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The Damned's Genesect (and Volcanion)Code GIVEAWAY!

And with that... the contest is over.

Six cards, six codes, six "winners". I use the term loosely, because Genesect is actually terrible in every way. Also, Volcanion is mid-tier, at best.

Sure, they have really good stats, movesets, fun skills and can be used to wipe entire teams by themselves if use right... but they ain't no Luvdisc!

The Volcanion card:

Red Shadow wins! Though I should disqualify you for hating anything about Gen 3. Also, Luvdisc just wanted to let you know that the water around those parts would be bad fro your Rock-type.

The 1st Genesect card:

Gario wins! By default. The two sweetest words in the English language.

The 2nd Genesect card:

MindWanderer wins. Because I said so.

The 3rd Genesect card:

Red Shadow wins. I guess. Sure, why not?

The 4th Genesect card:

jnWake wins. He was only off by 4 (I chose 17), and the second of two people that actually guessed.


The 5th Genesect card:

TillyFun wins. A short haiku about a silly cat giving away stuff. I can't help but feel it's actually about me.


Here's my favorite battle that I can recall, though I do feel a little guilt on it. I IV/EV'd the shit out of a Shuckle, made it tanky as shit (252HP, 128DEF, 128SDEF). Fought a friend and his legendaries with it, did the "Toxic/Rest/Stealth Rock/Shell Smash" crap with the hidden ability that reverses the effects of Shell Smash. Always fun to see Dalgia, Ho-oh and the two XY legendaries fall to that stupid slug rock thing.

He was cool with it, though, so it wasn't THAT bad. Still funny as hell, though.

38 minutes ago, Gario said:

Here's my favorite battle that I can recall, though I do feel a little guilt on it. I IV/EV'd the shit out of a Shuckle, made it tanky as shit (252HP, 128DEF, 124SDEF). Fought a friend and his legendaries with it, did the "Toxic/Rest/Stealth Rock/Shell Smash" crap with the hidden ability that reverses the effects of Shell Smash. Always fun to see Dalgia, Ho-oh and the two XY legendaries fall to that stupid slug rock thing.

He was cool with it, though, so it wasn't THAT bad. Still funny as hell, though.

I have no idea what language this response is in. :-D


I think I can translate.



IV means Individual Values, which are part of the stat system that Pokémon uses to create the massive range of stats that you see, even in the same species of pokémon. Think of them as genes. Something with a high Attack IV would have the best possible Attack stat for that species.

EV means Effort Values, which are little bonuses that are applied to each stat. An individual pokémon can gain these either by using items like HP Up, or they can selectively fight and defeat certain pokémon in battle. Each pokémon gives specific EVs when defeated. So if you fought, say, 10 Ratattas in a row, you would gain 10 Speed EVs.

Basically, he bred a pokémon so it has good IVs that gave it better stats, and then gave it items/fought certain other pokémon so that it gained even more increases in those specific stats.


tanky as shit (252HP, 128DEF, 124SDEF)

He trained it to highly defensive so it could withstand attacks from other pokémon in battle. He applied 252 EVs (those little bonuses) in Health, 128 in Defense, and 124 in Special Defense. This means it can withstand both physical and non-physical attacks. Given that Shuckle already has really high Defense and Special Defense stats, Gario has ensured that his Shuckle can brush off pretty much anything that is thrown at him.


"Toxic/Rest/Stealth Rock/Shell Smash"

A specific set of moves his Shuckle uses to not directly inflict damage to its opponents. Toxic is a move that doubles the damage it induced after every turn of battle. So it will do 10, then 20, then 40, then 80, etc..

Rest is a move that puts Shuckle to sleep in exchange for removing any status ailments and restoring all its health.

Stealth Rock is a move that injures an opponent the instant it enters battle, and will continue to do so for any entering opponent until the "rocks" are removed by another move.

Shell Smash is a move that will drop Shuckles defenses at by one level, but increase attack, Special Attack and Speed by two levels, so it can boost those stats. Combine that with Shuckle's ability, Contrary, reverses the effects of any move that changes a stat, so it would actually drop Attack, Special Attack and Speed, while boosting Defense and Special Defense EVEN MORE.

These four moves allow Shuckle to poison them, wait for them to die, and shrug off anything they throw at it until everyone else is a twitching pileof purple pus, pooling on the ground before it.


Dalgia, Ho-oh and the two XY legendaries

Powerful pokémon, but you have to know how to use them. They would have had a hard time inflicting enough damage at once to defeat Shuckle without some very good luck.


Have fun with this thread. Besides being in New Zealand and so not eligible, I have managed to get four of each of the codes this year. Which is good because I have Y and Omega Ruby, and my wife has X and Alpha Sapphire. When Sun and Moon come out I will have Sun and she will have Moon.


Cool Thread though.


Aah, I was planning on spending some time today to come up with a decent poem.  Oh well, saves me the time.

I'll take a stab at #3, though.  After all, it's well-known that DJP is a corrupt industry insider about whom everyone knows everything relevant despite not having any reputable sources of information.  So his picks should be easy to predict (although I'm looking only at the early-gen pokemon I'm familiar with).

  1. Parasect.  DJP is lining his pockets with the hard work of the OC ReMix community, making him close kindred with parasites.  Leech Life!
  2. Wobbuffet.  Clearly DJP doesn't actually do anything around here unless poked, in which case he responds with excessive force.
  3. Mewtwo.  As a talentless and spineless hack, DJP can only surround himself with the strongest allies and composers he can and let them do all the work.

And might as well do #4 as well.  I'll pick 30, since I see that's your birthday.

1 hour ago, MindWanderer said:

If it wasn't obvious that was satire, it was satire.

I have no method to determine sarcasm without a really very sarcastic tone to it.

This had let to some unfortunate times in my life. "I thought you were being serious, Your Honor..."

55 minutes ago, Red Shadow said:

also, for the volcanion, perhaps you can guess what one of my turn-offs from gen 3 was:

... Slightly generic backgrounds during battles?


Dang I was ready to write my epic story of when I beat Fire Red using a team of Clefable / Togetic that only used Metronome.

So, uh... I guess I'll try with djp's team.

1. Exploud. Based on an amplifier, makes perfect sense for a musician!

2. Porygon Z. Somewhere on the internet there's an interview (yes, I did my research) where djp mentions he likes/liked 3D design and Porygon is practically the Pokémon embodiment of that. Chose the Z version since it's stronger.

3. Luvdisc. It kinda looks like a pretzel? Also, the W. in djp's name clearly stands for Water Pokémon.

Also, I'll guess 13 for your number. It's a damned number after all ;)


well I'll be... damned. ;)


btw,  had some thoughts for a djp  team:

jigglypuff,  which while using  sing would belt out his bayou billy mix (just picture.  try not to laugh)

exploud.  read the comments in this thread as to why: 



aannnnd meloetta,  what with being the literal embodiment of music in the pokemon universe

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