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Hey I wanna register but it says "sorry but this username has been disallowed". Discrimination?? :tomatoface::banghead:

Anyway may anyone help me?

I'd have a WIP to post there for Pokèmon GOLD-Silver :350:


Yeah, the website has banned all new accounts because the admins got bored banning annoying spambots/annoying noobs and people of a generally annoying nature.

If you want to show someone a wip, PM the prophet or the damned.

Yeah, the website has banned all new accounts because the admins got bored banning annoying spambots/annoying noobs and people of a generally annoying nature.

If you want to show someone a wip, PM the prophet or the damned.

Yeah, it would have to be pretty damn good at this point, but if you think it's up to the standards, PM me.


Who has been on every single day for the last three weeks. And checks everything each night when he gets home from work.

Anyways... pu-freak has submitted his revised version of Cycling Road, and I have to say, it's pretty nice. Check it out at the project forums.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey y'all, I'm sure some of you have probably already heard about this project but I thought I'd randomly throw it in there anyway...

Right now the guys over at www.PokemonOnline.org are working on their own original Pokemon MMORPG and they could use help in remixing music for it. The game will encompass all the Gameboy games from Red/Blue up until the more recent ones like Diamond, Perl, etc. Since you are already working on this fine, fine project, wouldn't it be nice if you allowed them to use some/all of the final product? Be rest assured, though, that this MMO is always going to remain free (by will of the creators) so you don't have to worry about someone making profit off of your work. The only rub I see right now is that they want the remixed tracks to be in "Module Format" but if you could pull that off it'd be golden!

You can read more about the plans they have for the game at:


and the request they posted here:


This looks promising, so you should go over and give it a peek, k? Right now they're at version 0.6 and plan to have v1.0 out somewhere between 2008-2010.

do you have any idea what module format is? because if you did, you'd realize it's not just something that you 'pull off'.


It would require a complete rework of the remix, complete change of sounds and in many cases heavy money investment in samples and software.

that's a no from me.


Spamming a remix thread? Get out. Go away. This project is for everyone to listen to, not for some site to use for their own purposes.

We had another site try this, and even when I very politely turned them down, the owner flipped out and gave us shit for being all elitist and snobs.

I'm not going to let these remixers and all their effort be sucked up by some random people because

a) they can't do any music themselves,

B) are too lazy to do it themselves,

c) they think that just because someone else is doing it right now, they can get them to just supply it for free.

I'm actually getting a little sick and tired of random people PMing me and asking on this site if they can use it. No, you can't. It's not yours, it's for every fan out there. Sounds like a big slice of hypocrisy? Well, it's not. I'm saying it as simple as possible:

The music from this project is for EVERYBODY, not just you and your site/project.

If we came to your site, be it a forum, or a fan-made game, or a fansite, and we said, "hey, can we use all of your artwork, page layouts and text for our project?", how would you like it? All that effort you put into it, and now someone wants all of it for free? I can damn well bet you'd be a little pissed.

So, no. You can not. Stop asking. From now on, anyone that spams their site or game or whatever gets a big fat fucking "NO." and we carry on.


Oh, hell yes! I can post here again! Thanks to whomever it was that fixed that glitch where I couldn't post in this thread anymore!

Any way, the long awaited vote for the project title is up! There are nine choices, and they're the ones that showed the greatest interest (and weren't obvious silliness).

So check out the poll in The Pit and vote!

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