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which comes out first: prime 3, ssbb, or mario galaxy?

Yeah, that's pretty much the question. That, and when do we start getting release dates. I've got the feeling the next time we'll be seeing another big 1st party title hit shelves is probably July. While people have argued this is because they don't want to flood the market with many 1st party games because the 3rd party titles can't compete, I disagree. I think, for them, it's all gonna come down to sales momentum. Seems to me they'd be able to keep up momentum if they space out their big releases.

I was thinking about getting WarioWare: Smooth Moves, but I heard that it's a disappointment. What do you guys think? Is it worth getting? It's either that or Trama Center.

Both are good (and worth getting IMO). I wouldn't call WarioWare a disappointment, but that's just me.

I was thinking about getting WarioWare: Smooth Moves, but I heard that it's a disappointment. What do you guys think? Is it worth getting? It's either that or Trama Center.

I'd probably rent it first. I'm a huge fan of the series and blew through the game in a day and unlocked everything the next. There aren't as many extras as Touched or Twisted though.

...but I hope Metroid hits first.

man i cant wait for prime 3. i think it's way past time to give us a little bit more info or screens or something. dont get me wrong, i dont want them to ruin it for us, but all we've gotten since E3 is "The controls feel solid and precise," and that, "The graphics have had a huge overhaul since E3 -- vastly better than games like Halo 2". c'mon retro! this game is gonna be so awesome you can afford to give us a little something!


I finally beat MP2 last month, such an awesome game. I think I'm going to replay MP just because I forgot how awesome that game was.

Also, I beat Paper Mario 2 last week just to gear myself up for SPM even though they aren't even the same type of game. I hope the writing in SPM is even better than the writing in PM:TTYD. Ahhhhh, only one week. SUPER PAPER MARIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


From what I've heard, Metroid Prime 3 may come out early next year (just rumor, not a 100% positive on that), Smash Bros. Brawl during the late Summer (August/September), and Mario Galaxy coming in November/December.

Whether that's true or not I don't know. Reggie Fis Aime has been dodging the Metroid Prime 3 release date lately...

From what I've heard, Metroid Prime 3 may come out early next year (just rumor, not a 100% positive on that), Smash Bros. Brawl during the late Summer (August/September), and Mario Galaxy coming in November/December.

Whether that's true or not I don't know. Reggie Fis Aime has been dodging the Metroid Prime 3 release date lately...

Yeah, because it was supposed to be out already. It almost looks like Brawl, Corruption, and Galaxy are all going to hit this holiday season.

As much as I like the idea of waiting until you're completely done with a game to release it, I think Nintendo needs to try and get they're act together about release dates. Spend a little more money, hire a little more staff where the process is slow, and try a little harder to get the game done faster. Because by now I think pretty much everyone online just counts on the real release date as one-two years after it's supposed to be released (Brawl was supposed to be launch, but was moved back very quickly, Corruption was supposed to be launch, but was moved back to March and then dodged from there on, Twilight Princess was supposed to come out fall 2004 and took two extra years... you get the idea).


Brawl is understandably late as Nintendo didn't actually start developing it until after they had announced a release date.

As to hiring extra developers, that's not something you do suddenly but part of slowly growing a company.

And as to delays, I blame sales people's optimism and tactics. Developers are busy developing, not giving estimates-the sales people then try to put the best spin on something and say that the game will be out at a particularly favorable time (oftentimes launch). Then when the game gets done in the spring or summer, they suggest that the game be delayed until an opportune moment (the holidays). Afterall, its highly unlikely that production cycles for games like Gears of War, Zelda and Guitar Hero II just happened to end in time for Christmas--those games could all have been launched months earlier.

When was it said that Brawl was supposed to be at launch?

What I've read from the smashbros website (Sakurai talks about how the game came to be) . When Nintendo unvieled the Wii, Iwata said that Smash Bros was going to be online at launch, but the thing is it was never Brawl. The game was supposed to be Melee with just an online function. Iwata didn't get Sakurai to make Brawl until a few days into E3 and it was thanks to our Zelda man Eji Aonuma who convinced him to make Brawl.


well i dont think its neccesarily a good idea to just hire new developers just to meet the announced release date. honestly if games like twilight princess had come out any earlier, i dont think it would be as good. nintendo needs to just working on setting realistic release dates from the start. and not all set-backs turn out being bad. when MP was in development, they laid off a bunch of their staff and cancelled like 4 other games, some that were far into development. along with the switct to first person everyone thought that game was a big fiasco. a joke. and look how it turned out.

When Nintendo unvieled the Wii, Iwata said that Smash Bros was going to be online at launch, but the thing is it was never Brawl. The game was supposed to be Melee with just an online function. Iwata didn't get Sakurai to make Brawl until a few days into E3 and it was thanks to our Zelda man Eji Aonuma who convinced him to make Brawl.

So... Brawl was never slated for launch. :whatevaa:

i jumped out of my seat when i read that because i thought it siad RE5. lol in my dreams i guess. RE4 for wii sounds cool but it better not be at full price.

That would have been really nice. I'm guessing RE4 will be a full-priced game, but personally I would buy it...ah damn, I gotta say it..."I'll buy it at a high price."

Anyway, yeah, apperantly Capcom does hate us. The concept behind Umbrella Chronicles was really cool, and if they had kept the same basic layout as RE4 I'd imagine the game to be awesome. This doesn't sound like it'll live up to my expectations as a RE game for Wii, nor for an on-rails fps (since I doubt it'd be anywhere as good as Killer7). Anyway, just disappointed with the direction they decided to take it.

...ah damn, I gotta say it..."I'll buy it at a high price."

LMAO hahaha. "wudaya buyin'?" but yeah i guess i'd buy RE4 for wii. i'm sure it'll be worth it. but i'm not really feeling the whole Umbrella Chronicles stuff at all.


Well reading neogaf (that place is great for news) and looking at the scans of RE:UE, the game looks awesome, its crazy, too bad it's on rails, game could still be good though.

Anyways, RE4 Wii should be discount price as it is going to be in Japan. It comes out the end of May in Japan.

Also, I think I might get this. My bro only rented RE4, so now we have a chance to own it and play all the extra stuff from the PS2 version.


Since I'm one of those crazy ones who never played RE4 on GC, paying full price wouldn't be as much of a pain to me. But seeing how it's the same game with a few extra bits tacked on, I'd certainly hope it isn't.

And another.. what was it? Gun Survivor? No thanks. It didn't do so well the first time. And rail shooters, I would imagine, wouldn't be nearly as fun when you're not holding something that looks like an actual gun. Especially when you have an on-screen cursor. You're not aiming, you're pointing. Takes away all the fun.

But, NiGHTS does sound nifty. Air -and- water play, huh? I hope they play on the differences in control response, between the 3 types of air flight(normal, dragon(unaffected by wind) and rocket), and the absolute freedom of underwater. And make it so the weather of the different levels is based on different places around the world, too.


The game has only really been delayed once. It was supposed to come out at the Wii launch, but they delayed it. They never gave a set date after that. Anyways, Retro can take their time with it. Metroid Prime 1 and 2 were freaking awesome and I hope Prime 3 will be even awesomer.

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