cobaltstarfire Posted May 23, 2007 Posted May 23, 2007 Smartass replies aside I don't think I'll get too far, I was just asking because if I DO progress past the first two matches, I don't want to hold the tournament up when I go out of town for 10 days. I was essentially asking about it because if there will be a problem I'd like to drop out of the tournament now before schedualing problems arise.
Arek the Absolute Posted May 23, 2007 Author Posted May 23, 2007 The tournament will go on as long as the people make it. In other words, the faster people complete their matches, the faster the ball will roll.
Drack Posted May 24, 2007 Posted May 24, 2007 The age of online Wii games is upon us! (See Wii thread) I am going to need 32x32 pixel icons for Wii online games, for use in the Database. The DS Icons I can rip out of ROMs, but the Wii ones may be be a bit trickier. A possible source is the save file. Like the gamecube saves, these may have little icons in the firmware. If so, they may be rippable. My wii's in storage right now, can anyone confirm or deny this? If the saves have icons, there will br a program to rip them before long. Otherwise, I'll need talented artists to make these little icons. Resizing official logos, etc. may work. We'll see, but it will probably come down to a game-by-game basis. Thanks, Drack
Strati Posted May 24, 2007 Posted May 24, 2007 Smartass replies aside I don't think I'll get too far, I was just asking because if I DO progress past the first two matches, I don't want to hold the tournament up when I go out of town for 10 days. I was essentially asking about it because if there will be a problem I'd like to drop out of the tournament now before schedualing problems arise. If you're desperate enough (hell, I did it for a year before I got my wi-fi dongle, and I still do it when I don't have steady access to wireless internet), you can camp for access points. Almost every McDonald's has an access point now that's free for DS users, and they're everywhere. A lot of gas stations have wireless internet, and if all else fails, seek out neighborhood unprotected wireless. It's cheap and poor, but it works.
cobaltstarfire Posted May 24, 2007 Posted May 24, 2007 If you're desperate enough (hell, I did it for a year before I got my wi-fi dongle, and I still do it when I don't have steady access to wireless internet), you can camp for access points. Almost every McDonald's has an access point now that's free for DS users, and they're everywhere. A lot of gas stations have wireless internet, and if all else fails, seek out neighborhood unprotected wireless. It's cheap and poor, but it works. There is a chance of there being wireless there, I just figured I'd be wanting to spend time with the friends I haven't seen in about 3 years over playing pokemon. (Not to mention I don't know how to configure my DS for wireless stuff, someone else did it for me here).
The Damned Posted May 24, 2007 Posted May 24, 2007 Setting up a DS for wifi is actually stupidly easy. You have three main options: "search for an access point:, where the DS looks for any wireless signals that are compatible; "AOSS", which is a special setup used in other systems (like the PS3), and is pretty easy to use; and "manual Setup", which is obvious. Manual Setup is the ardest, and all it really entails is putting in numbers you can get from your computer system. You may have to dig for these numbers, but you can get them. Anyone with a Linksys wireless router should be able to just use "Search for an Access Point" and have it go from there. HEY AREK! Why haven't you put my friend codes on the first page yet?
Dexie Posted May 24, 2007 Posted May 24, 2007 I'm out of the tourney, guys. Sorry. Maybe next time around.
Smoke Posted May 24, 2007 Posted May 24, 2007 I am going to need 32x32 pixel icons for Wii online games, for use in the Database. The DS Icons I can rip out of ROMs, but the Wii ones may be be a bit trickier.A possible source is the save file. Like the gamecube saves, these may have little icons in the firmware. If so, they may be rippable. My wii's in storage right now, can anyone confirm or deny this? If the saves have icons, there will br a program to rip them before long. Wii saves are the same as Gamecube saves with regards to icon use, only a bit more animated. Also, my Mario Strikers Charged Football friendcode: 012985 494283 Online play is rather lag-free(There's a lagmeter visible before picking an opponent) and works good, stats are updated live during login, you can see how many of your friends are online and view the stats. Friendcodes are tied to Miis, so you can have multiple friendcodes on one system if needed, and quite possibly also take your Mii somewhere else for online play. Ranked matches against strangers go in a best-of-three basis, with a random playfield. There's also a season system going on, which means ranks aren't stored permanently, and you can only play against random opponents on the same continent. Friends can be anywhere, but it's not really recommended because of potential lag issues. Friendly matches don't influence the leaderboards at all, and you can change the rules and playfield similar to local multiplayer. Also, up to 4 players can play against eachother on WFC, two players on each Wii.
Drack Posted May 24, 2007 Posted May 24, 2007 Database is now accepting Strikers codes. I don't have an icon for it yet so it just has the text "Strikers" where an icon should be. I'll see what I can do tonight about getting an icon.
Arek the Absolute Posted May 24, 2007 Author Posted May 24, 2007 update on tournament competitors and friendcode list to come tomorrow today i got to skedaddle to my friends graduation
cobaltstarfire Posted May 24, 2007 Posted May 24, 2007 Wi-fi thingies Arrr, glad to know it's easy to do. I've never tried to before, but I guess if I do end up trying to get on while I'm out of town it shouldn't give me too much grief.
Drack Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 You guys really need to counter things like this. Cookie cutter strategies that WORK are all over the 'net. It's not about what you can dish, it's what you can (and more importantly, CAN'T) counter. The team I was using on IRC a while back was jam packed full of poké clichés like the one pictured above, and it rocked everyone. Edit: To clarify above .. that is Salamence with Choice Specs .. a counter for "CSMence" would be anything with an ice attack that either outspeeds it (Weavile, Starmie, etc) or is bulky enough of a special wall to take it and retaliate (Blissey, Cresselia, etc). There are other clever ways too. For example, a Lucario holding Choice Scarf (Salamence outspeeds Lucario without that item) with the move "Me First." Mence *NEVER* expects its own meteors to rain down upon it, and is weak to them! However, Salamence may use Flamethrower against Lucario instead, and getting hit by it's own fire may not KO it. Without a counter, CSMence will probably use Draco Meteor 140 base power * 1.5 (STAB) * 1.5 (Choice Specs) = 315 SpAtk power, and the next one would land for 158 SpAtk power (Draco meteor halves the user's Sp. Atk till it switches out) then he's forced to switch cause it's weak as hell after that. Or he could choose Dragon Pulse for 180 SpAtk power that doesn't decrease every round. Ouch.
Bahamut Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 You guys really need to counter things like this. Cookie cutter strategies that WORK are all over the 'net. It's not about what you can dish, it's what you can (and more importantly, CAN'T) counter. The team I was using on IRC a while back was jam packed full of poké clichés like the one pictured above, and it rocked everyone. Edit: To clarify above .. that is Salamence with Choice Specs .. a counter for "CSMence" would be anything with an ice attack that either outspeeds it (Weavile, Starmie, etc) or is bulky enough of a special wall to take it and retaliate (Blissey, Cresselia, etc) That Salamence soooo lucked out vs my Starmie
cobaltstarfire Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 Thanks for forcing us all to have to play the breeding game!
Drack Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 For those who ARE interested in the vocabulary... STAB Choice Specs (or any other item) Draco Meteor - I usually use this but its section on who can learn it is incorrect. A "Special Wall" is a Pokémon with a high special defense stat. I learned all my strategy from here and here and here and here
Oddllama Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 Over at Remod, we had an idea... Would you guys be interested in forming OCR gym leaders? Kinda like a ClanOCR league? T'other day I was thinking about what was missing from competitive online pokeymans. Two things occurred to me: one, people probably like to think about how they'd run a gym if they had one. Two, the biggest and most integral difference between single-player and multi-player pokeymans is the quest. And the biggest part of the quest is the gym battles!To that end, I am organizing the Internet Pokemon League. If this works, you might see it elsewhere, and you can even spread it to other sites like a viral marketing campaign, but remember: you saw it here first. This is the basic idea behind Internet Pokemon League. Everyone who wants to can become a gym leader, if they fulfill the qualifications. Being a gym leader is a large responsibility, though! You need to make a badge, and you need to accept as many formal challenges as you can. Any challenger who beats eight gym leaders in a row with only one loss during the attempt gets to face the Elite Four. The Elite Four are gym leaders who proved themselves to be of exceptional power. Beat all four members of a standing Elite Four without losing, and you are certified a Pokemon Master and a Champion in that Internet League. If we get a lot of Internet Leagues going on, there may be Grand Champions at some point. Official rules follow this post. OFFICIAL INTERNET POKEMON LEAGUE RULESEach League may maintain variations on these Rules. All players who wish to participate formally in an Internet Pokemon League must register their trainer name, trainer ID, friend code, and an Internet alias with the League manager. Any player may formally challenge any gym leader at any time. If the Challenger wins the battle, and the gym leader finds that the player adhered to all of the League rules, then the player is granted that gym leader's Badge. Violating the League rules causes the match to become void; essentially, a private, informal match. Any player may register to be a gym leader. If s/he fulfills the requirements for gym leader membership (specified below) and registers his/her team with the League manager, s/he is admitted. If the other gym leaders find him/her to be incompetent, his/her title may be stripped, and badges given by that leader are void. The Elite Four must be the four most powerful gym leaders in the League. Each League may have its own rules for determining the Elite Four; Cake Army rules are specified below. A gym leader or Elite Four member who cannot consistently accept challenges in a timely manner may have his/her title stripped, but the badges remain valid. The Elite Four may not be challenged like a normal gym leader. In order to challenge the Elite Four, the Challenger must defeat eight (or all, if the League has fewer than eight) gym leaders in that League. Doing this grants the Challenger unrestricted access to challenge the Elite Four. A Challenger who defeats all four members of the Elite Four consecutively, without defeat, in the order of the League's choosing, is declared a Champion. If the Challenger is defeated by any of the Elite Four, he must start his challenge from the beginning. It is customary, though not required, for a newly-appointed Champion to defeat a previous Champion immediately afterward. The structure of each battle is entirely at the League's discretion. They may be single battles, best-of-three, half a dozen-versus-half a dozen, three-versus-three, level-adjusted, natural levels, team battles, or even contests, or anything else. Each battle must adhere to whatever rules the League declares regarding banned Pokemon or tactics. GYM LEADER REQUIREMENTS A gym leader must: -Select one Type, such as Water or Fighting. (In Leagues with more than seventeen gym leaders excluding the Elite Four, a Theme may be substituted for a Type, at the League's discretion). -Design and name a badge reflective of this type. Submit a small image of it, in the form of a 32x32 non-animated GIF or PNG. -Assemble a team of Pokemon adhering to the following standards: All Pokemon but one must match the Type chosen for the gym. One Pokemon may be of any Type, but must possess two moves of the chosen Type. (If a Theme is used rather than a Type, then all Pokemon must match the Theme.) -Disclose the team and its complete moveset to the League manager. -Accept all formal challenges in the order they are received. -Report the results of all legal challenges to the League manager, whether they end in victory or defeat. ELITE FOUR REQUIREMENTS A gym leader who wishes to become an Elite Four member must challenge either the Elite Four or the other gym leaders using his/her gym team. Completing a successful gym challenge (as a Challenger would), or defeating three of the four Elite Four members, entitles that player to replace one of the Elite Four, chosen by the League to take into account the relative strengths of the Elite Four members and their type balance. Double-style battles may be used by a gym leader, but if you choose to use them, you must always use them. Gym leaders will battle in the level 50-adjustment style, and the Elite Four will battle in the level 100-adjustment style. I don't know if I'd be able to act as an administrator to this, so if anyone would like to volunteer on that, it'd be appreciated. I'm not too familiar with who is a reg within the ClanOCR activities. Of course, all of this is open to edit, so let's hear some feedback. As an example of this, I'd like to try out for the Ground-type gym leader position. I've got a 6-pokemon team lined up and two potential badges:
Drack Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 A few things: -With that stringent a type constraint, a challenger can just use weakness to trivialize the challenge. -Would a challenger have to use the same team against all the gym leaders? -If so, would a challenger becoming a leader have to use the team he used to beat them? As in, do the challenger teams have to follow the same conventions as the leaders? -Flint's team had 3 of his 5 pokémon not have fire type at all - Lopunny, Drifblim, Steelix though they did have one fire move apiece. Cynthia's team was totally mixed.
The Damned Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 Yeah... No offence to you and the other guys at ReMod, Oddllama, but those "gym leader" systems never work. I don't think I've ever seen one actually last more than a week. Most of them never go past the initial planning stage.
Bongo Bill Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 A few things:-With that stringent a type constraint, a challenger can just use weakness to trivialize the challenge. That's the point. The challengers are supposed to not have too much trouble beating the gym leaders. That's why they have to beat so many of them. -Would a challenger have to use the same team against all the gym leaders? Does he have to in the single-player game? -If so, would a challenger becoming a leader have to use the team he used to beat them? As in, do the challenger teams have to follow the same conventions as the leaders? Not sure what you're asking here. If a gym leader wants to become an Elite Four member, they have to face the Elite Four with a team that would be valid for gym use. A regular challenger doesn't become a gym leader that way; he just makes a team and a badge. -Flint's team had 3 of his 5 pokémon not have fire type at all - Lopunny, Drifblim, Steelix though they did have one fire move apiece. Cynthia's team was totally mixed. Big deal. Yeah... No offence to you and the other guys at ReMod, Oddllama, but those "gym leader" systems never work. I don't think I've ever seen one actually last more than a week. Most of them never go past the initial planning stage. Sure, with an attitude like that they'll never take off.
Drack Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 I'm not trying to rain on your parade, honestly. If this takes off I'd like to see how it turns out. As far as themes go, by far the most flexible is Dragon. You have "Dragon-like" Pokémon with completely different typing like Gyarados or Charizard that could easily fit into the theme, plus diversity between dragons (Salamence and Garchomp can be played very differently ... they and Dragonite get some interesting and diverse movesets). Would Legendaries be allowed? Rayquaza would finish off the dragon set for a pretty godlike team. There are so many psychic legendaries that even under strict typing requirements a psychic team could be powerful. Cresselia, Mewtwo, Jirachi are played completely differently, and Mew is unpredictible. All but Jirachi share a dark weakness, to counter some pretty amazing stats. I think this can be very cool, depending on where you go with it.
The Damned Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 Sure, with an attitude like that they'll never take off. Attitude, nothing. There are hundreds of these gym setups, and none of them ever work. Gamefaqs,, even Smogon... none of them ever go very far. It's just that statistically, it's not likely to happen.
Arek the Absolute Posted May 26, 2007 Author Posted May 26, 2007 Way too simple to beat any gym leader or elite 4 member. Why be a gym leader or elite four member when you can just repeatedly pounce them? I see nothing good coming out of being a gym leader except for racking up repeated losses on your record card. One type for each gym leader means easy wins for a trainer, and beating the elite four is no different. With us, the trainers, knowing what pokemon a gym leader or an elite four member is going to use basically gives us an automatic win. There are so many counter strats you could make against any list of pokemon that you are able to see. Sorry, it doesn't look like it would work at all. EDIT: It would, however, if you made a whole lot more rules to go with it. For example: -Gym leaders are to have only one type, but are not to show which pokemon they are going to use prior to the match. Gym leaders are limited to only the type that they are representing, however they are not limited to a select number of pokemon of that type. All pokemon of the type they are reprsenting are able to be used by the gym leader. This helps keep the feel that the anime had when Ash went against the gym leaders, at least this is what I remember of how the gym battles in Kanto went. Ash only knew the just the type and number of pokemon he was going to go against. He had no idea which pokemon he was going to face in the battle prior to the match. -Item clause is permanently in effect, however, instead of how my tournament is allowing 2 of any item, there may only be 1 select item per pokemon. These battles are supposed to show skill, and relying on the same item, lets say "left overs" for example would be doing just the opposite. -Sleep clause is in effect. Only one pokemon may be put to sleep at a time. -Gym battles are to be a 3 on 3 match. -Battles are to be forced level 100 battles, so that there is no level superiority over another pokemon in a match. -Elite 4 members are to have 2 types that they are able to use. As with the gym leaders, they are not limited to who they can or can't chose in the type that they are representing. Elite 4 members are not to show which pokemon they are going to be using in a match. -Elite 4 battles are to be a 5 on 5 battle. etc etc This CAN work, but you have to put a lot more thought into it than what you did so far Bongo.
Arek the Absolute Posted May 26, 2007 Author Posted May 26, 2007 How would you find out what pokemon a gym leader has? Strat magazines.....INTERNET? Use your heads people.
NeoForte Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 Oh! oh! I place candidacy for a Grass or Water type gym! But yea these things don't work out too well. It kinda worked with the card game and the "pokemon league" at stores but then the "leader" gets lazy and starts stamping things or giving stuff out without working towards it. Arek has many points, Gym leaders if we go by how the game plays them will just rank up losses after losses. The show's gyms were suppose to be tough. Not small hurdles to the league, they posed a challenge in which sometimes it took more than one try to beat. Heck we never got to see the Kanto Elite Four in their full feldge action... I'd say one type but pokemon aren't restricted to that type. If the pokemon isn't the type (lets say dragon type) it still embodies the essance of the type (like Charizard, Gyrados, etc.). Also at least one physical move must be of that type. The question is though, the way most gyms are...they don't have Uber pokemon or heck even some of the Overused :/ The trainers as well (though depends, sometimes on the game). 3on3 sounds about fair. And yea it should be a guessing game. Having it 3on3 and having at least 9 different pokemon to choose from keeps each match refreshing. Organizing something like this will be a pain though. Also taxing on the leader's and champion's FC listing. I guess deleting the previous match (unless they lost) would work but meh :/ Honestly I would wait for Pokemon Battle Revolution (yea I know we all don't have Wii's) but it would help us a lot more since we'd have new friend code listings there, prettier graphics and most importantly (other than keeping our DS fight scores safe).... .... ... .. . Customizable avatars! Lets face it, some gym leader's we'll be when we appear to have the same generic guy. I dunno I would rather look different >.>
cobaltstarfire Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 Are there even *enough* of us in this particular community for "gym leaders" to even have a point?
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