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So basically all you want is a more powerful Wii?

Honestly, I don't think you'll say what you said above if you get a chance to play a 360 game in HD. Remember when the shift from 2D gamign to 3D gaming first happened, and everyone's jaw hit the floor because of the graphical upgrade? That's what I felt when I plugged my Xbox into my new LCD HD set the other day.

I still don't think that HD is that big of a deal, although I do <3 the 360 much.

That said, you should be considering the 360 for fun kwarp, not for innovation necessarily. The 360 delivers well on the fun factor almost regardless of what your preferences are - they got the sports titles, western RPGs (and the upcoming Blue Dragon, an eastern RPG), FPSs, TPS (Third Person Shooters, tactical and otherwise), and some good XBLA games.

Hey guys, now that the 360 has been out a while and a few games catch my interest, I thinking about picking one up. I'll be blunt: I see the console's processing power as a shallow gimmick (online is what appeals to me mostly). I understand processing power creates higher-quality graphics and physics which is nice, but "more of the same but only better" isn't quite what I'm after. I guess what I'm asking is if anyone's played a 360 game that uses processing power in an innovative way, something that delivers a fresh new gaming experience.

If you're looking for something innovative and new, don't buy a 360. I'll catch a lot of heat for saying that, but I've been absurdly disappointed in mine.

The majority of the games are overpriced and bring nothing new to the table. It's all graphics flash, pumped up into HD resolution, which is great (I have a 50" plasma flat-screen), but entirely unnecessary. Whenever I hit up a game store, I pretty much stare at the 360 section for a while before walking away to pick up a new PS2 or DS game because the system is inundated with shooters and sports titles. It has no non-shooter action or adventure, and very few RPGs. If you like shooting stuff, you'll probably never get tired of it, but right now the system sits around, unplayed.

It bleeds into the online, too. Pretty much every game with online multiplayer is a shooter. So, again, if you like shooting stuff, hooray! Otherwise, meh.

It has no non-shooter action or adventure,

Kameo says hi. Overlord says hi. Phantasy Star Universe says hi. Rayman Raving Rabbids, Viva Pinata, and Tenchu Z all say hi.

Project Sylpheed is a space-flight game a la Wing Commander, don't know if you consider that a shooter or not. Same for Ace Combat 6.

Then don't forget Rock Band, Guitar Hero 2 and 3, Assassin's Creed, Banjo Three(ie), Virtua Fighter 5, and Too Human all coming out in the near future.

I understand that a lot of games on the 360 are shooters. but a lot aren't. Plus there's the Xbox Live Arcade, which has NO shooters, and lots of original games (Eets: Chowdown, Cloning Clyde, Outpost Kaloki X, Prince of Persia Classic, Catan, Carcassonne, Lumines Live, Worms, Talisman, Puzzle Fighter 2 HD, Street Fighter 2 HD, Boom Boom Rocket, and much more).

and very few RPGs.

Actually, if you're an RPG fan, the 360 is THE console to own this year. Blue Dragon comes out in August, Eternal Sonata (Trusty Bell in Japan) in September, and Lost Odyssey in December. Those are the three biggest epic RPGs of 2007, and they're all on the Xbox 360.

Then you have Oblivion, Two Worlds, Enchanted Arms, and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance already out.

To say you have no interest in any of the games I've named in this post means the Xbox 360 just isn't for you. But I can't see how anyone wouldn't be excited for at least ONE of those titles.

Kameo says hi. Overlord says hi. Phantasy Star Universe says hi. Rayman Raving Rabbids, Viva Pinata, and Tenchu Z all say hi.

Project Sylpheed is a space-flight game a la Wing Commander, don't know if you consider that a shooter or not. Same for Ace Combat 6.

Then don't forget Rock Band, Guitar Hero 2 and 3, Assassin's Creed, Banjo Three(ie), Virtua Fighter 5, and Too Human all coming out in the near future.

I understand that a lot of games on the 360 are shooters. but a lot aren't. Plus there's the Xbox Live Arcade, which has NO shooters, and lots of original games (Eets: Chowdown, Cloning Clyde, Outpost Kaloki X, Prince of Persia Classic, Catan, Carcassonne, Lumines Live, Worms, Talisman, Puzzle Fighter 2 HD, Street Fighter 2 HD, Boom Boom Rocket, and much more).

Actually, if you're an RPG fan, the 360 is THE console to own this year. Blue Dragon comes out in August, Eternal Sonata (Trusty Bell in Japan) in September, and Lost Odyssey in December. Those are the three biggest epic RPGs of 2007, and they're all on the Xbox 360.

Then you have Oblivion, Two Worlds, Enchanted Arms, and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance already out.

To say you have no interest in any of the games I've named in this post means the Xbox 360 just isn't for you. But I can't see how anyone wouldn't be excited for at least ONE of those titles.

A great deal of that stuff hasn't been released yet. Of the stuff out, there's a woeful shortage of games I like. I had a huge response typed out, but I really don't want to start a flame war in the middle of the thread.

I'll just say this: Your list would make me buy a XB360 if it was 2008, but it isn't and there's a lot of "upcoming" in that post that may turn out to be duds.

Not to mention that the person I responded to wanted to know if there were innovative things coming out for 360. Most of the games you listed are nothing new. For instance, I'm still convinced Assassin's Creed is going to be Prince of Persia 3.5.

2008 sounds good then. I'll hold out and see how Banjo-Threeie fares.

There hasn't been a groundbreaking Mario platformer released in the interim for Rare to copy. Banjo 3 is going to suck.


Few games I'm looking forward to are Devil May Cry 4 (barely insterested in) Resident Evil 5, Silent Hill 5, Too Human and the SF2 remake. Games I'm not exactly sure that are coming out on XB360 but still looking forward to are Soul Calibur 4, Virtua Fighter 5 and Tekken 6 (also barely interested in).

Might not seem like much, but it's what I look forward to for the system... that and also having a high-speed connect of my own to play it online. Speaking of which, my tag is Twardzimus. I'll be on the look out for ya's.

Games I'm not exactly sure that are coming out on XB360 but still looking forward to are Soul Calibur 4, Virtua Fighter 5 and Tekken 6 (also barely interested in).

All three are coming to 360 (except I'm not sure about Tekken, but knowing Namco's love of the Microsoft box, I wouldn't doubt it). The other two have been confirmed already.

There hasn't been a groundbreaking Mario platformer released in the interim for Rare to copy. Banjo 3 is going to suck.

Nice try.

Still wishing they had called the GBA racing game Banjo Kazoomie..

There hasn't been a groundbreaking Mario platformer released in the interim for Rare to copy. Banjo 3 is going to suck.

You have to admit, by platforming standards Banjo-Tooie wasn't horrible.

The graphics were pretty good by N64 standards.


Er, I doubt tekken 6 will leave Sony exclusivity unless the PS3 goes WAY downhill. It's always been the PlayStation flagship fighter. You're right that the others are confirmed though.

As for Banjo 3, if Kameo was anything to go by, Rare havent lost their touch quite yet.


yeah mine broke about 6 months ago around 3 weeks after warranty ran out so I finally got around to calling them and its only costing 170 Canadian to get it fixed which isn't bad considering how much it was supposed to cost to repair my old ps2 a few years back

Theirs good and bad to it though the bad is that it's refurbished which I Guess isn't that bad

The good news is a get a fresh one year warranty

yeah mine broke about 6 months ago around 3 weeks after warranty ran out so I finally got around to calling them and its only costing 170 Canadian to get it fixed which isn't bad considering how much it was supposed to cost to repair my old ps2 a few years back

Theirs good and bad to it though the bad is that it's refurbished which I Guess isn't that bad

The good news is a get a fresh one year warranty

I don't think you do get a fresh warranty for refurbs, unless they've changed that policy due to complaints.


The Elites and the newer normal models have a 65nm processor, which reduces heat by a lot. The old 90nm 360s are fucking volcanoes. Its amazing how hot they get.

I don't think you do get a fresh warranty for refurbs, unless they've changed that policy due to complaints.

Maybe it's different up here in ye old Canada but they told me I get a fresh new one year warranty maybe cause mine had already run out?

The Elites and the newer normal models have a 65nm processor, which reduces heat by a lot. The old 90nm 360s are fucking volcanoes. Its amazing how hot they get.

No they don't. People thought the Elites would have the new chip, but they don't. The new chip is not out yet.

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