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Sad thing is, it's probably the site's fault but everybody's gonna make fun of the girl for it. A friend of mine was mentioned in a newspaper article once, and when they interviewed him he listed Cryptography as one of his interests. When the article came out, it said he liked "reading the barcodes on products in stores."

Sad thing is, it's probably the site's fault but everybody's gonna make fun of the girl for it. A friend of mine was mentioned in a newspaper article once, and when they interviewed him he listed Cryptography as one of his interests. When the article came out, it said he liked "reading the barcodes on products in stores."

Do I hear a court case for defamation?

Seriously, how the hell does that translate? Did some twit not know what cryptography meant?

Arek: Awww but why not? We want to be accepted and treated normally so we should separate ourselves and call attention to our differences right?

The more pressing question is why one was on the website for Survivor?

You seem quite curious. Honest answer is I stole this thread from another message board whose members apparently browse that kind of stuff. >.>


Mac.. the pressing question is why were you watching tennis? =P

Yeurgh... Why are some people so freaking stupid though?

(Also: I went to a LAN party last week; my mum referred to it as a 'landline party' ...)

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