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I undestand this but I'm checking to see if anyone either plays period, or bothered with the 360 release.

There was a 360 release? whoa.


i played on ps2 back in the day, and then started again with the 360 release but gave up shortly after when i noticed the economy sucked.. i'm not paying 50k for some damn lizard gear. Was on seraph fyi


I picked it up again when I got my 360 for Xmas. I'm on Alexander, level 11 MNK (had to start over because Square couldn't recover my character from two years ago).

I even made a thread about starting an OCR linkshell in Unmod, but nobody wanted to play.

But to answer your question, yes, I still play.


I play on Hades, and yes, there was a 360 release, and supposedly it greatly added to the graphics. Yes, you can breed chocobos, mine is about to be ready to be ridden.

And I'd list my levels but I hop about so much it wouldn't be worth the trouble. I might take a screen later. If anyone wants to play (on the server I'm on), I could probably foot the bill for a world pass (probably).


2 guys I go to school with play FFXI obsessively, 1 of them plays way more than the other, though. They play on PC, PS2 and XBOX360. That's dedication right there

It's funny because they talk about how great FFXI is, and how they'd never play WoW because "it sucks so bad."

"Wait, so if you start out as a warrior, you have to be a warrior forever? THAT IS CRAP, MAN! See? That's why WoW sucks!"

When really all I have to say is "How's that FFXI PvP?" and they'd be pretty owned.

They also said it's "Too easy to level" in WoW. That getting level 75 in FFXI takes way long than getting 60 in WoW...and I don't see how that's a GOOD THING, but whateva.

Whatever gets the job done for them.

Hey, Edgar plays on Hades:

Character Name(s): Gippal and Atoss

Server: Hades

Jobs: RDM 75, BLM 75, NIN 75, WAR 75, MNK 75

RNG 70, PLD 60, DRK 60, BRD 60, BST 60

(All others are 37+)

Rank: 10 Windy 10 Sandy 7 Bastok (On both characters)

ZM: 17 (On both)

CoP: 6-4 (On both)

ToA: 25 (On both)

Assault Rank: (Superior Private on Both)

Skills: Cooking 60 Alchemy 91


Eh, I've played WoW for a short time and it didn't keep my attention as long as XI. Perhaps it's just the Square fanboy in me, but I just didn't enjoy WoW's atmosphere at all. Plus I like the experience loss a whole lot better than whatever the hell it was that the WoW death thing was called. Actually gives you a pretty good incentive NOT to die, and NOT to party with a bunch of idiots.

And I don't know what you're talking about, the PvP is pretty boss. I've watched several Ballista matches from my chocobo and they look pretty hardcore. Plus the inclusion of Besieged with the Treasures of Aht Urghan expansion. And an entirely new mode that came out recently that I haven't read an awful lot about.

EDIT: also people who have multiple characters for muling suck

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