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It's a rather sad story no? A woman died of water intoxication while trying to score a Wii for her kids in a radio contest.

I think that on top of any lawsuit, the Radio Station should give her family a Wii as a symbolic gesture. It's a silly thing to give your life for, but that's what she ended up doing--it would be sad to see one of her last wishes not held up.


That really, really sucks. :(

Really retarded contest btw. I'm a bit disappointed that the article didn't focus a bit more on the radio station and whether or not they've done contests like this in the past.

You know what makes that more sad? Stupid shit like this always goes down in central California, and this just makes us look worse.

For the record, the only real central californian station anyone should listen to, is 98.5. The rest do these stupid contests all the fucking time.

107.9.... ugh. Apparently, the stupidity runs deeper than their choice of music.


How could the radio station even hold this contest without knowing the consequences? People will do anything especially in this case. The woman also could have avoided it but it's a chance of making her kids happy.

All in all the story is extremely depressing and will probably be in the news for a while.


Damn it, after nearly a year of lurking, I'm forced to come back into activity.

You can't get toxicated by your urine because it's sterile, and surely she'd wash her hands none-the-less, sounds like a hoax to me.


Wait, ignore that, I read it wrong. Silly woman.

(Goes back into hiding)

Damn it, after nearly a year of lurking, I'm forced to come back into activity.

You can't get toxicated by your urine because it's sterile, and surely she'd wash her hands none-the-less, sounds like a hoax to me.

Huh? You mean her condition? It's called Water Intoxication. It's much more common in athletes who drink too much water and sweat too much. She diluted the sodium in her body too much and so her internal organs started to swell. It's a really nasty way to die, and very serious.


An unnecessary, painful death caused by on overdose water... That just sucks. So, video game consoles apparently have the ability to make people murder their infant child (the xbox incident) and commit suicide. Soon, fanboys will, literally, be at each other's throats in what will soon be the real Console War. Stay tuned


It's not good that someone would put another person in a position in which they could get water poisoning, but at the same time, one needs to take care of themselves and make sure it doesn't happen.


Although this is a very unfortunate circumstance for the woman and her family, I am somewhat glad that most places covering this story aren't treating it like the situation where the young boy electrocuted himself. In both circumstances the gaming system had little responsibility for the outcome, so it's nice to see it's not getting the blame this time.

Very tragic though.

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