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So I don't really know any of you guys, I very seldom interact with the community (11 comments over the last 9 years?!), and I have no substantial musical talent/prowess... But this place generates some of the best music I've ever heard, and I wouldn't mind contributing something towards this place.

Should I sign up or anything for this? Or is this something reserved for more active people?
I won't be hurt if its the latter.

On 24/11/2016 at 4:08 PM, Bahamut said:

I just sent out all the matches (except to @Mikayan - enable messages or let me know how I can relay it!) - happy giving!

Contact me at tauwillwin@hotmail.com. Also, how would I change that? I couldn't find it in settings, and I've got messages before.


The correct name would help. :P

Although, Mikayan sounds pretty cool too. And people might actually say it right then.

Oh and @Bahamut, I still haven't got details yet. Please send them through. Message or email on tauwillwin@hotmail.com

The sooner the better. Waka post takes a long time.

On 11/26/2016 at 4:39 PM, prophetik music said:

maybe if he spelled the name right? miyakan vs mikayan.

my person described three vastly broad interests with like four words. sadface. hopefully i don't double up on something they already have!

Mine didn't give any interests at all, just t-shirt size. I found a few things that nearly any gamer would likely want, though, and one thing that I'm sure will appeal specifically to my person. I just got it in the mail over lunch today, and they can expect it within two weeks, I think.

2 hours ago, Rexy said:

My person gave me some generalised subjects as well, but that was nothing that looking up more information about them on their social network couldn't fix.  Do you think this can help out a few people unsure on what to give to their match?

not a bad idea, and one that i've used in the past. i should give this a try =P


Don't forget that a lot of us have Steam accounts, and the autumn sale is going on still.

Also, I think if anyone didn't really fill out their interests and/or wants on the page, this thread might be a good time to do it.

I recall last year where I had a person that I couldn't find anything for at all, and had to question another member to get even a little bit of info. Like, two weeks of digging around and asking to find out they liked Sentai stuff, which would have fit perfectly in the info page we all set up the month before.



Just sent out my gifts to my person. 

I was probably one of those people who didn't give much info. If you get stumped, I'd love some plushy thing. Squishables, Yoshi stuffed type thing. 
I generally do like to be quite surprised and get random things.



i herd u liek poRteR broBinszon i also liek poRteR this is gud album u wil liek maery chrismuss to OCR person this r gift # 1 of 2

Thank you SECRENT SNANTA for the album and for making me laugh pretty hard!


Im probably one of the people who put down a vague answer, maybe too late but here are a few options. 


usb to lightning adapter 

psn or steam credit 

35mm film or developing chemicals

Any of the pocket operator synths other than the arcade model. 


Good nuff 


Ok. I finally have my secret santa info. Hopefully I will be able to get something for them next week. Who knows how long postage will take though. :P It could arrive in January.



16 hours ago, prophetik music said:

just sent my stuff. international purchasing is hard! but i think i got it working. not sure if it'll be there before christmas, but i hope it will be =)

Yup. I've got to try and get mine sorted out next week so that it will hopefully be there by Christmas. Although, purchasing for the US isn't so bad. I can just shop Amazon, or any US based business, and get them to ship.

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