RimFrost the Tourianist Posted March 16, 2005 Posted March 16, 2005 The hardest boss I went up against was probably Meta Ridley on hard in Metroid Prime. Took me almost two hours to kill it. Then at least he was a good challence for you. Some speedrunner named Kip i think, took MR down in less than 2 minutes (although he used an in-game glitch). Quote
Lavant Posted March 16, 2005 Posted March 16, 2005 Valius from Final Fantasy Tactics. Luca Blight and the Beast Rune from Suikoden 2. Quote
Halberdier Posted March 16, 2005 Posted March 16, 2005 Has anyone ever beaten M.Bison on 8 star rating on Street Fighter 2 Turbo Snes. I couldn't beat him on 3 star. So you might consider that a hard fight. PS. I'm crap at beat'em'ups Quote
SHOK13 Posted March 16, 2005 Posted March 16, 2005 unbeatable bosses, beak(1) and Tiga from BoF2. sigma in any form. partly because i suck at most sidescrollers. most rpgs i blow through but never get around to finishing because im prone to perfectionism. death is an ass to kill, you can do it if you have the triple threat and the holy water, but it only works if you time it just right and freeze him in the flame on the first pass or so. need more remixes for mystic quest, faxanadu, FFadventure, and more good metal mixes >D Quote
The Coop Posted March 31, 2005 Author Posted March 31, 2005 Has anyone ever beaten M.Bison on 8 star rating on Street Fighter 2 Turbo Snes. I couldn't beat him on 3 star. So you might consider that a hard fight.PS. I'm crap at beat'em'ups I've beaten him on 8 stars. I believe you have to in order to see the full ending on SF II. If memory serves, playing "turtle" works well, in that you wait for him to attack first, then use a move to counter it (like a roundhouse kick or dragon punch if he jumps into the air). I remember getting my ass beat regularly by him when I was the one doing all the attacking. But then I switched tactics a bit, and started being patient until I saw an opening... and then attacking. Also, if you hit him out of the air or knock him down, throw a fireball so it's timed to hit him as he lands or gets up. It's a fifty-fifty chance that it'll hit him, but even if he blocks, it's at least a little more damage to him and it knocks him back a little as well. Oh... and fireballs work really well against his psycho crusher attack (the one where he dives across the screen while eveloped in blue flame). Again, it comes down to timing. Good luck As for me, I have a new story to tell, but it'll have to wait until I get back from classes later this afternoon. A definite cuss-fest inducer, this boss is. But I gotta get some sleep now. Edit: As promised... I've been playing a game by Irem called Image Fight. Not the NES version, but the Saturn port of the arcade version. It's not an easy game, but there's a boss on stage 5 that is just flat out... prickish. Remember the giant brain with an eye and claws from Life Force? It's a little like that. There's a huge body that makes it tough to move around the screen, two homing orbs that follow you as you move, and a giant set of pinchers at the top that block all shots. If the pinchers open, you can get at the eye that opens and closes on the body behind the pinchers... as long as you have orange lasers. See, there are two laser types. Blue, which only fire forward, and orange, which fire in the opposite direction you're moving. You NEED the orange lasers to have any hope, and you NEED more than one. Now, as you move about, those two blobs are out there. One is outside of the body slowly coming at you, and the other is behind the pinchers, bouncing back and forth slowly above the eye. They're indestructible, and if you shoot them, they stop right where they are and continue to block your shots. So let's say you get there with two orange lasers, dodge the body and outer blob, and get set up right above the pinchers. They open, the eye opens, and THAT is when the blob between the pinchers is right in front of the open eye. You shoot, it stays there continuing the block the shots. You wait for it to move, and the eye closes back up, followed by the pinchers. Now the outer blob has caught up to you, and you begin the whole "lure it away" thing again. I'm normally good at shmups, but I have not been able to find a pattern to beat this boss... or hit it more than a couple times before having my ship blasted apart. You need a lot of shot power to really have a chance at winning, but if you die at the boss, you get sent back a bit where there are only two shot powerups to grab... and one of them is placed in the worst spot. I've beaten every Irem R-type game, their In the Hunt submarine shmup, and several others. But this... this one boss is frustrating the hell out of me. Quote
ElectricCatfish Posted April 1, 2005 Posted April 1, 2005 Bonetail bloody stupid Bonetail in paper mario raaaagh I can take down any of the FF secret bosses like theyre not there but this stupid thing is beyond me....grumble.... Quote
furymaster Posted April 1, 2005 Posted April 1, 2005 I'd have to say any of Devil May Cry and Devil May Cry 3 bosses on Dante Must Die/Heaven or Hell Modes.... Just no freakin way... On normal they were hard... but come freakin on! I guess I like that in DMC though lol. Quote
Klunzo Posted April 1, 2005 Posted April 1, 2005 Bonetail bloody stupid Bonetail in paper mario raaaagh I can take down any of the FF secret bosses like theyre not there but this stupid thing is beyond me....grumble....go into the forest infront of Boo's mansion and pummel those amazee daisy things they will level you up fast, and be sure to carry life shrooms, he was an easy win if memory serves. Quote
The Coop Posted April 13, 2005 Author Posted April 13, 2005 You know, sometimes it's amazing the difference between versions of a game. I recently found a cheap copy of Sunset Riders for the SNES. Now, I have the Genesis version, and I thoroughly kicked it's ass. And I've even gotten good at getting through the SNES version... up until the final boss. His name is Sir Richard Rose, and he's a pain in the ass to get to. First, he's behind a balcony that you have to destroy to get to him. While you're blasting away at this thing, there are four men who appear on the top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right respectively, all coming out blasting for you. If you shoot one, he's replaced a few seconds later. So now you're hopping around trying to shoot the balcony and the guys. If you get rid of balcony, then Sir Richard begins his attacking along with the continual flow of helpers he has. Now you're jumping all over the damned place. Sir Richard is blasting away at you as he jumps around, and you're trying to hit him while avoids bullets and men. Now if you're fortunate enough, you knock him down. YOU'VE WON!!! Guess again... He gets up, and reveals that he had a chest plate under his shirt. Now you get to do the whole battle all over again... assuming you still continues and guys in reserve after going through it all the first time. Don't know what the ending is like on the SNES version yet. I just can't seem to get a pattern working long enough to knock him down a second time for the win. Couple all this with the fact that there's no auto fire, and you've got a damn tired firing thumb by the time you get to end... as well as a burning hatred for Sir Richard Rose Quote
Dhsu Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 It took me no less than four hours to beat Cerberus in DMC3. Now that I've figured it out, he's not that hard anymore, but that's probably the longest time I've ever spent on a boss. Besides Sephiroth. Quote
Karka Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Sepheroth from Kingdom Hearts in Expert mode. Also one of the funest things I have every done. Quote
Dryft Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 The boss at the top of Kefka's Tower in FF6 would have gotten my vote a couple of years back. Only being able to use magic was a pain...and he kept changing his barrier at random. And then he nukes you with Ultima when he dies which has a pretty good shot of killing your entire party. But one day, genius struck. I went to town and gave each of my dudes a wall ring, providing perma-reflect. The guy just shoots himself to crap and doesn't bother with the barrier change. Oh, and interesting fact, Life 3 goes through reflect so Ultima was nothing. Quote
Dew Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 The boss at the top of Kefka's Tower in FF6 would have gotten my vote a couple of years back. Only being able to use magic was a pain...and he kept changing his barrier at random. And then he nukes you with Ultima when he dies which has a pretty good shot of killing your entire party. But one day, genius struck.I went to town and gave each of my dudes a wall ring, providing perma-reflect. The guy just shoots himself to crap and doesn't bother with the barrier change. Oh, and interesting fact, Life 3 goes through reflect so Ultima was nothing. I Osmose'd him to death. When he runs out of MP he dies and can't cast Ultima. Also, one time I played through the game... can't remember what level I was... but my Sabin was strong enough to survive Ultima. Quote
The Coop Posted April 26, 2005 Author Posted April 26, 2005 I was sitting back, relaxing with a game of Ghouls and Ghosts on my Genesis. I say "was", because it's been quite a while since I played the game last... which brought me to a certain boss in that game which I had forgotten about in regards to how brutal it can be. That boss being, the giant fly-like demon Beelzebub. It's bad enough that you HAVE to play through the game twice to get the most powerful weapon from the goddess. But trying to hang onto the best armor so that said super weapon can destroy enemy shots is a real pain... especially through the section of level five where all those skeletal dragons are coming out in large quantities. Anyway, I get to the bug boss, and what happens? I get me ass kicked... again, and again, and again. I couldn't make it to the thing with the best armor, which meant a lot of running, jumping and trying stupid things so I can keep hitting him. But all that was for nothing, because I think I must have gotten locked into some kind of vicious pattern. Beelzebub would appear in the middle of the fight area, I'd hit him a few times, and then I'd run away. The thing turns into it's long line of swarming flies, and come right at me. I'd be in the left corner of the fighting area, firing upwards because the boss formed right above me. I'd hit him a few times, and then I'd haul ass to the right. I'd reach the other half of the fight area, and that's when it'd all go wrong. Over, and over, and over again, the swarm of flies traveled completely across the screen, hitting me. If I had armor, it was knocked off me. If I didn't, the heroic knight bit the dust right there. If I was lucky enough to survive, the boss formed so high up, that the super weapon couldn't reach him. Then he'd go into a fly swarm again, and no matter where I was, he'd hit me. Stay in the corner? I got hit. Run across to the left side of the fight area? It'd travel completely across. Run the middle? It'd travel completely across, forcing me to run to the left side and die. It has to have the single most mean spirited attack pattern I can recall seeing in Ghouls and Ghosts. Loki at the end is a completely predictable and easily beaten puss compared to that damned Beelzebub when it gets going with one of it's patterns. Quote
Pepz Posted April 26, 2005 Posted April 26, 2005 The last bosses in Ikaruga : Tageri & Ubusunagami Okinokai (The Power of the Gods). Doing that on hard and staying alive is still hard for me! Quote
The Coop Posted May 11, 2005 Author Posted May 11, 2005 I have to admit... sometimes, the simplest and correct way of beating a boss, completely eludes me. Case in point, the second Hunter in Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil. He's a tough looking SOB, with electricity as his weapon. Now, I figured that the "Hell Time" option of the artifact needed to be used. As such, I used it. As I moved about him, blasting away with everything I had in my arsenal, minutes went by. I kept emptying shot after shot into him, dodging his electricity balls and his larger electrical attacks. I ran under the floor picking up what ammo and health was down there. I mean, this went on for good stretches of time before he'd eventually get the best of me. I was having flashbacks to the final boss in Painkiller: Battle Out of Hell... no matter how much I shot the guy, regardless of what type of weaponry I was using, nothing made him go down for the count. I spent so much time avoiding the Hunter's attacks and trying to stay alive, that I missed a very important clue about how to kill him. Now, I won't say what that clue is on the offhand chance someone's playing the game and hasn't gotten there yet. But, I will say that when I figured it out, I beat the demon on the second try. It was so simple, that I didn't see it... much like how to beat the final boss in Quake. Quote
jpiumelli Posted May 11, 2005 Posted May 11, 2005 anyone remember Jack Of Blades from Fable? He was hard :sarcasm: seriously though. The final battle in Lunar 2 is a royal pain in the ass. Quote
Argorak Posted May 11, 2005 Posted May 11, 2005 Kintaro ,from Mortal Kombat 2(although Shao Kahn who comes next was a real pushover). Man, I hate Shao Kahn in MK Trilogy. My cousin and I just can't beat him (might have something to do with the fact that I suck at MK). It's not too hard to beat him with Sub-Zero. Just use his ice shot, and Kahn does his knee move -- and ends up in upper-cut range at no danger to you. Do an uppercut, then repeat. If you do it fast enough, you may even catch him as he gets up! (Or did you have to use a roundhouse???) Quote
Refelos Posted May 11, 2005 Posted May 11, 2005 anyone remember Jack Of Blades from Fable? He was hard :sarcasm:seriously though. The final battle in Lunar 2 is a royal pain in the ass. the fight with zophar where he grabs lucia and then she like sacrafices herself to heal you back to full and you have to fight him when hes got like 6 parts? its been a while since ive played it. Quote
BladeKnight Posted May 11, 2005 Posted May 11, 2005 I fucking hated fighting King Blue in Viewtiful Joe on Super V Rated. He was cake on normal mode but on super V he gets an ass-load more hit points that just takes forever to get down. All attacks hit you for 4x damage, which means 4 hearts for every hit, 8 for certain attacks (which is more than half your health). It's also to screw up hitting him the one time he's vulnerable, and if you do, that means a whole nother round of attacks to dodge. He's really not that bad when you get his pattern down, but the fight is just so damn long. There's a follow-up fight after that one too that isn't nearly as hard, but if you get game over you'll have to fight King again. EDIT: and Akuma from Super Street Fighter II Turbo arcade was fucking impossible. I would pay to see someone beat him on a machine. Quote
darthseb Posted May 11, 2005 Posted May 11, 2005 Hardest freaking boss EVER was Galda from Radio Dojo Mai-Mai. Galda would NOT die, even WITH the Flame of Warrior Blade. Good game, though. It took me at Least 2 hours to beat her. Quote
SoloGamer Posted May 11, 2005 Posted May 11, 2005 Kintaro ,from Mortal Kombat 2(although Shao Kahn who comes next was a real pushover). Man, I hate Shao Kahn in MK Trilogy. My cousin and I just can't beat him (might have something to do with the fact that I suck at MK). It's not too hard to beat him with Sub-Zero. Just use his ice shot, and Kahn does his knee move -- and ends up in upper-cut range at no danger to you. Do an uppercut, then repeat. If you do it fast enough, you may even catch him as he gets up! (Or did you have to use a roundhouse???) Like I said, I'm not very good at MK, any of them. I just played MK Trilogy because my cousing brought it over on that day. If he brings it over again, I will have to try that strategy on him. Quote
Argorak Posted May 11, 2005 Posted May 11, 2005 Well, I know these have almost certainly been mentioned before, but any boss past the 3rd boss of Ikaruga. Phalanx on "funny" mode was just...evil. "Do I leave this fleet alone and have to dodge 50 bullets, or destroy them and still have to dodge 50?" The S.O.R.N. on Wizardry V was pretty hard too. Blasted out massive spells at you, AND was resistant to spells himself. Then again, the data got wiped after I got to him... Also, try Bagan in Super Godzilla...without turning into Super Godzilla. Edit: Sologamer, I'm not very good at MK either, it was just something I found out by accident. Oh, and on SSBM try out the Insane(?) Melee . The one with the wireframes that smack you around like a rag doll. Can only take out 6 or 7 at most (I forget which). The event battle with Ganondorf, Mewtwo, and Gigabowser is pretty hard too. Quote
The King of All Kupos Posted May 11, 2005 Posted May 11, 2005 Well, I know these have almost certainly been mentioned before, but any boss past the 3rd boss of Ikaruga. Phalanx on "funny" mode was just...evil. "Do I leave this fleet alone and have to dodge 50 bullets, or destroy them and still have to dodge 50?" The S.O.R.N. on Wizardry V was pretty hard too. Blasted out massive spells at you, AND was resistant to spells himself. Then again, the data got wiped after I got to him... Also, try Bagan in Super Godzilla...without turning into Super Godzilla. Edit: Sologamer, I'm not very good at MK either, it was just something I found out by accident. Oh, and on SSBM try out the Insane(?) Melee . The one with the wireframes that smack you around like a rag doll. Can only take out 6 or 7 at most (I forget which). The event battle with Ganondorf, Mewtwo, and Gigabowser is pretty hard too. I refuse to believe that that's actually been done. Quote
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