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Yep, that's what I meant. Also, I'm quite sure that I could battle you now since I'm like... fresh from the E4. You might not have much of a struggle since my party is a rag-tag bunch.:tomatoface:

Edit: Heavy emphasis on "fresh". Also, I'm not doing anything special, just racking up on BP. I'll be there for like... the rest of tonight so if you're around, I'll pop in every 15 minutes or so on WFC at the battle tower.


Ok I'll be on the Wifi, I've added you too, so I should see you whenever you show up. If you want to get on the clan irc channel it might be easier too, to trouble shoot if one of us messed something up.

Also, I got the ok from Mewt to add more people to the tournament if anyone wants to, just find the tournament thread and post the 10 pokemon you'll be wanting to use for it there I guess, and I'll update the chart to have other people on it. (whenever at some point we make it into round 2, or something I'll say something like "ohnoez no more asking to join it!)

(go here http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9793&page=7)


For one, forgive me since my wireless router is literally a Ver-high-zon P.O.S.

Two, I have no knowledge of irc or what it does... I'll google it before I sleep...

Anyway, give me until tomorrow and I apologize for the wait.


I'll be available on Monday. (Can't do anything Sunday, I've got loads of homework and reading to do). Can we do this through pms, I'm sure the rest of ocr doesn't want us trading off in this thread constantly. :P


Hey guys. I just beat the 8th gym this morning, I've caught Dialga, Uxie and Azelf, and I'm currently just working on filling up my Pokedex and training before heading off to the Elite Four.

I've got Diamond and I'm looking to trade for the Pearl-exclusive monsters and Piplup and Turtwig. My first GTS trade went well tonight (Murkrow for Misdreavus) and I've currently got a Stunky on offer for a Glameow.

I'd also like to trade/trade back Graveler and Haunter to evolve them (I've a spare Haunter though, if you'd like it)

If you're interested, send me a pm or contact me via msn. :)

...What's with all the stupid offers on GTS though? Are people just stupid/greedy or is there something I'm not getting here?

Also, you might wanna update the first post with the new FC database URL ;)

...What's with all the stupid offers on GTS though? Are people just stupid/greedy or is there something I'm not getting here?

People are stupid and greedy, but there's another reason.

Notice all those level 9 Mews trades? The thing is, Mew only comes (legit) at Level 10, so it's an impossible trade. This is because those people are cloning their pokémon. I'm not going to go into details, that's easily found on various sites, but essentially, they need to offer up a trade that can't be completed, so that while they clone, no one comes in and takes their original.

This was somewhat countered by a code that allows you to complete the trade, but it's long and difficult, and just cheating up a level 9 Mew is easier.

But yeah, mostly stupid and greedy. I don't think I'll be giving up a level 100 legendary exclusive for a level 2 Bidoof. And anyone that does... god damn you.

Hey guys. I just beat the 8th gym this morning, I've caught Dialga, Uxie and Azelf, and I'm currently just working on filling up my Pokedex and training before heading off to the Elite Four.

I've got Diamond and I'm looking to trade for the Pearl-exclusive monsters and Piplup and Turtwig. My first GTS trade went well tonight (Murkrow for Misdreavus) and I've currently got a Stunky on offer for a Glameow.

I'd also like to trade/trade back Graveler and Haunter to evolve them (I've a spare Haunter though, if you'd like it)

If you're interested, send me a pm or contact me via msn. :)

...Oh now you're ready?!?!? Fine... :-D


I find hitting up the IRC channel on the first page of this thread really useful for arranging trades.

/hint, hint

EDIT: Maybe there's enough interest to make a trading post thread? I know I'm missing a lot of the 2nd gen pokes, and a few of the fourth gen ones. And trying to get a hold of someone else randomly for one of those missing pokes is damn near impossible.


Ok, so we have an update goin on here.

Some of the older forum members and I were talking, and we decided that we are going to bring back Skype.

Now, no, this doesn't mean that IRC is closing. They both will be up. The IRC chat is going to be our main chat, especially when brawl comes out, but skype is also available. So, if you have a skype handle and want to join in, hit one of us up and we will gladly invite you into the room.

*yes, if you were wondering, this is more of a shoutout to the older members that we are using skype again*

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

ok i think its about time to bump this. hopefully they a mod can edit the title for us

beings are that the wii games have independent game friend codes drack has done his best to add each online game to the database



if any of you play ANY wii games online me and drack pretty much have everything and would love to play with ya.

so everyone if you do play anything add your codes to the database and for game set ups it is recommended that you visit our irc channel (which has been pretty barren for a while)

and yeah skype is pretty much a horrible program so hopefully we can head back to irc


Yeah, I've added a ton of games to the database. If anyone has a code for a game not in there yet, let me know and I'll add support.

Stunningly, Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 has online without friend codes or Wii numbers! It's good to know that some companies (EA in this case, I never would have guessed) know what they're doing when they go online.


What do you guys think of diversifying the database a bit?

I've been thinking of adding Xbox live gamertags to the database. I want to know what everyone thinks.

To xbl.png or not to xbl.png?

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