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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok. I really want a Switch now. Breath of the wild had put it on my 'to buy when I find it at a good deal, probably secondhand.' Now with the announcement of Metroid Prime 4, a core pokemon game, Yoshi, Kirby, and a better look at Super Mario Oddyssey it has moved up to my 'save up and buy it at full price if you have to.' list.


I'm increasingly happy with my Switch purchase, too.  Odyssey looks amazing, Mario + Rabbids looks surprisingly promising, Splatoon 2... looks like an incremental improvement, anyway, I'm still not sure about Salmon Run mode and its impact on the game.  Games I'm not personally interested in, like Metroid Prime 4, help to cement the "Nintendo is getting it right this time" impression, which will help with 3rd party support.  They've brought out nearly every one of their main IP's, just missing Smash and a core Fire Emblem at this point, that I can think of.


I can't find the image now, but I saw one of those "who will win" t-chart memes about E3 where on one side you had

Microsoft, Sony, Bethesda and other developers with vast marketing spending


Nintendo with a 24 minute video hashed together by interns that was live streamed during peak business hours (paraphrased but it's as close as I can remember)


Also +1 to the Super Mario Odyssey song. That was quite literally my favorite part of their main E3 reveal.

  • 2 weeks later...

do you like physics based puzzle platformers with a specific niche skill ceiling? download snake pass immediately, especially since it's on sale for the next week

it is so damned fun


Anyone else hoping Nintendo starts selling the Switch without the dock? The price of the dock itself is about $90 US (kind of expensive, when you see what's inside and how much empty space there is https://youtu.be/LxUuDh5dOus?t=1m5s ).

It would be cheaper, and considering that here in Canada, a Switch retails for $400, that would help a lot.

Now, if they could just make the games cheaper here...

  • 2 weeks later...

Reminder: Splatoon 2 Splatfest premier/demo is tomorrow.  The Americas region game is 3pm Pacific / 6pm Eastern until 7pm Pacific / 10pm Eastern, and Europe is 5pm UK / 6pm CEST until 9pm UK / 10pm CEST.  I'll be on for just the first couple of hours on Team Cake.  Not sure if the ability to play with friends is enabled for the demo, but if anyone wants to try, my Friend Code is 5961-6763-3987.

They actually patched the demo download, so if you downloaded it before a couple of days ago, you'll need to update it before the event.

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