoiding most of the time), and the attack where he dives down and grabs you, lifts you way up and then slams your butt to the ground, I just can't beat the guy. The best I've done against him is getting rid of 1.5 bars of life. Eventually, he wears my character down and then it's over everytime.

I know there's way to beat him, but I refuse to look up a game faq. I've beaten the first six MegaMan games from the NES days (thanks to the "Anniversary Collection" that came out), and I've beaten MegaMan X as well. All bosses have a weakness, and they all have a way to work around the attacks they use. I just have yet to find the right system (or get enough luck) to beat Harpuia.

yay for MMZ! ^_^

1. equip the ice chip

2. charge up the Z-Saber

3. as he dives down at you let him have it!

4. rinse and repeat

that game is sooooo hard but i wouldn't have it any other way...


After spending ~1,000 hours playing/levelling up in Might & Magic II, I ran into a group of monsters called the 99 Devil Kings (right before the last boss). I don't know if they are a true "boss" in the truest sense of the word, but man... Even with casting Divine Intervention as much as possible, and having pretty much every possible weapon in the game maxxed out, I could only kill about 5-7 out of the 99 total there were.

So, take your hard boss battle, and multiply it times 99,and you've got that boss battle. I might look up some FAQs, but the game is so old I never really found any good ones that mentioned how to beat the devil kings. I still have my Apple IIgs and the game and my save-game if I ever run across one lol!!



Dragon Emperor from Seiken Destenku 3 (Secret of Mana 2); the last boss for Duran/Angela's quest. I had max level, max stats, Duran(light/light), Angela(light/light), Carlie(light/light), and it took me an hour and a half for my final try to finally kill him. This is freaken endurance. Only one character was useful because the boss changed his element so much, I would usually heal him whenever I cast a spell. When I beat him I got up, did a victory dance, and rushed to the bathroom.

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