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I'm glad I looked through these songs. One of my favorite remixers has some songs in here that are good but (imo) not up to the standards of their more recent stuff, so it's great to be able to see how they have grown musically. That really makes me like that mixer more. I'll definitely listen through the others later.


^ Not talking about me. ;)

Still working with the data-ums. I believe i've got the right drive in the computer now, and it's still showing that drive "g" is unformatted. I know that it is.

The down side is that i can't access it in windows. The upside is that i can access it in linux, and i have my bigass 200GB drive to shuttle the working files over to. I just have to wait till i get time to do it in big chunks. I might try some tonight, but there's a storm overhead, and if i lose power, that might be it. Also, i need to clear assloads of space. I've only got like 2GB left out of 187 (200gb), so i can't transfer willie-nillie from a 30gb disk.

It's progressing.


Thanks for getting all the IMCs compiled together. I just revisited my entry from IMC8 in '03. Its not on my HD anymore, and I hadn't heard it for years!

I'm so stoked that I'm gonna take a shot at revamping it for OCR. Thanks again!



I think my crushing loss to 'thin glow' had more to do with the overwhelming crappiness of my samples. though the jazz part didn't help.

A relatively obscure remixer named darkesword did not place me high in the judging (as i recall). Also, I seem to remember Timberwolf's 6 minutes of ambiance kicking my ass too.


I think my crushing loss to 'thin glow' had more to do with the overwhelming crappiness of my samples. though the jazz part didn't help.

A relatively obscure remixer named darkesword did not place me high in the judging (as i recall). Also, I seem to remember Timberwolf's 6 minutes of ambiance kicking my ass too.

Seriously? I thought i bull(stuff)ed that and was in danger of being DQ'd myself. Nobody really said anything, so i didn't bother, lol.

I really like my song though, and it's funny... i listen to it, and i'm like "i probably can't make music like that. it's too wierd. ...oh, right."

Thin Glow, and Maniac9's music remain my favs from that compo, but i recall none were really bad. I'm hoping to recover near everything. If not, i'll just create a mirror once i get a server stable, for what there is.

May have to just have a few IMCs to fill in the blanks then, eh? ;)

PS: Nice pic of Serenity in your sig there. Firefly rocks hard.

Bump. Someone should have the songs, we got many back so there's hope enough to give this a bump.

You are correct, someone does have a lot of the missing songs. But since you decided to not listen to me when i first posted in this thread, i will let you find the missing songs the hard way.

oh and btw, there were a fuck of a lot more songs in IMC18 than what u have there

You are correct, someone does have a lot of the missing songs. But since you decided to not listen to me when i first posted in this thread, i will let you find the missing songs the hard way.

oh and btw, there were a fuck of a lot more songs in IMC18 than what u have there

And that person is you.

I understand your opinion Sadorf, but the songs posted in a contest are songs which are open for public, like the first PRC entries etc. It might be better to remove them, if you want, but I don't have the control about that.

Anyway, why do you want the songs out. Maybe you don't like it, but I'm sure some persons (like me) do. You shouldn't be ashamed, they are MUCH better as the level I have at the moment. Forget about the past.

I would really appreciate if you want to post the missing songs, but if you absolutely don't want it it's not a big problem. Someone else should have them, BUT: if you post them you will be added to the thanking list in the first post. It's up to you to decide.

Of course this can bring some negative response, but many users (like JJT) are happy about the fact we got the most stuff back.

And Timberwolf, good to see you around here, as the man behind the Ironmix Contest.

And Timberwolf, good to see you around here, as the man behind the Ironmix Contest.


And Sadorf, quit being a cockhorse, half the people in IMC are still just as bad as they were then, myself included. You just progressed is all. And i like your old stuff, so you, and sonic, can lick my balls.


Double posts be damned, i have something nice. ;)

Here is the list, as generated by Winamp, of my current state of my "IMC Archive". Keep in mind that that this means files that aren't capable of being played in winamp (i don't have the plugins anymore) will not show up in the list, but may still be present. This also means that files aquired by myself during the IMC process (source files, various versions of songs, etc) are present.

I'm currently giving these a run-through, but as you can tell, it'll take some time to verify that while these ARE readable files, that they don't skip or are otherwise corrupted yet still readable. (For example, 2:30 minutes of garbage data with the correct internal tags will play just fine, albeit garbled.) Seems fine so far though.

Contests held were named pretty accurately... i'll try to fill in a few blanks.

Contest 7 was "Christmas in Hyrule"

Contest X (between 11 and 12?) was called "eXtreme Caverns"

Contest 19 was called "Pink Armor"

Contest 20 was called "It's Pandemonium"

There was also an IMC Popcorn I, II, and III.

There were 2 "Quickie" IMCs.

Anyhoo... The list, complete with duplicates, WIPs, and anything else i had in the folders that winamp could play.

WINAMP playlist

412 tracks in playlist, average track length: 2:48

Estimated playlist length: 19 hours 19 minutes 16 seconds

(1 track of unknown length)

Playlist files:

1. crickets (0:05)

2. Blind - Magitek (Master) (1:08)

3. Shariq Ansari aka DarkeSword - Final Fantasy VI ~ Devil's Dance (1:26)

4. Hornpipe2 - Factory Default (1:52)

5. Psychrophyte - Devil's Jester (3:23)

6. Sadorf420 - My Little Devils - OCR Contest (1:31)

7. SysteManiac - Magitek Fear Factory (3:17)

8. TimberWolf - Ina Laba Da Devil (3:00)

9. Tranquil Chaos - Devil's Groove (5:27)

10. Unknown Break Beater - Devils Lab Experiment 36 (2:09)

11. Wolf - WIP - Nintendo's Darkness Factory (2:29)

12. Unknown Break Beater - Devils Lab Experiment 36-0 (1:56)

13. Unknown Break Beater - WIP - Angels Lab (1:16)

14. Jack Ryerson aka Adhesive boy - Da Phunky Forest (2:43)

15. Matus - Luigi's Last Dance (ver. 0.62) (5:30)

16. Unknown Artist - Track 11 (3:55)

17. Psychrophyte - Ghosts of the Marble Hall (3:14)

18. Sadorf420 - Crappy Ghost FINAL? (1:50)

19. DJ Carbunk1e - Mario World Ice Cream Nightmare OC ReMix (3:24)

20. SgtRama - Super Mario World - Big Boo's House of DnB (3:27)

21. sh3-Azure-Lake-Zone (1:44)

22. TimberWolf - Forest of Distortion (1:48)

23. TimberWolf - The Forest of Distortion and Stone (2:08)

24. Unknown Break Beater - Nightfall (3:21)

25. Chris Locke - Super Mario World - Haunted Castle OC ReMix (3:14)

26. Chris Locke - Super Mario World ReMix - Haunted Castle (3:14)

27. Chris Locke - Super Mario World ReMix - Haunted Castle (3:14)

28. ghosthouse 5 (1:05)

29. Psychrophyte - Ghosts of the Marble Hall (0:11)

30. Sadorf420 - Terrible Start (1:09)

31. marioghost[1]

32. DJ Carbunk1e - Mario World Ice Cream Nightmare OC ReMix (1:03)

33. Seraphim - Mario World Ice Cream Nightmare(OC Remix)-3 (2:36)

34. smwcstle (2:33)

35. analoq - sonik azure (3:39)

36. DarkeSword - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Her Azure Eyes (2:00)

37. Nesper - Shining Blue Happiness (3:46)

38. Sadorf420 - Ironmix3 Names suck eh? (2:05)

39. TimberWolf (M. Hild) - Jammin' on the Liquid Blue Guitar (2:47)

40. Sadorf420 - Ironmix3 v0.4 WIP (0:37)

41. (john weeks)track a azure lake(gm) (1:46)

42. analoq - sonik azure (1:16)

43. Nesper - Azure Happiness (3:46)

44. AzureDemo (1:07)

45. AzureWip (0:04)

46. Sadorf420 - AzureWip (0:04)

47. Sadorf420 - Ironmix3 Lick My Ass Sonic WIP (1:48)

48. Sadorf420 - Trial WIP (0:44)

49. TimberWolf - WIP - AzureWolf (1:14)

50. Sadorf420 - IronFist 3 OCR WIP#2 (0:37)

51. sadorf - Ironmix4 WIP (0:43)

52. (1) FieldysNuts - Wings vs Propellers (4:10)

53. (1) Sadorf420 - 4WIP (0:07)

54. (1) Unknown Breakbeater - Ephxero (0:37)

55. (2) FieldysNuts - Wings vs Propellers (3:21)

56. (2) Unknown Break Beater - F-Zero dnb (0:43)

57. (3) FieldysNuts - Section Zero (5:54)

58. Sadorf420 - Shitty (2:44)

59. (4) FieldysNuts - Zection Zero (5:54)

60. Sadorf420 - hehehe WIP (0:48)

61. Sadorf420 - Ironmix#4 WIP (3:23)

62. Sadorf420 - Unifox Zero Final (2:59)

63. Jack Ryerson - White Land DEMO! (0:39)

64. Classic Smack - Andross's Unicycle (5:54)

65. Jack Ryerson aka Adhesive Boy - Samuri Gordoh Plays Starfox at Christmas (3:09)

66. Retaliation - All Star Air Guitar (0:49)

67. Seith - Duck-Billed Velcro Melted Br8kz (3:13)

68. TimberWolf (M. Hild) - Uniracers Theme as played by Falco, Peppy, Slippy, Fox, and James of the Star Fox Band! (4:27)

69. DarkeSword - The Saga of Olden Times (2:05)

70. aluminum - Bringing up Bahamut (2:15)

71. Always There For You 7 (2:31)

72. analoq - Final Fanta Legends (3:01)

73. Caption Contest 11 - Sound Entry - Kirby Kick (0:06)

74. Classic Smack - Fantasy Painting (2:54)

75. DarkeSword - SaGa of Olde [WIP] (1:22)

76. DarkeSword - The Saga of Olden Times (2:05)

77. DJ Carbunk1e - imc5-1-1 (3:23)

78. DJ Carbunk1e - imc5-3 (2:56)

79. Fieldy'sNuts - Legendary Fantasies (3:05)

80. imc5-1-1 (3:23)

81. Matus - Accoustic Elegy (4:24)

82. mechbells2

83. mechbells

84. Nesper - I am FF legend (2:27)

85. Psychrophyte - FFLFUNTIME!!! (1:10)

86. Retaliation - Rize (2:34)

87. DarkeSword - SaGa of Olde [WIP] (1:22)

88. Seraphim - imc5-1-1 (3:23)

89. Seraphim - imc5-3 (2:56)

90. Sound Junkie - Tijuana Clubbin' - FF Legends (0:03)

91. Sound Junkie - IRC 5 Club Legends (1:21)

92. theme (2:14)

93. TimberWolf - Always There For You (one) (2:19)

94. TimberWolf (M. Hild) - Always There For You (2:31)

95. UBB - final fantasy legends (1:46)

96. UnknownBreakBeater - final fantasy legends mix 2002 (4:46)

97. UnknownBreakBeater - Groove of Legend (3:04)

98. UnknownBreakBeater - Groove of Legends (3:04)

99. Nesper - Dying Breath (5:46)

100. Nesper - Dying Breath (5:46)

101. FielDYSnutS - Mega Man 6 - Plant Man vs Blizzard Man - Battling in the tundra (3:39)

102. Jack Ryerson aka Adhesive Boy - The lonely, psychotic, and pensive windmill man (2:20)

103. DiscoDan - Native Knight (7:07)

104. DM Lee a.k.a. Unknown Break Beater - plantman says a yamato is a vegetable (4:51)

105. Sadorf420 - Ironmix6 WIP 5 (5:36)

106. Nesper - Dying Breath (5:46)

107. Psychrophyte - Keep off the Grass (2:43)

108. Psychrophyte - Keep off the Grass (WIP) (2:19)

109. Sadorf420 - MegaMan Select (5:36)

110. Sadorf - MegaMan Select (4:15)

111. Shariq Ansari - MegaMan 6 - Tournament Fighter (2:33)

112. Tundra (2:12)

113. UBB - plantman vs (0:57)

114. UBB - you say yamato plantman says tomato (1:37)

115. WindMan 11 (0:47)

116. WindMan 12 (0:57)

117. WindMan 13 (2:23)

118. Wintermute - Fire And Ice (1:30)

119. Koji Kondo - Ocarina 'Songs Of Storms' (0:08)

120. Koji Kondo - Windmill Hut (0:52)

121. Tricklozen - No Christmas For You (IMC7) (2:10)

122. Jack Ryerson - Incomple DEMO (redundant) song (1:15)

123. Jack Ryerson aka Adhesive Boy - The loney, psychotic, and pensive windmill man (1:00)

124. aluminum - the ghost of zelda's past (4:24)

125. DarkeSword - O Stormy Night (1:25)

126. KyleJCrb - Storms of the Steeple (1:30)

127. IMC7 BY KYOSUKE (1:08)

128. Fake Artist - Fake Song (1:16)

129. SirNuts - Good Weather at Xmas (1:11)

130. SirNuts - Good Weather at Xmas (2:34)

131. Space Cowboy - Stormy Road to Bethlehem (2:19)

132. Tricklozen - No Christmas For You (IMC7) (2:00)

---Break for post limit---

133. Jack Ryerson aka Adhesive Boy - They always come out at night... (3:13)

134. Maniac - 10k CC (4:55)

135. (3) Sir Nuts - Dance With The Owls (3:52)

136. Jack Ryerson aka Adhesive Boy - They always come out at night... (3:13)

137. analoq - thin glow (4:00)

138. Funk Racer SX (2:34)

139. JigginJonT - Night Owl Shuffle (2:11)

140. KyleJCrb - Guitar Trax (3:06)

141. ? - (March) Wired Owl (1:09)

142. Psychrophyte - The Night Owl Sleeps Tonight (1:13)

143. Retarded Mixmaster - DYSFUNKCHENNAL (2:45)

144. Sadorf - IMC8 WIP 8 (1:55)

145. TimberWolf - Deep Sewer Buggy Boom (3)2 (5:35)

146. (1)Sir Nuts - Dance With The Owls (2:30)

147. (2)Sir Nuts - Dance With The Owls (3:29)

148. JigginJont owl jazz (0:40)

149. KyleJCrb - Guitar Trax (1:09)

150. Sadorf - Iron Mix 8 Demo 3 (1:33)

151. Sadorf - IMC8 WIP 7 (1:55)

152. TimberWolf - Deep Sewer Buggy Boom (2) (6:36)

153. DM Lee, aka: the unknown breakbeater - The Ambience and the Aftermath (5:00)

154. (2)Sir Nuts - Deep Inside (2:46)

155. Analoq - gunstar (1:07)

156. Dark Paladin - gunstarrepair (1:42)

157. DM Lee - old school gh dance mix (0:43)

158. endblink - Coalminer's Stomp IronMix 9 (2:38)

159. gunstar heroes - mine theme (1:42)

160. Kyosuke IMC9 Mine Once Lost (1:39)

161. March - Dead Canaries Final (3:51)

162. The Unknown Force - Endless Mine (6:22)

163. Space Cowboy - Thunder Mine (3:00)

164. (1)DM Lee - The ambience and the aftermath (2:52)

165. Gunstar - Dead Canaries (1:39)

166. March - Dead Canaries WIP5 (2:24)

167. Sir Nuts - Deep Inside(newold) (1:47)

168. darkpaladin - idtsobfiiaj2 (1:12)

169. FF7 - 2-12 - Its Difficult To Stand On Both Feet Isnt It (3:29)

170. Mae - Raw Vocals for IDTSOBFII (3:07)

171. Mixmaster Skittles - No Name (4:50)

172. Beatdrop - IMC10 - FF7 - It's Difficult To Stand When You're On Acid (3:42)

173. dp-stand on my shoulder (1:26)

174. Garian - Simplicity Requires Thought (2:40)

175. Nesper - FinalDnBFantasy7 ver. 1.0 (4:04)

176. Protricity - Mad Last Stand (3:53)

177. Psychrophyte - It's Difficult to Demix, isn't it? (1:55)

178. Raven8t8 - Insomnia Two Feet (2:56)

179. Retaliation (Gen Disc) - Don't Download This!!! (1:29)

180. Sadorf - IMC10 - The Thick Voices In My Head (3:22)

181. SgtRama - Final Fantasy VII - It's Difficult to Stand Wit Deez Nuts IMC OC ReMix (3:07)

182. Sir Nuts - Industrializing the Hardcore Technology (6:08)

183. Star Salzman - Its Hard to Stand Next to Me When I'm so Freaking Seasick (6:28)

184. SysteManiac - It's Hard (3:27)

185. Arashi No Tora - Standing On Haunted Ground Is Hard (2:57)

186. Dev VJ - Nanaki Searches for Truth (4:26)

187. DM Lee - So Close... (alternative: For the Fear) (4:28)

188. Dark Paladin - FF7 Dark Paladin Its difficult (1:54)

189. Justin of the Jungle - Its Still Difficult to Remix (2:21)

190. Last Unicron - ts Difficult To Keep Both Feet In One Genre (5:43)

191. Prophecy - Its hard to fly with only two wings (4:34)

192. Prophecy - Death (5:06)

193. Psychrophyte - Sunken Deep in the Dark Blue Sea (2:03)

194. Suzumebachi - IMC10 - Breaking the Habit (5:00)

195. Graceful Failure - Drum and Feet (3:54)

196. Wintermute - Jenova Rose (3:41)

197. 2-12 Its Difficult to Stand on Both Feet, Isnt It Awe (1:32)

198. Sir Nuts - Industrializing the Hardcore Technology (6:08)

199. analoq - uhh... err... yeah (1:10)

200. Arashi WIP1 IMC Standing On Haunted Ground Is Hard (2:57)

201. Prophecy - Dark Stand Evolution (4:53)

202. dev VJ IMC10 draft1 (4:02)

203. dm lee - eyes in the dark (1:09)

204. dm lee - stuck in the middle (2:06)

205. Justin of the Jungle - It's Difficult to Remix Isn't It? (2:19)

206. LastUnicron - It's Difficult To Keep Both Feet In One Genre (5:43)

207. maemix1 (0:49)

208. maemix (0:40)

209. Nesper - FinalDnBFantasy7 ver. 2.0 (3:08)

210. Onewing is hard to stand on (1:43)

211. Prophecy - Dark Stand Evolution (4:53)

212. Prophecy (standing in for teh GLL....just kidding) - Dark Stand Evolution (1:19)

213. Psychrophyte - ff7sunkenship 2 (1:34)

214. Sadorf - Ironmix Challenge 10 Demo 3 (0:52)

215. Sadorf - IronMix 10 Demo 5 HiFi (3:13)

216. Sadorf - IMC10 - Thick Voices In My Ear (3:22)

217. Sadorf - Ironmix 10 Tryin Something (3:13)

218. SgtRama - Final Fantasy VII - It's Hard To Stand Deez, idnit (192 kbps) (BETA2)[1] (2:12)

219. SysteManiac - It's Hard (3:22)

220. TimberWolf - Wip - On the long boat ride to Texas (2:10)

221. Classic Smack - La Sirena de Español (Spicy Tabasco Remix) (2:27)

222. Children of the Monkey Machine - June Mermaid (Eyes Looking Heavenward, Soul Looking Inward) (8:24)

223. DM Lee *aka* Unknown Break Beater - Why would you love me? (3:08)

224. nex - Mey IMC 11 Mhix (2:01)

225. NoWave - XenoGears - Never June Forever September (3:50)

226. Sir Nuts - The Calling of the mermaid (3:02)

227. Skittles - Singing People (2:31)

228. Star Salzman - Mermaid Tear (3:30)

229. Suzumebachi - Heart Felt Recollections (3:53)

230. (1)Starblast - MermaidTear (3:30)

231. mermaid (4:28)

232. nex - Mey IMC 11 Mhix (2:01)

233. Star Salzman - Mermaid Tear - WIP (2:13)

234. analoq - sonik metro (3:52)

235. djcubez - wazzat! (3:08)

236. dyne - hip hop 'n metro (1:44)

237. KyleJCrb - MetroStar Lights (6:42)

238. Nesper - Metropolisity (3:31)

239. NoWave - Sonic the hedgehog 2 - Rumble in Metropolis Jungle (3:23)

240. Prophecy - Future Metropolis (3:54)

241. raven - Metropolis rock- old style (1:53)

242. Rellik - Metrolyte Millennium (1:26)

243. Retaliation - Song Three (2:48)

244. SeattleOverCoat - Metroopolicious - IMC12 (2:40)

245. S|r NutS - Welcome to The Metropolis (3:37)

246. Skittles - The Metropolis that never sleeps (4:04)

247. Space Cowboy - Metro House Speedway (2:44)

248. Suzumebachi - BlueMetro (1:34)

249. M.T. Yankovich aka The Coop - Synth Sonic (3:18)

250. TimberWolf - Sonic and Tails live in my basement (2:20)

251. Walan, SuperGreenX - Kazoo-opolis Zone (3:14)

252. TimberWolf - Sonic and Tails live in my basement (2:16)

253. M.T. Yankovich aka The Coop - Synth Sonic (1:14)

254. (2)Walan-SuperGreenX - Kazoo-opolis Zone (3:04)

255. (FINAL (For Real This Time, Sorry, Had Problems)) Rellik - Metrolyte Millennium (1:26)

256. (Final) Rellik - Metrolyte Millennium

257. analoq - sonik metro (4:01)

258. Kyle Nin - Urban Hedgehog (3:05)

259. KyleJCrb - MetroStar Lights (1:10)

260. dyne - sonic metro (imc12 remix) (0:43)

261. Space Cowboy - Metro House Speedway (0:02)

262. Nesper - Metropolisity (3:31)

263. Rellik - Metrolyte Millennium (1:27)

264. Sadorf - IMC12 Dummy Song (FAKE) (0:49)

265. S|r NutS - Welcome To the Metropolis (3:37)

266. SeattleOverCoat - IMC12 - Metroopolicious (2:40)

267. M.T. Yankovich aka The Coop - Synth Sonic (3:18)

268. Walan, SuperGreenX - Kazoo-opolis Zone (1:47)

269. Dak - Crazy Xiaoyu (2:26)

270. djcubez - Dude, it's Xiayou's thong! (0:42)

271. Gecko Yamori - Disko Queen (2:48)

272. NoWave - Xiaoyu is a gabba (2:10)

273. S|r NutS - Xiaoyu Beat Me Down (5:24)

274. Skittles Butterfly (3:15)

275. Star Salzman - Sex Machine - Official Wip vol 1 (2:28)

276. Tekken Tag Tournament Xiaoyu DW (2:48)

277. TimberWolf - Post-Impact (on the way to the ground) (4:13)

278. Dak - Crazy Xiaoyu (0:07)

279. djcubez - Dude, it's Xiayou's thong!(THIS IS THE RIGHT ONE!) (4:25)

280. NoWave - Xiaoyu is a gabba final (+tags) v.1.2 (0:09)

281. NoWave - Xiaoyu is a gabba final v.1.1 (1:16)

282. NoWave - Xiaoyu is a Gabba (WIP) (1:21)

---break for post limit---

283. Spunodi - Lose Your Head (3:59)

284. Aeolius - Gathering Wool for the Flame(2) (3:49)

285. Dhsu - In Absentia (3:08)

286. djcubez - Sad Melody (6:00)

287. DJ Carbunk1e - Revenge(featuring Ryan8bit) (4:49)

288. DM Lee - In Memory of Your Absence (2:09)

289. DM Lee and Seith - In Memory Of Your AbSkratch (2:18)

290. DM Lee - Know Yourself First (2:18)

291. Ghetto Lee Lewis - Tales of Phantasia: Emotions Lost in Time (6:48)

292. Ghetto Lee Lewis - Tales of Phantasia: Emotions Lost in Time (6:48)

293. Maniac #9 - Don't Forget Your Valentine (4:02)

294. Prophecy - My Odyssey Through Darkness(5) (6:20)

295. Red Omen - a b s e n t (2:21)

296. Sadorf, Mae and S|r NutS - Tales of Solitude (3:10)

297. Sir Nuts - Tales of the Tranced Phantasia (5:11)

298. Strider Kyoden - Eternal ( IMC 14 ) (2:47)

299. Spunodi - Lose Your Head (IronMix) (4:41)

300. Aeolius - Gathering Wool For the Flame (3:49)

301. imc14 trance (0:36)

302. Spunodi - Lose Your Head (IronMix) (0:04)

303. Prophecy - My Odyssey Through Darkness(2) (2:04)

304. Prophecy - My Odyssey Through Darkness(3) (3:22)

305. Prophecy - My Odyssey Through Darkness(4) (6:17)

306. Prophecy - My Odyssey Through Darkness (6:20)

307. Gman - Running is Not An Option. (3:05)

308. Gman - Running is Not an Option (3:05)

309. Gman - Running is Not an Option (3:05)

310. DM Lee - Matoya's Broken Beats (3:10)

311. Dark Paladin - FF2/FF6 Dark Paladin NamelessM (3:05)

312. imc15 (0:06)

313. NoWave - The Final Shine (4:13)

314. Prophecy - Dream UnAsleep (3:18)

315. Red Omen - Final Fantasy Iron Anthem IronMix (2:15)

316. Retaliation - Too Much (4:07)

317. S|r NutS - The Veldt Battlezona (6:18)

318. Spunodi-Sorcery on a Dark Night

319. Spunodi - Sorcery on a Dark Night (4:00)

320. Strider Kyoden - Crystalline (6:32)

321. Evil Beats (Featuring DJ Stabatore + Samurai Jack) - TimberWolf (5:56)

322. Unknown - The Battle For Corel Prison (3:13)

323. DarkeSword - Chrono Trigger - Blue Skies Over Guardia (4:30)

324. Dhsu - Chrono Trigger - Another Fair (3:36)

325. Prophecy - IMC 16 (5:58)

326. Prophecy - imc16generica (1:33)

327. Prophecy - IMC16 Beered (2:30)

328. Red Omen - Chrono Trigger - Damn Noisy Kids (3:04)

329. S|r NutS - Chrono Trigger - Ethnic Concert at the Fair (3:03)

330. skulkrusha - Glad You Came (4:02)

331. smh - Guardia Fanfare (2:22)

332. Unknown - Chrono Trigger - Gig at the Fair (3:26)

333. Children of the Monkey Machine - Fortuna (Anatomy Augmentation) (IMC17) (5:08)

334. Unknown - Starfox Ancient Legends (3:35)

335. NoWave - Black Metal of Fortuna (0:48)

336. NoWave - Fortuna (Two minutes of internal bleeding then death) (2:04)

337. Dark Paladin - Piano Champion (1:52)

338. (wip3)tranquilchaos-eternalstruggle (2:13)

339. (wip)tranquilchaos-eternalstruggle (2:16)

340. Dark Paladin - Piano Champion (3:36)

341. Doragon - Introduction to Focus (3:44)

342. eternal (1:22)

343. eternal champions - introduction2 (1:22)

344. Eternal Champions - Introduction (1:22)

345. Hemophiliac - Introduction to the Mafia (1:31)

346. Hemophiliac - IMC 18 - Demo2 (1:31)

347. Sadorf - IMC 18: sumone else can name this poo (2:46)

348. Sadorf - IronMix 18: -=Demo 2=- (1:23)

349. Sir Nuts - EternalChamps (3:33)

350. Tranquil Chaos - The Eternal Struggle (2:11)

351. x0 afterlife (0:39)

352. 00-Halo Theme (3:01)

353. Tranquil Chaos - IMC 19 Sample (1:09)

354. Tranquil Chaos - A Broken Cevenant (4:07)

355. Blizihizake-Halo-But Pink Armor Rocks (1:29)

356. Classic Smack - Halo Horizon (2:32)

357. Classic Smack - Halo Horizon(EX) (2:32)

358. Clockwork Dolphin - Tru7th and Beauty (3:24)

359. djcubez - Pink Skin (2:46)

360. NoWave - The divine ballet continues... (3:14)

361. Tranquil Chaos - A Broken Covenant (4:07)

362. Xerol Oplan - Peace and Pandemonium (2:09)

363. Clockwork Dolphin - Pan Demon Empire (1:55)

364. (2) Xerol Oplan - Peace and Pandemonium (0:15)

365. (3) Xerol Oplan - Peace and Pandemonium (1:07)

366. (4) Xerol Oplan - Peace and Pandemonium (1:20)

367. (5) Xerol Oplan - Peace and Pandemonium (0:01)

368. Xerol Oplan - Peace and Pandemonium (2:42)

369. Xerol Oplan - Peace and Pandemonium (4:51)

370. Xerol Oplan - Peace and Pandemonium (4:36)

371. Dark Paladin - Atomic Castle (3:06)

372. Kyle Nin - Pandemonium Panic (3:32)

373. Kyle Nin - Pandemonium Panic (2:26)

374. A Fish - Mario Kart 64 - CMYK (3:18)

375. Crimson Zeal - Mario Kart 64 - Skidding Out of Control (1:17)

376. DarkeSword - Mario Kart 64 - Party in the Snowland (4:23)

377. Dark Paladin - Mario Kart 64 - Rainbow Rock (1:41)

378. Dhsu - Mario Kart 64 - Rainbow Snowland (4:45)

379. DM Lee - Mario Kart 64 - Chiptune Delight (3:06)

380. mk64rai2 (2:44)

381. Sir Nuts - Mario Kart 64 - Road, Stars, Space and Colors (4:24)

382. snowland (1:02)

383. Strider Kyoden - Mario Kart 64 - Holy Road Of Light (5:20)

384. Unknown - Mario Kart 64 - Thatsa Spicy Snowball! (3:14)

385. Jack Ryerson aka Adhesive Boy - Linoleum Stalactites (5:22)

386. Suzumebachi - Horidashimono (2:04)

387. Adhesive Boy - IMCXDAfiveyfoury,y0! (1:18)

388. nex - ExoticArabianRave (3:07)

389. Sir Nuts - PopCornMania(Final) (2:07)

390. Sir Nuts - PopCornMania (2:07)

391. Suzumebachi - TechnoFunkalicious (1:25)

392. TimberWolf - Ale is thicker than water (2:28)

393. analoq - pop phantasy (2:34)

394. Nex Untitled (1:36)

395. S|r NutS - Phantasy Star - Chip Star (1:56)

396. TimberWolf - We Fight for the Liberation of Enemy Animals and the Protection of All Living Crystals (1:29)

397. Psychrophyte - Crooked Steps in an Unlit Staircase (Watch out for Dark Falz) (1:03)

398. Suzumebachi - RockStarPhantasy (1:29)

399. TimberWolf - We fight for the liberation of Enemy Animals and the protection of all Living Crystals (1:29)

400. Suzumebachi - ElectroHarmony (2:26)

401. Mystery Of the Past (Subtractive Vagina Mix) (0:04)

402. Mae - Tunafish Sandwich, IMC Quickie2 (0:13)

403. Untitled2 nex (0:34)

404. nex - Turtle Mix (0:39)

405. TimberWolf (M. Hild) - IMC Radio Identification (0:57)

406. Tranquil Chaos - IMC Radio Show: Dec 29th 2002, on Super Radio X (8:25)

407. Psychrophyte - IMC Radio Show: Dec 29th 2002, on Super Radio X (10:36)

408. Analoq - IMC Radio Show: Dec 29th 2002, on Super Radio X (4:25)

409. Classic Smack - IMC Radio Show: Dec 29th 2002, on Super Radio X (8:30)

410. Analoq - IMC Radio Show: Dec 29th 2002, on Super Radio X (4:35)

411. Disco Dan - IMC Radio Show: Dec 29th 2002, on Super Radio X (9:28)

412. Space Cowboy - IMC Radio Show: Dec 29th 2002, on Super Radio X (6:03)

If anyone wants to sort that, you're more than welcome to, however on my PC they're sorted into their respective folders. Winamp just doesn't show folder-by-folder view. They're arranged by path and filename, so they should be grouped correctly, even if it still puts "10" after "1".

It seems i missed a few in the little contests. It's possible i never got them because i wasn't a judge for some of them.

Enjoy, and worship me at the church of your choice. ;)

[edit] jesus that's huge, lol. [/edit]


Thanks, that's a lot of stuff. It might be better to forget about the WIP's, especially Sadorf posted a lot of WIP's when he entered IMC.

It might be better to get only the full versions of the missed songs I posted in reply #41 up. I have checked the list and here I will post the songs I have questions about.


125. DarkeSword - O Stormy Night (1:25)

Don't know about Darkesword entering this round


163. Space Cowboy - Thunder Mine (3:00)

Entry, WIP, or none of this.


220. TimberWolf - Wip - On the long boat ride to Texas (2:10)

Was this song an IMC10 entry? Or what else.

IMC12: I don't know about these songs:

258. Kyle Nin - Urban Hedgehog (3:05)

264. Sadorf - IMC12 Dummy Song (FAKE) (0:49)

Are they entries from this IMC?

IMC Quikie Contest 1:

Timberwolf ~ TurtleBop??

Mae ~ Turtlemix vs. Dr. Mario??

Do these songs exist??

Here's the missing songs list; I also updated them in post #41



















Unknown - The Battle For Corel Prison (3:13)


NoWave - Fortuna (Two minutes of internal bleeding then death) (2:04)

(I have the short version, but not this one. I would like to see this one up)


Dark Paladin - Piano Champion (3:36)

Doragon - Introduction to Focus (3:44)


Clockwork Dolphin - Tru7th and Beauty (3:24)

Blizihizake-Halo-But Pink Armor Rocks (1:29)

djcubez - Pink Skin (2:46)

NoWave - The divine ballet continues... (3:14)


Clockwork Dolphin - Pan Demon Empire (1:55)

Xerol Oplan - Peace and Pandemonium (4:36)

Dark Paladin - Atomic Castle (3:06)

Kyle Nin - Pandemonium Panic (3:32)

For the reworked Songlist originally posted by Timberwolf:


Thanks for the list, if we get these songs up we are done with recollecting the songs.


You're right about some of that... DS was indeed in IMC 7 with that song, i remember it.

I think Space Cowboy's IMC9 song was an entry.

I also never got a chance to enter IMC10 as i didn't have a ton of time, when i could i ran into memory problems with Fruity Loops dropping channels, or giving me corrupted sound. (I ran into this problem with the MegaMan compo as well, i had a good mix going, too.)

Prophecy's IMC 10 WIP "Dark Stand Evolution" was never an official entry, but it might as well have been, it seemed finished to me, and i liked it better than the final. ;)

IMC12's entries are good (Kyle Nin wasn't Kylejcrb, i checked), but Sadorf's Fake song wasn't a real entry. In fact, out of all the non-entry songs, i'd say Sadorf had the most. It took an act of God to get him to start naming his music, and i think he's still leaving off endings when he remixes (though i haven't heard anythig on OCR of his, so maybe not). ;) His IMC6 song was still one of my favs though.

My Quickie Contst entry wasn't saved in the same spot as usual for some reason, and i'm not sure it wasn't on a corrupted drive. It may not have been, but i'm thinking i'd have run across it by now otherwise. I still have 2 more hard drives to finish fixing, so it could be there as well. It may also be possible to replicate it with save files from Fruity Loops itself. As far as Mae's version... hmm. lol. You'll have to ask the Resident Chocobo herself about that one. Something tells me i never actually got that one, but it was also like 4 years ago, and i could've forgotten i DL'd it.

Actually, I didn't enter that contest. I didn't finish my song in time; the song was finished much later (weeks/months later). It's not an IMC song.

Ah.... I suppose time compression took over there, lol. I thought i remembered judging it or at least listening to it a bunch... Maybe i judged it in my head later and that got "saved" as truth.

Well, least it's been corrected by a known source. ;)

I suppose that means that Mae's track, if i can't find my own on these drives, will be the one IMC song that will never be recovered.

Figures it'd be her, lol. That's so like you, Mae!

As far as hosting... i haven't tried my old server program yet, but i'm willing to bet that it won't punch through the DSL router with any success. As i work these drives, i'll know more about this computer's final configuration.

edit: interesting...

:: IronMix Quickie ::

IronMix Quickie is a 30 minute contest I started on the fly in the chat at 10:02 EST on Monday, February 10, 2003.

It's very much a joke contest, but people decided to mix anyway. Let's see what we've got here!

:: Source Song

Treasure Hunter G ~ The Turtle Samurai Appears

:: Remixes (Ranked)

Nex ~ Turtle Mix

Nex decided starts things off nicely by building a funky shuffled dance beat, and later on splices in the effects-laden source. Very dancable; I'll definately be playing this at my next party to get the ladies up and bouncing. VERY SOLID!™

Timberwolf ~ TurtleBop

The IMC-MC submits this little punkish track that deviates from the source slightly. Still, a nice guitar sound and a solid percussion line keeps things moving. VERY ORIGINAL!™

Mae ~ Turtlemix vs. Dr. Mario

Mae churned out this bizarre little mix that opens up with a rooster, and then proceeds to have a cat and a chicken...uhm...sing some song...I'm guessing some music from Dr. Mario, but I'm not really sure. The source is dropped in at random times. Very uhm...avant guard. Bonus points for having a cute female voice sample at the end. VERY CUTE!™

:: Closing Remarks

Well, that's all for the very first (and probably last) IMC Quickie. Remember, nobody here is a loser. These are all pretty good for a half an hour. Till next time!

~DarkeSword, Hardass IMC Judge

Hey, DS's description of Mae's song sounds familiar. I think it was actually from a BEERmix contest.

I'm willing to bet that considering this is Mae we're talking about, it's NOT, but she made more than one song that sounded so rediculous.


Turtlemix vs Dr. Mario was BASED on my BEERmix (Chillin' with Dr. Mario). So, thank you Walan for believing that I might only subject the world to the torture of my cat and chicken duet once. And, I guess thank you Timber, for knowing I'm just not that nice. ;P

Anyway, I'm searching for "turtle" on my computer, assuming that turtle was in the filename. But, I'm willing to bet that the track is long gone, either becuse I didn't want it anymore, and got rid of it, or because I had all of my music on a used hard drive I bought from a friend, and it turns out that everytime I would defrag the drive, it would piece-match different mp3s together. And any of those I could find, I had to delete, since they were no good anymore.

  • 2 weeks later...

I found my Turtlebop mix, and it's still intact.

I haven't run across mae's mix, and i'm not sure i will. I do have "farmer mario" though.

I also have the "Shitty Judge Faggot" mix someone made with "Jim Holland" vs Liontamer on the radio. ;)

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