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Wow, you can score so much in Strikers Charged compared to Strikers for GC, lol.

Against computers sure. But human V human, the scores are alot lower thanks to the ability to save superstrikes. The gimmicky stuff threw me off a little bit at first, but being able to turn off/on whatever you like for multiplayer makes this game pretty sweet.

EZ, If you liked the original, I think you'll like this one. If not... maybe, but probably not.

How can you hate RIII? WHUT DA HELL'S WRONG WITCHU?! :lol:

Anyway, my thoughts on a number of the Genesis and SNES shmups...

9 Thunder Force III- Genesis

10 Lightning Force- Genesis

9 Steel Empire- Genesis

8 Gaiares- Genesis

9 Axelay- SNES

8 Space Megaforce- SNES

8 Whip Rush- Genesis

7 Vapor Trail- Genesis

8 Wings of Wor- Genesis

8 Super R-Type- SNES

7.5 Air Buster- Genesis

8.5 Elemental Master- Genesis

8 Fire Shark- Genesis

8 Hellfire- Genesis

8 Phelios- Genesis

8 Raiden Trad (Genesis)

8.5 Sub Terrania- Genesis

8.5 Granada- Genesis

7 Bio Metal- SNES

9 M.U.S.H.A.- Genesis

7.5 Sagaia- Genesis

7 Forgotten Worlds- Genesis

8 Biohazard Battle- Genesis

7 Phalanx- SNES

7 Fire Power 2000

8 UN Squadron- SNES

8 Viewpoint- Genesis

And for the ones you played...

8 Gradius III

9 R-Type III: The Third Lightning

5 Thunder Spirits

I just had to go on a tangent here, but what about all shmups period?

A challenge, eh? Well, here's the rest that I can give personal experience "reviews" on for the Genesis and SNES...


6 Arrow Flash

5.5 Battle Squadron

6 Bioship Paladin *

5 Crossfire

8 Curse *

5 Dangerous Seed *

7 Darwin 4081 *

2 Divine Sealing *

9.5 Eliminate Down *

4 Fire Mustang *

9.5 GleyLancer *

6 Grind Stormer

5 Heavy Unit *

6 Insector X

3 Master of Weapons *

7.5 Sagaia +

7.5 Sol-Deace +

8.5 Super Fantasy Zone *

7 Super Space Invaders

7 Task Force Harrier EX +

7.5 Thunder Force II +

6 Trouble Shooter

6 Truxton

8 Twin Cobra +

8 Twin Hawk *

9 Undead Line *

6.5 Vapor Trail

6.5 Verytex *

2 XDR *

8 Zero Wing ** (special note: The PAL version of this one will play just fine on a US system. No Game Genie needed, and famously bad translation included.)


7 Aero Fighters +

6.5 Blazeon

6 Darius Twin

3 Dimension Force

4 Raiden

4 Strike Gunner

6.5 Super Earth Defense Force

5 Super Nova

+= Forgot About

*= Japanese Import

**= European Import

I meant across all consoles :x

Well, what are the chances of Master System, Sega CD, 32X, Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, GBA, GB/GBC, or even N64 shmups (all two or three of them) showing up on the VC? I can't post numbers for the TG-16 ones, as I was never fortunate enough to own that system (though I do play a decent number of the CD ones via Magic Engine, but they're not likely appear on the VC either). NES makes sense (in theory), but listing the rest here would just be a text bomb that doesn't apply to the thread topic, and likely wouldn't be appreciated. But, I'll post some numbers for the NES ones I've played in a bit.


Unless of course you're just being sarcastic.

Nah, that's what I meant about it being off topic :P .

Not really. The Japanese ones have a good shot at appearing in Japan (or some tricky hackers might get some Japan shmups in The States), and the US ones, here. Someone wanted some shmups to play, and I offered very short opinions on ones that I felt would likely arrive (namely, the better ones) if Nintendo does things right and doesn't ignore the genre as the VC library grows. I planned for the future, and gave him a few (dozen) to possibly keep an eye out for :-)

The list isn't bad right now though. Xevious 7, Star Soldier 6, Gradius 8, and Galaga 8 for the NES is a good start, and R-Type III: The Third Lightning 9 and Gradius III 8 for the SNES are good choices as well. Bio-Hazard Battle 8 for the Genesis seems rather lonely given how many came out for the Genesis, and Super Star Soldier, R-Type 8, Soldier Blade, Ordyne, Dead Moon, Blazing Lasers and Air Zonk is a decent assortment of them for the TG-16. Hopefully they'll crank up the Genesis side of the genre soon, as there are a lot of good ones just waiting in the wings... both US and Japanese.

But is it good? I thought about it, but I have my reservations.

I've only played 2 games so far. It's just as good as the first so far. My friend said it's really easy at first, then it gets insanely hard.

I've only played 2 games so far. It's just as good as the first so far. My friend said it's really easy at first, then it gets insanely hard.

insanely hard? you're damn fucking right. I don't know what the fuck I'm missing... but I can't beat the fucking game on NORMAL MODE. 6 HOURS LATER STILL ON THE SAME GOD DAMNED FINAL CUP.

I've already broken a few things. This game.. is ridiculous. Fun with friends.... but honestly WHAT THE FUCK!?!???

I don't remember having this much difficulty ever... EVER before with any other game. I love the challenge and all... but there doesn't seem to be much more I can do. It's just fucking frustrating. Maybe the difficulty is intended for 4 very good human players on the same team. I don't know what the hell else this is all about.

insanely hard? you're damn fucking right. I don't know what the fuck I'm missing... but I can't beat the fucking game on NORMAL MODE. 6 HOURS LATER STILL ON THE SAME GOD DAMNED FINAL CUP.

I've already broken a few things. This game.. is ridiculous. Fun with friends.... but honestly WHAT THE FUCK!?!???

I don't remember having this much difficulty ever... EVER before with any other game. I love the challenge and all... but there doesn't seem to be much more I can do. It's just fucking frustrating. Maybe the difficulty is intended for 4 very good human players on the same team. I don't know what the hell else this is all about.

Damn, lol. I just beat Fire Cup, so that shows how far I am into it.

Damn, lol. I just beat Fire Cup, so that shows how far I am into it.

lol, please let me know when you get to the Striker Cup. Perhaps you'll have some insight as to a strategy of sorts. I swear... as gay as it is... I miss being able to score multiple goals with super strikes in the fire and crystal cup. In one elimination round of Striker Cup... the SOB blocked all 6 of my PERFECTLY TIMED shots. I nearly cried, as you RARELY ever get the time to pull that off... and it lost me the game.

anyway... enjoy! And keep me posted!

while I cool down..... .... ...

Sooo....Strikers worth getting?

Really... if you liked the original, get this one.

Also, if you like getting pissed off over games, get it.

So far it's been ALOT of fun multiplayer.

and ALOT of challenge campaign mode....

Personally I'm more than content having spent 65$ on it.

Edit: wait... was that sarcasm after all of my hate filled comments?


So is this like FZero GX kind of challenging (very difficult, but still very fun), or just impossibly challenging (skill becomes irrelevant because the comps "cheat," so to speak)...?

...but the multiplayer is awesome apparently. hmmmm... perhaps a rent-before-buy?

So is this like FZero GX kind of challenging (very difficult, but still very fun), or just impossibly challenging (skill becomes irrelevant because the comps "cheat," so to speak)...?

...but the multiplayer is awesome apparently. hmmmm... perhaps a rent-before-buy?

Just buy it already. Even if you're a wuss and wind up hating the single-player, the multi-player is totally worth it.


So is anyone else playing Paper Mario on the VC?

I'm trying to beat Kent C. Koopa but for some bloody reason he won't fall over when I put him to sleep. What the hell?


Heh, just beat him last night myself...although I never put him to sleep, I just power bounced him to oblivion and beat him without too much trouble. At any rate I think you're supposed to knock him over, and THEN put him to sleep.

So is anyone else playing Paper Mario on the VC?

I'm trying to beat Kent C. Koopa but for some bloody reason he won't fall over when I put him to sleep. What the hell?

You're farther than I am, so I can't really be of help. Haven't played for about two weeks either (been in the process of moving, finally gonna be in the new place on Sat), but I've greatly enjoyed it so far. It has a great feel. I understand Super Mario RPG is quite different, but still playing this makes me excited for that game to be released on the VC.

So is anyone else playing Paper Mario on the VC?

I'm trying to beat Kent C. Koopa but for some bloody reason he won't fall over when I put him to sleep. What the hell?

Not that far myself.. So far, the only things I don't like about the game, is the lack of witty, 4th-wall humor, and the frequent slowdowns. Including during boss battles(like against General Guy).

I hope Nintendo does something to tweak up their emulator and re-releases the game without the slowdown.

Heh, just beat him last night myself...although I never put him to sleep, I just power bounced him to oblivion and beat him without too much trouble. At any rate I think you're supposed to knock him over, and THEN put him to sleep.

I would ask how exactly I'm supposed to knock him over, but I figured it out (and it can be done after putting him to sleep): just a good ol' bounce with the action command will do the trick. I kept using my hammer because it's strong enough to actually damage him through all his normal defenses. Silly me, remembering to put him to sleep but not to bounce him onto his back.

Now I've just got to beat the final form of The Master; the rest of the game is a piece of cake.


So hey, I spend 2.5 hours on the twilight palace dungeon in Zelda, including an hour looking for the Big Key since its in the most random, out of the way place ever, get to the end, kill the boss after a long fight, collect the heart piece, then go to the warp portal. I wasn't paying attention and hit "No" when the "would you like to warp" dialouge comes up, and instead of just leaving me there like it should be, it has Link walk out in a cutscene, only that there are stairs there and he can't get past them in the cutscene, so the cutscene is forever looped, you can't skip it, and the only thing to do is reset and guess what, do the entire dungeon again.

Man F that, this game will sit on the shelf for a few weeks because of that. Gay.

So hey, I spend 2.5 hours on the twilight palace dungeon in Zelda, including an hour looking for the Big Key since its in the most random, out of the way place ever, get to the end, kill the boss after a long fight, collect the heart piece, then go to the warp portal. I wasn't paying attention and hit "No" when the "would you like to warp" dialouge comes up, and instead of just leaving me there like it should be, it has Link walk out in a cutscene, only that there are stairs there and he can't get past them in the cutscene, so the cutscene is forever looped, you can't skip it, and the only thing to do is reset and guess what, do the entire dungeon again.

Man F that, this game will sit on the shelf for a few weeks because of that. Gay.

Wow, I've never heard of this one...I'm going to have to try it just to see it.


North American Virtual Console releases today:

Adventures of Lolo (NES) - What is it with HAL and single color spherical characters?

Galaga '90 (T16) - Combine the two common elements of the VC, really old games and Turbografx 16 shmups

Wave Race 64 (N64) - In case Mario Kart 64 has worn out its welcome, now you can race on water

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