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  The Womb said:
Hey I was wondering if anybody could do me a favour, a while ago I rented Tales of Vesperia and me and my friends got fairly addicted to it (thus resulting in a prompt re-rental so we could finish it off), can anyone think of any other local multiplayer rpgs for the xbox 360 that are acctually half decent?

I thought Eternal Sonata was good, and it has local multiplay, although it's not quite as good as ToV, it's still fun.

  Maco70 said:
Was that actually the red ring though?

I've talked to several people who were freaking out because they claimed to have the red ring, but it ended up being loose wires, or the hard drive wasn't connected properly.

One friend of mine had a hard drive failure. The system still worked fine, just the drive pooped.

A lot of the RROD shenanigans is just people being over dramatic I say.

if you knew your xboxes you'd know there are tons of Red Rings. :) The RRoD is the one where every "area" on the xbox button is red except the upper right which isn't lit.

Other red rings mean other errors including, but not limited to: no video output, faulty wire or such...

  Another Soundscape said:
if you knew your xboxes you'd know there are tons of Red Rings. :) The RRoD is the one where every "area" on the xbox button is red except the upper right which isn't lit.

Other red rings mean other errors including, but not limited to: no video output, faulty wire or such...

I knew that; I was commenting that others don't.

  Audix said:
Have an opportunity to buy a X360 20 gb, with 7 games, 2 wireless controllers, and Guitar Hero controller for $300. Seems like a pretty decent deal. It's already been sent in to fix the RROD once, so I assume it'd be a safe assumption to assume it won't happen again?

It's probably just as likely to do it again as the first one. MS is only recently rolling out the newest hardware revision that should just about eliminate the problem. $300 is pretty good if those 7 games are good games. But you can get a 360 arcade for $199 and MS will sell you a refurb 20gb drive (they don't ever have problems, so refurb is fine) for $20.

  Malaki-LEGEND.sys said:
There's really only one that I've seen thus far in my 10 or so hours of gameplay, and that has to do with graphical issues. Yes, they're there. I don't blame the designers of the game(although make no mistake they have a part of it) as much as I blame the Unreal Engine for sucking in general, and only the people at Epic games have the power to make it not suck. I have the game installed to my HDD as was recommended to me, so I can't really comment on how it is without the install(which is about 6 gigs per disc), but while there's definitely some framerate issues and texture popping, it's not as unbearable as the media would make it seem...

The Unreal Engine is can be pretty bad if not used right, but dont say EPIC is the only ones who can make it work. Rainbow Six Vega 2 runs on Unreal and looks about 50-60% better than TLR. As for the actual game (not the install) it has a few framerate problems as soon as it switches from the load screen to the combat portion, but after that its all been gravy.

I dont recall seeing any press on this game though, which is weird considering its a Square Enix game. *shrug* maybe i just wasnt paying attention!

  Enigma said:
I dont recall seeing any press on this game though, which is weird considering its a Square Enix game. *shrug* maybe i just wasnt paying attention!

Which is why I put the word out on the forums so that more people will be aware of otherwise great games that go on forgotten.

Also, if that 360 you're buying is refurbed, i think it has a high success rate. My first one(didn't RRoD, I just sold it to my little cousin so I could upgrade) was a refurbed one and had been through a pretty nasty water leak in which the bottom was actually submerged, a fall, a few airplane trips and more than a year later is still working perfectly.

Take that as you will.


Thanks for the info! I received more details of what the deal entails. Here's what I'll get for my $300:

X360 20gb

Test Drive Unlimited

Midnight Club: Lost Angeles

Tom Clancy: Ghost Recon 2

Guitar Hero w/ controller


Forza 2

NFS Carbon

Call of Duty something or other

2 wireless controllers w/ chargers (?)

Is 20gb going to be large enough for comfortably saving replays, save files, and perhaps (in the future) game demos? I'm not going to be using it for videos or music or anything like that.

Overall, seems like a good deal.


Guitar Hero 2 is great, I feel Guitar Hero 3 is relatively lacking and just feels unpolished. As long as it isn't CoD3, you should be fine.

Those other games are pretty ass though.

20 gigs would give you 13 gigs free, and it would be enough for some XBLA games, demos and videos, but if you want to put games in that thing and high def vids, you're gonna need to up it to 60 at least.


IMO it's stupid to install your games. I've tried it myself and there has been NO noticeable drop in load times at all. A waste of space. The only benefit is not having to switch the game discs or listen to the noise of the disc spinning, but those are really minor.

  zircon said:
IMO it's stupid to install your games. I've tried it myself and there has been NO noticeable drop in load times at all. A waste of space. The only benefit is not having to switch the game discs or listen to the noise of the disc spinning, but those are really minor.

I've noticed a small decrease in load times, and as most have said, I kind of don't like my game system to sound like the flight prep of an F-16 on the tarmac. It also lowers the wear and tear on the disc drive.

  Audix said:

Is 20gb going to be large enough for comfortably saving replays, save files, and perhaps (in the future) game demos? I'm not going to be using it for videos or music or anything like that.

Overall, seems like a good deal.

20GB = 13.6 or something like that in real numbers. It's not a whole lot once you have stuff installed, but it's enough to store a bunch of demos (I've never come close to filling it up, but then I don't keep demos for TOO long).

Eventually I will upgrade to the 120GB 2.5 drive you can flash to have the 360 bios for like $40, as opposed to MS's overpriced drives.

  Another Soundscape said:
It's okay, I still love you. Also I forgot it was new years eve and shit so Ikaruga will have to wait a while ;P sorry

Yeah, what was up with that?

I didn't expect Ikagura of all games to be unplayable online.

I was disappointed.

  zircon said:
IMO it's stupid to install your games. I've tried it myself and there has been NO noticeable drop in load times at all. A waste of space. The only benefit is not having to switch the game discs or listen to the noise of the disc spinning, but those are really minor.

I was amused by the message that appeared on Halo 3 to this effect when I first installed the new dashboard. It basically said that the game is designed to be played from a disc, not a hard drive, so loading it on a hard drive will actually decrease performance. The exact wording was something to the effect of "you'll use up a bunch of space on your hard drive, your game will load slower and be more laggy, and your friends will make fun of you."

Call me cynical, but it seems to me that the "load games onto your hard drive" thing is a gimmick to sell bigger hard drives. It's pretty damn pointless in most cases.

  zircon said:
IMO it's stupid to install your games. I've tried it myself and there has been NO noticeable drop in load times at all. A waste of space. The only benefit is not having to switch the game discs or listen to the noise of the disc spinning, but those are really minor.

IMO you're stupid :'( some games really benefit from this and the loading times get shorter. Also, the noise issue could be a good reason if you're playing late at night or listening to music or something. My point is: it's not stupid, it's a good option to have for games you play alot!

  Maco70 said:
Yeah, what was up with that?

I didn't expect Ikagura of all games to be unplayable online.

I was disappointed.

Same here. Though my wi-fi connection is pretty unstable so it might've been me too.. At least I took down the first boss :<


I have an interesting predicament. While I'm playing a DVD on my 360, the volume is relatively low on what I'd call a normal setting for watching a downloaded video or playing a game. This didn't happen on the last TV I used my 360 with(although that was a whole other 360 ago), although it seems strange that only DVD playback would be affected. Any ideas?

  Malaki-LEGEND.sys said:
I have an interesting predicament. While I'm playing a DVD on my 360, the volume is relatively low on what I'd call a normal setting for watching a downloaded video or playing a game. This didn't happen on the last TV I used my 360 with(although that was a whole other 360 ago), although it seems strange that only DVD playback would be affected. Any ideas?

That's always been the case with DVDs on my 360. The volume difference is HUGE. Haven't thought much about it since I just turn up the volume ;)

  Audix said:
Thanks for the info! I received more details of what the deal entails. Here's what I'll get for my $300:

X360 20gb

Test Drive Unlimited

Midnight Club: Lost Angeles

Tom Clancy: Ghost Recon 2

Guitar Hero w/ controller


Forza 2

NFS Carbon

Call of Duty something or other

2 wireless controllers w/ chargers (?)

Is 20gb going to be large enough for comfortably saving replays, save files, and perhaps (in the future) game demos? I'm not going to be using it for videos or music or anything like that.

Overall, seems like a good deal.

Midnight Club and GTA are the only games that are still worth any money. If you're interested in those games, I'd say probably go for it, but if you don't care about those, it may be a safer bet to just spend $300 on an equivalent new xbox (60 gb with the new chip that likely won't RRoD), and buy the games you DO want to play.

20 gb is perfectly fine for game saves, lots of XBLA games, and around 5 demos. My 20gb is mostly full because I have like 8 gb of rock band songs on it.

  sgx said:
Midnight Club and GTA are the only games that are still worth any money. If you're interested in those games, I'd say probably go for it, but if you don't care about those, it may be a safer bet to just spend $300 on an equivalent new xbox (60 gb with the new chip that likely won't RRoD), and buy the games you DO want to play.

20 gb is perfectly fine for game saves, lots of XBLA games, and around 5 demos. My 20gb is mostly full because I have like 8 gb of rock band songs on it.

QFE, everything this man said here is absolute truth.

I kinda wish I had 60GB though since I'd love to play some games from the HDD.

  Audix said:
Thanks for the info! I received more details of what the deal entails. Here's what I'll get for my $300:

X360 20gb

Test Drive Unlimited

Midnight Club: Lost Angeles

Tom Clancy: Ghost Recon 2

Guitar Hero w/ controller


Forza 2

NFS Carbon

Call of Duty something or other

2 wireless controllers w/ chargers (?)

Is 20gb going to be large enough for comfortably saving replays, save files, and perhaps (in the future) game demos? I'm not going to be using it for videos or music or anything like that.

Overall, seems like a good deal.

i enjoyed nfs carbon, all the cod games, and midnight club. it's a lot of racing, though, and that's not really the 360's strength.

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